Drudge on Hollywood "has any actor become a star without putting out


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Conservative media mogul Matt Drudge took to Twitter to express his dismay over the dozens of actors leveling damning and shocking sexual allegations against disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.
Drudge on Hollywood: ‘Has Any Actor Become A Star Without Putting Out?’

What a logical thought who hasn't done Harvey just to make it famous Hmmmmm.

and the bitch in this video attorney is a leftist man hating douche bag pos she will create and make up so many lies this is also the bitch who went after Michael Jackson and accusing him of all that child molester crap which many believe was a bs LIE!!

this bitch shows up in every sexual accusations that pop up from Jackson, to Cosby , now this Weinstein case

She is a huge radical feminist bitch who literally does hate men.
I often thought that the abuse of women and sex for employment must have been a big issue for Hollywood. How else can we explain so many women who have careers while they are attractive, and once they hit 35-40 they are gone. Replaced by a new, younger face, and the cycle continues.

In short, they aren't hired for their acting skills. It's disgusting, because it's a crude form of prejudice. There are plenty of female actors I presume who should be in films based on their ability to project a character, but they aren't because a Hollywood Creep doesn't find them of use for his sexual fetish(es).

The more of these stories that see the light of day now, the better. My guess is only those who are either out of the industry or too wealthy to care now will come out. The middle of the road actress who still needs to work and maintain their network of creeps cannot come out and expose. So for all the stories we hear, you can multiply the actual cases by a factor of ten, they might see the light of day years from now.


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