DRUDGE today!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
These are among the dozen or so top stories over at DRUDGE today..........who apparently is up around 30 million visits/day these days.

Dems Breaking With Obama's Economic Plan...

TIME: 'Obama's Army' all but disbanded; will have no effect on mid-terms...

THRILL IS GONE: Students recruited to fill seats for Obama's appearance...

NEW LOW: Obama Approval at 41%...

Obama Has Added More to National Debt Than Washington Thru Reagan -- COMBINED

Economists cut growth forecast again...

Treasuries Tumble Following Weak 30-Year Sale...-

IDK........I tuned in to the "Countdown" show with Keith Olbermann last night and he was saying that the polls are actually showing Democrats and Republicans dead even. But Im not seeing much of any good news these days if you're a Democrat.....and I mean anywhere.

Anybody else seeing good news if you're a Democrat??? Im thinking maybe the best news for Democrats right now is this k00k down in Florida about to burn the Koran........taking up alot of air time on the networks, which of course is no coincidence I guess. But it does get the onus off the other news of the day...........
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I read that they were even paying some college students to attend his appearance. Gee Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin don't seem to have that problem huh? Paying people to attend your appearances is not a good sign of things to come. I think this guy definitely peaked way too early. Looks like it's all downhill for him from now on.

"After several days of deliberation and discussion, I have determined that suspending Keith through and including Monday night's program is an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy. We look forward to having him back on the air Tuesday night," MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement Sunday night."

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The "Making up Jobs Numbers" thing is something i've been saying for a long time. There is absolutely no way Unemployment has stayed at 9.6%. They are simply lying. The real Unemployment Numbers are much much higher. It's all just one big Hopey Changey Scam at this point. :(
Olbermann is part right, Democrats are dead

No they're not, any more than the GOP were in '08. If they're smart, they'll abandon their far left shit and start being real Democrats, with real Liberalism at it's core. Let's just see if they are smart.

"After several days of deliberation and discussion, I have determined that suspending Keith through and including Monday night's program is an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy. We look forward to having him back on the air Tuesday night," MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement Sunday night."


Well oh happy day.... somewhere there are five people who will now have something to watch.
Olbermann is part right, Democrats are dead

No they're not, any more than the GOP were in '08. If they're smart, they'll abandon their far left shit and start being real Democrats, with real Liberalism at it's core. Let's just see if they are smart.

Good point but "Real Liberalism" is now officially dead in the Democratic Party. It's all about the radical Socialist/Progressive agenda now. Many still confuse real Liberalism with Socialism. They really are very different. Good to see someone else understanding this. :)
Man,Juan Williams gets fired but Olberboy keeps his gig? Socialists/Progressives are a very dishonest & hypocritical bunch. Am i the only one who sees this? SHEESH! :(
The same Olberman who threw a tantrum over ketchup packets? That Olberman..???
You must be thinkin' of.....


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I don't think Olberboy or Juan Williams should have been fired. I actually still believe in Free Speech. Socialists/Progressives clearly don't. They fire Juan Williams but keep Olberboy? So they're also a bunch of dishonest slimy hypocrites too.
Olbermann is part right, Democrats are dead

No they're not, any more than the GOP were in '08. If they're smart, they'll abandon their far left shit and start being real Democrats, with real Liberalism at it's core. Let's just see if they are smart.

Good point but "Real Liberalism" is now officially dead in the Democratic Party. It's all about the radical Socialist/Progressive agenda now. Many still confuse real Liberalism with Socialism. They really are very different. Good to see someone else understanding this. :)

Which was precisely my point. The GOP needed to change to return to its core principles. We will wait and see if they do that. The Democrats need to do likewise, get rid of the progressives and return to their Liberal values. Hell, I might even vote for them if they do that. We will see if they are smart enough to realize that most Americans do not want progressivism masquerading as liberalism. We want liberalism.
I don't think Olberboy or Juan Williams should have been fired. I actually still believe in Free Speech. Socialists/Progressives clearly don't. They fire Juan Williams but keep Olberboy? So they're also a bunch of dishonest slimy hypocrites too.

Hey stupid, do you know the reason that Olberman was suspended?

It was for donating money to Democratic candidates. And.........because he's a commentator he can legally do that, the problem came in when Keith was tapped for an anchor position on the night of the election.

Only trouble is, he'd done the donations BEFORE he was put in the anchor position, when he was still legal to do so as a commentator.

It wasn't Olberman that fucked up, it was the executive that placed him in that position.

And.......FWIW, Juan Williams was spewing racist and bigoted bullshit, not making campaign donations.
I don't think Olberboy or Juan Williams should have been fired. I actually still believe in Free Speech. Socialists/Progressives clearly don't. They fire Juan Williams but keep Olberboy? So they're also a bunch of dishonest slimy hypocrites too.

Hey stupid, do you know the reason that Olberman was suspended?

It was for donating money to Democratic candidates. And.........because he's a commentator he can legally do that, the problem came in when Keith was tapped for an anchor position on the night of the election.

Only trouble is, he'd done the donations BEFORE he was put in the anchor position, when he was still legal to do so as a commentator.

It wasn't Olberman that fucked up, it was the executive that placed him in that position.

And.......FWIW, Juan Williams was spewing racist and bigoted bullshit, not making campaign donations.

I think i already stated that i didn't think Juan Williams or Olberboy should have been fired. I still actually fully support Free Speech unlike Socialists/Progressives. I was merely pointing out that the Socialists/Progressives had no problem firing Juan Williams while keeping Olberboy. I don't think Juan Williams was being racist at all. I think there were other reasons for firing him. The number one reason being that he worked for Fox News. Also,Soros' recent Million Dollar contribution to NPR played a big role in his firing. So Socialists/Progressives not only don't support Free Speech but are also dishonest hypocrites. Hey that's how i see it anyway.
Wrong answer A Pack of Lips Howling........Williams was fired for being a bigoted asshole.

No, Olberman shouldn't have been suspended, he did nothing wrong, the executive did.

Juan Williams was telling everyone they should be scared of Muslims, because they're terrorists.

See the difference? Probably not, because you don't even have 2 synapses to rub together.

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