Drudge tax ,Tired of these kooks yet?


Jul 14, 2009
In other words, government policy would encourage a tax on websites like the Drudge Report, a must-read source for the news links of the day, so that the agency can redistribute the funds collected to various newspapers. Such a tax would hit other news aggregators, such as Digg, Fark and Reddit, which not only gather links, but provide a forum for a lively and entertaining discussion of the issues raised by the stories. Fostering a robust public-policy debate, not saving a particular business model, should be the goal of journalism in the first place.

The report also discusses the possibility of offering tax exemptions to news organizations, establishing an AmeriCorps for reporters and creating a national fund for local news organizations. The money for those benefits would come from a suite of new taxes.

A 5 percent tax on consumer electronic devices such as iPads, Kindles and laptops that let consumers read the news could be used to encourage people to keep reading the dead-tree version of the news. Other taxes might be levied on the radio and television spectrum, advertising and cell phones.

The conflict of interest in having the government pay or contribute to a newsman's salary could not be more obvious.

Reporters and columnists would have little incentive to offer critical analyses of tax increases that might mean a boost in the pocketbook. Once Congress has the power to fund the news, it can at any time attach "strings" designed to promote certain viewpoints - in the name of fairness, of course

EDITORIAL: FTC floats Drudge tax - Washington Times
I'm not tired yet. I find such fantasy the kooks comprising the Washingtoin Times editorial staff make up to be rather humorous.
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In other words, government policy would encourage a tax on websites like the Drudge Report, a must-read source for the news links of the day, so that the agency can redistribute the funds collected to various newspapers. Such a tax would hit other news aggregators, such as Digg, Fark and Reddit, which not only gather links, but provide a forum for a lively and entertaining discussion of the issues raised by the stories. Fostering a robust public-policy debate, not saving a particular business model, should be the goal of journalism in the first place.

The report also discusses the possibility of offering tax exemptions to news organizations, establishing an AmeriCorps for reporters and creating a national fund for local news organizations. The money for those benefits would come from a suite of new taxes.

Well, I did get a chuckle from the assertion that Drudge is "must-read" material!

As for a proposed tax exempt status, I'm agin it! I'm against tax exempt status for churches and all social service organizations as well. Why? Because everybody has their own ax to grind and I don't want to support any of their endeavors with my tax dollars. I'm free to give what and to whom I choose...as it should be.

As for the real issue here, the state of journalism today, only those old enough to remember news a few decades back have any idea of just how it has deteriorated into the same sound bites regurgitated each night by all mainstream media, delivered by air heads whose sole qualifications for the job are being photogenic and able to read on air. Last year, a poll revealed that the public found Jon Stewart (of Comedy Central's Daily Show) to be the most trust worthy TV journalist. Dang! Just what does it say about our culture that a half hour of chuckles gets the vote here? Well, I wrote about this a few months ago. I'll post it in the blog section of this forum.
In other words, government policy would encourage a tax on websites like the Drudge Report, a must-read source for the news links of the day, so that the agency can redistribute the funds collected to various newspapers. Such a tax would hit other news aggregators, such as Digg, Fark and Reddit, which not only gather links, but provide a forum for a lively and entertaining discussion of the issues raised by the stories. Fostering a robust public-policy debate, not saving a particular business model, should be the goal of journalism in the first place.

The report also discusses the possibility of offering tax exemptions to news organizations, establishing an AmeriCorps for reporters and creating a national fund for local news organizations. The money for those benefits would come from a suite of new taxes.

Well, I did get a chuckle from the assertion that Drudge is "must-read" material!

As for a proposed tax exempt status, I'm agin it! I'm against tax exempt status for churches and all social service organizations as well. Why? Because everybody has their own ax to grind and I don't want to support any of their endeavors with my tax dollars. I'm free to give what and to whom I choose...as it should be.

As for the real issue here, the state of journalism today, only those old enough to remember news a few decades back have any idea of just how it has deteriorated into the same sound bites regurgitated each night by all mainstream media, delivered by air heads whose sole qualifications for the job are being photogenic and able to read on air. Last year, a poll revealed that the public found Jon Stewart (of Comedy Central's Daily Show) to be the most trust worthy TV journalist. Dang! Just what does it say about our culture that a half hour of chuckles gets the vote here? Well, I wrote about this a few months ago. I'll post it in the blog section of this forum.

Verifies what I have thought for years. The average American is an idiot. So the question now becomes has the news dumbed down Americans or has the news been dumbed down FOR Americans? I suspect the latter.
In other words, government policy would encourage a tax on websites like the Drudge Report, a must-read source for the news links of the day, so that the agency can redistribute the funds collected to various newspapers. Such a tax would hit other news aggregators, such as Digg, Fark and Reddit, which not only gather links, but provide a forum for a lively and entertaining discussion of the issues raised by the stories. Fostering a robust public-policy debate, not saving a particular business model, should be the goal of journalism in the first place.

The report also discusses the possibility of offering tax exemptions to news organizations, establishing an AmeriCorps for reporters and creating a national fund for local news organizations. The money for those benefits would come from a suite of new taxes.

Well, I did get a chuckle from the assertion that Drudge is "must-read" material!

As for a proposed tax exempt status, I'm agin it! I'm against tax exempt status for churches and all social service organizations as well. Why? Because everybody has their own ax to grind and I don't want to support any of their endeavors with my tax dollars. I'm free to give what and to whom I choose...as it should be.

As for the real issue here, the state of journalism today, only those old enough to remember news a few decades back have any idea of just how it has deteriorated into the same sound bites regurgitated each night by all mainstream media, delivered by air heads whose sole qualifications for the job are being photogenic and able to read on air. Last year, a poll revealed that the public found Jon Stewart (of Comedy Central's Daily Show) to be the most trust worthy TV journalist. Dang! Just what does it say about our culture that a half hour of chuckles gets the vote here? Well, I wrote about this a few months ago. I'll post it in the blog section of this forum.

Verifies what I have thought for years. The average American is an idiot. So the question now becomes has the news dumbed down Americans or has the news been dumbed down FOR Americans? I suspect the latter.

I'm certain it's the latter. I'm old enough to remember when newpapers and TV news tried to attract people with a higher than 6th grade reading level.
Well, I did get a chuckle from the assertion that Drudge is "must-read" material!

As for a proposed tax exempt status, I'm agin it! I'm against tax exempt status for churches and all social service organizations as well. Why? Because everybody has their own ax to grind and I don't want to support any of their endeavors with my tax dollars. I'm free to give what and to whom I choose...as it should be.

As for the real issue here, the state of journalism today, only those old enough to remember news a few decades back have any idea of just how it has deteriorated into the same sound bites regurgitated each night by all mainstream media, delivered by air heads whose sole qualifications for the job are being photogenic and able to read on air. Last year, a poll revealed that the public found Jon Stewart (of Comedy Central's Daily Show) to be the most trust worthy TV journalist. Dang! Just what does it say about our culture that a half hour of chuckles gets the vote here? Well, I wrote about this a few months ago. I'll post it in the blog section of this forum.

Verifies what I have thought for years. The average American is an idiot. So the question now becomes has the news dumbed down Americans or has the news been dumbed down FOR Americans? I suspect the latter.

I'm certain it's the latter. I'm old enough to remember when newpapers and TV news tried to attract people with a higher than 6th grade reading level.

Not so fast, there, Bucko. Murrow challenged McCarthy only after McCarthy had exposed himself. This took years.

Do you really think that Watergate would have ever come to light if the break in had been committed by Democrats? If you do, you may want to look for the similar stories written about the similar crime recently committed by the Obama Administraion. Plese let me know when the Attorney General has been indicted.

Both were trying to influence and election, both were using government employees to do so, both broke laws to do so and only one will have been exposed and condemned by the MSM.
Verifies what I have thought for years. The average American is an idiot. So the question now becomes has the news dumbed down Americans or has the news been dumbed down FOR Americans? I suspect the latter.

I'm certain it's the latter. I'm old enough to remember when newpapers and TV news tried to attract people with a higher than 6th grade reading level.

Not so fast, there, Bucko. Murrow challenged McCarthy only after McCarthy had exposed himself. This took years.

Do you really think that Watergate would have ever come to light if the break in had been committed by Democrats? If you do, you may want to look for the similar stories written about the similar crime recently committed by the Obama Administraion. Plese let me know when the Attorney General has been indicted.

Both were trying to influence and election, both were using government employees to do so, both broke laws to do so and only one will have been exposed and condemned by the MSM.

More evidence that conservatives are loons.

Who said anything about McCarthy or Watergate? Maybe it's time to take your meds
Well, I did get a chuckle from the assertion that Drudge is "must-read" material!

As for a proposed tax exempt status, I'm agin it! I'm against tax exempt status for churches and all social service organizations as well. Why? Because everybody has their own ax to grind and I don't want to support any of their endeavors with my tax dollars. I'm free to give what and to whom I choose...as it should be.

As for the real issue here, the state of journalism today, only those old enough to remember news a few decades back have any idea of just how it has deteriorated into the same sound bites regurgitated each night by all mainstream media, delivered by air heads whose sole qualifications for the job are being photogenic and able to read on air. Last year, a poll revealed that the public found Jon Stewart (of Comedy Central's Daily Show) to be the most trust worthy TV journalist. Dang! Just what does it say about our culture that a half hour of chuckles gets the vote here? Well, I wrote about this a few months ago. I'll post it in the blog section of this forum.

Verifies what I have thought for years. The average American is an idiot. So the question now becomes has the news dumbed down Americans or has the news been dumbed down FOR Americans? I suspect the latter.

I'm certain it's the latter. I'm old enough to remember when newpapers and TV news tried to attract people with a higher than 6th grade reading level.
Ive met people who can remember when yellow journalism was frowned upon , now its the standard.
We need about 40 years with a solid Dem minority, where there are maybe only 5 or 6 of them in Congress.
Liberal get their news from Jon Stewart, the Times and WaPost can go under and no one would notice
We need about 40 years with a solid Dem minority, where there are maybe only 5 or 6 of them in Congress.

If we could have 5 or 6 Republicans at the same time, with the majority made up of honest, independent men and women, that would work for me.

Fuck the GOP.
Fuck the Dems.

Let's have honest politicians with the 'special interest' group of 'we, the People' in charge.
We need about 40 years with a solid Dem minority, where there are maybe only 5 or 6 of them in Congress.

If we could have 5 or 6 Republicans at the same time, with the majority made up of honest, independent men and women, that would work for me.

Fuck the GOP.
Fuck the Dems.

Let's have honest politicians with the 'special interest' group of 'we, the People' in charge.

Random people off the street are better then the shitheals that spend millions to go to DC.
I still like the all politician must wear clown suits idea.
I'm certain it's the latter. I'm old enough to remember when newpapers and TV news tried to attract people with a higher than 6th grade reading level.

Not so fast, there, Bucko. Murrow challenged McCarthy only after McCarthy had exposed himself. This took years.

Do you really think that Watergate would have ever come to light if the break in had been committed by Democrats? If you do, you may want to look for the similar stories written about the similar crime recently committed by the Obama Administraion. Plese let me know when the Attorney General has been indicted.

Both were trying to influence and election, both were using government employees to do so, both broke laws to do so and only one will have been exposed and condemned by the MSM.

More evidence that conservatives are loons.

Who said anything about McCarthy or Watergate? Maybe it's time to take your meds

I'm sorry. I assumed you were referring to the work of journalists who are revered for their work like Murrow who was the idol of Cronkite, Woodward and Bernstien who crafted the Watergate expose under the editorial guidance of Ben Bradlee.

To whose work were you referring? Those 5 are generally acknowlecged to be among the best there have been.
We need about 40 years with a solid Dem minority, where there are maybe only 5 or 6 of them in Congress.

If we could have 5 or 6 Republicans at the same time, with the majority made up of honest, independent men and women, that would work for me.

Fuck the GOP.
Fuck the Dems.

Let's have honest politicians with the 'special interest' group of 'we, the People' in charge.

Random people off the street are better then the shitheals that spend millions to go to DC.
I still like the all politician must wear clown suits idea.

I heard today that the number of people running for Congress who have never held an office is 35% higher than it has ever been. There are plenty of folks who are pissed off enough to get off their dead pitutes and make a little noise.

There are plenty others who are pissed off enough to vote for them.
Fuck the GOP.
Fuck the Dems.

Let's have honest politicians with the 'special interest' group of 'we, the People' in charge.

Even conservatives know the repukes are fucked

Only if they promise to support the Big0, Reid and Pelosi. When Pelosi runs this fall, it may be the first time in history that the sitting Speaker of the House tries to run as an outsider loudly proclaiming that she will fight to undo the work of those lousy bums in Washington.
no honest person will ever get elected, and if by some rare chance it happens, they will become crooks like the rest.
Fuck the GOP.
Fuck the Dems.

Let's have honest politicians with the 'special interest' group of 'we, the People' in charge.

Even conservatives know the repukes are fucked
Ill be putting you on ignore in a few hours,
You seem like a nice person, who is just out "getting their stupid on " Im just not going to play along, you are a crashing bore .
I have no interest in negging, you so I will be putting you on ignore .
Before I do ,do you have anything you would like to say to show how dazzling brilliant and entertaining you are?

Either way , I just couldn't care less , have a nice death .

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