Drudge Bleeds Out as Conservatives Flee; Rapid Decline Parallels the Enron Model

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
truepundit.com ^ | Nov 13,2019

Web traffic continued its dramatic spiral for Matt Drudge’s news aggregate site in October and at this point, the negative numbers are beginning to resemble one of the models employed to predict corporate disasters.

One of the things you learn as a Ceritifed Fraud Examiner is forensic accounting and modeling and Drudge’s recent and quick mud slide of web traffic is starting to look like the Enron model. And that obviously is not good.

It is a good thing Drudge is not working in corporate America or running a publicly-traded entity. He would be in deep trouble.

Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.


I used to go there all the time. Went cold turkey 2 months ago.....Heard he had sold site, by the NEW LOOK, I would tend to believe the rumor...I just did the same with Ann C. Who was on radio today still promoting her pro Trump book...certainly makes her look stupid and a hypocrite......only way to get back at them is to deny hits on their websites!
Yes real conservatives are ready to boycott and bring down liberal companies

Trump supporters have the highest net worth so they will win easily

Boycott wars has become I did see how drudge has changed and left the site too
True pundit, if its anything like the gateway pundit, I will not waste my time, All you sites are far right sites and nothing but propaganda.
truepundit.com ^ | Nov 13,2019

Web traffic continued its dramatic spiral for Matt Drudge’s news aggregate site in October and at this point, the negative numbers are beginning to resemble one of the models employed to predict corporate disasters.

One of the things you learn as a Ceritifed Fraud Examiner is forensic accounting and modeling and Drudge’s recent and quick mud slide of web traffic is starting to look like the Enron model. And that obviously is not good.

It is a good thing Drudge is not working in corporate America or running a publicly-traded entity. He would be in deep trouble.

Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.


I used to go there all the time. Went cold turkey 2 months ago.....Heard he had sold site, by the NEW LOOK, I would tend to believe the rumor...I just did the same with Ann C. Who was on radio today still promoting her pro Trump book...certainly makes her look stupid and a hypocrite......only way to get back at them is to deny hits on their websites!
I saw this article over on The Liberty Daily, great article. Drudge is compromised, it looks like Soros secretly bought it. No more Drudge for me. I visited Drudge more than once per day since Bill Clinton, but I have switched over to The Liberty Daily – The Conservative Alternative to the Drudge Report

Screw Drudge, let the commies have it.
truepundit.com ^ | Nov 13,2019

Web traffic continued its dramatic spiral for Matt Drudge’s news aggregate site in October and at this point, the negative numbers are beginning to resemble one of the models employed to predict corporate disasters.

One of the things you learn as a Ceritifed Fraud Examiner is forensic accounting and modeling and Drudge’s recent and quick mud slide of web traffic is starting to look like the Enron model. And that obviously is not good.

It is a good thing Drudge is not working in corporate America or running a publicly-traded entity. He would be in deep trouble.

Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.


I used to go there all the time. Went cold turkey 2 months ago.....Heard he had sold site, by the NEW LOOK, I would tend to believe the rumor...I just did the same with Ann C. Who was on radio today still promoting her pro Trump book...certainly makes her look stupid and a hypocrite......only way to get back at them is to deny hits on their websites!
I saw this article over on The Liberty Daily, great article. Drudge is compromised, it looks like Soros secretly bought it. No more Drudge for me. I visited Drudge more than once per day since Bill Clinton, but I have switched over to The Liberty Daily – The Conservative Alternative to the Drudge Report

Screw Drudge, let the commies have it.

Thanks for the link.

I have read the Drudge Report everyday for at least ten years. Lately, I've seen a liberal shift in the contents. The articles selected for the Drudge Report after the fist day of impeachment hearings seemed to ignore the absolute destruction of the first two witnesses. The Liberty Daily was far more accurate.
Trump supporters have the highest net worth and we can win the boycott wars

We must do this now

We must have Trump to lead us to who are the liberals and rinos that is working for the globalists
Let us all get the same big list to boycott and we all follow thru like the house republicans where not a single one voted for the impeachment inquiry
truepundit.com ^ | Nov 13,2019

Web traffic continued its dramatic spiral for Matt Drudge’s news aggregate site in October and at this point, the negative numbers are beginning to resemble one of the models employed to predict corporate disasters.

One of the things you learn as a Ceritifed Fraud Examiner is forensic accounting and modeling and Drudge’s recent and quick mud slide of web traffic is starting to look like the Enron model. And that obviously is not good.

It is a good thing Drudge is not working in corporate America or running a publicly-traded entity. He would be in deep trouble.

Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.


I used to go there all the time. Went cold turkey 2 months ago.....Heard he had sold site, by the NEW LOOK, I would tend to believe the rumor...I just did the same with Ann C. Who was on radio today still promoting her pro Trump book...certainly makes her look stupid and a hypocrite......only way to get back at them is to deny hits on their websites!
Purge, it seems like it is never soon enough, but people like Drudge and Coulter always fall from grace and eventually scorned. We used to call Drudge the 'new Walter Winchell', the dirt-monger of old. Right now the sorrow is the picture of a once-stalwart Rudy Guilliani rooting around in garbage like some feral hog. It happens on the left too, in the form of Keith Olbermann and others of the 'foaming mouth' ilk.
10 years from now both sides will be like Sgt. Schultz in saying we never knew them.
Drudge posted some non-Trump-fawning links and now it's commie.

Trumpworld gets tighter and more isolated by the day.

Sure, this is funny, but these people vote.

If trump supporters gets organized they will take down you democrats and rinos to stop the globalists ...just with boycott wars

Because of what the polls show

Trump supporters over Hilary supporters shows they have higher incomes

And then shows has the less degrees

And then shows live more out of the big cities

That brings them with the highest net worth without the worthless degrees that gives less incomes but with monster student loan debt

And has them not living in high cost cities

All proving trump supporters have the highest net worth and are the smartest !!!

And getting organized against liberal companies and going to places that debate correctly So people can learn .. and not waste time with arguing with people with mental issues
Looks like that site The liberty daily can work good to get conservatives organized to stop liberalism

With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win

That place will rise fast now
truepundit.com ^ | Nov 13,2019

Web traffic continued its dramatic spiral for Matt Drudge’s news aggregate site in October and at this point, the negative numbers are beginning to resemble one of the models employed to predict corporate disasters.

One of the things you learn as a Ceritifed Fraud Examiner is forensic accounting and modeling and Drudge’s recent and quick mud slide of web traffic is starting to look like the Enron model. And that obviously is not good.

It is a good thing Drudge is not working in corporate America or running a publicly-traded entity. He would be in deep trouble.

Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.


I used to go there all the time. Went cold turkey 2 months ago.....Heard he had sold site, by the NEW LOOK, I would tend to believe the rumor...I just did the same with Ann C. Who was on radio today still promoting her pro Trump book...certainly makes her look stupid and a hypocrite......only way to get back at them is to deny hits on their websites!
I saw this article over on The Liberty Daily, great article. Drudge is compromised, it looks like Soros secretly bought it. No more Drudge for me. I visited Drudge more than once per day since Bill Clinton, but I have switched over to The Liberty Daily – The Conservative Alternative to the Drudge Report

Screw Drudge, let the commies have it.
truepundit.com ^ | Nov 13,2019

Web traffic continued its dramatic spiral for Matt Drudge’s news aggregate site in October and at this point, the negative numbers are beginning to resemble one of the models employed to predict corporate disasters.

One of the things you learn as a Ceritifed Fraud Examiner is forensic accounting and modeling and Drudge’s recent and quick mud slide of web traffic is starting to look like the Enron model. And that obviously is not good.

It is a good thing Drudge is not working in corporate America or running a publicly-traded entity. He would be in deep trouble.

Drudge’s overall web traffic is down nearly 18 percent in September and October, according to the tracking metrics on Similar Web. That’s a massive and accelrated slide from approximately 93 million visits to 77 million.


I used to go there all the time. Went cold turkey 2 months ago.....Heard he had sold site, by the NEW LOOK, I would tend to believe the rumor...I just did the same with Ann C. Who was on radio today still promoting her pro Trump book...certainly makes her look stupid and a hypocrite......only way to get back at them is to deny hits on their websites!

It looks like people are catching on and leaving in a stampede

I see a real alternative has come and will keep drudge losing its conservatives to the liberty daily site. And from that conservative site they can understand everything better and get organized to boy cott harm !!
Looks like that site The liberty daily can work good to get conservatives organized to stop liberalism

With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win

That place will rise fast now
With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win
You mean like Bloomberg and Buffet and 'higher net worth' folks like them? Because I heard REAL rich guys think of Trump as a flashy used car salesman..Apprentice style.
Looks like that site The liberty daily can work good to get conservatives organized to stop liberalism

With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win

That place will rise fast now
With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win
You mean like Bloomberg and Buffet and 'higher net worth' folks like them? Because I heard REAL rich guys think of Trump as a flashy used car salesman..Apprentice style.

These are the people with incomes of 100k to 200 K. These people has the highest net worth plus the right balance of real life. That proves no mental issues and do not rob others

The democrats has a few insanely rich because of mental issues that they have and making totally out of balance

These are very rich people that fools and robs their supporters which shows they have been robbed with low net worth

The democrat party is the crooks with their brainwashed low logic voters
Looks like that site The liberty daily can work good to get conservatives organized to stop liberalism

With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win

That place will rise fast now
With having the higher net worth trump supporters will win
You mean like Bloomberg and Buffet and 'higher net worth' folks like them? Because I heard REAL rich guys think of Trump as a flashy used car salesman..Apprentice style.

These are the people with incomes of 100k to 200 K. These people has the highest net worth plus the right balance of real life. That proves no mental issues and do not rob others

The democrats has a few insanely rich because of mental issues that they have and making totally out of balance

These are very rich people that fools and robs their supporters which shows they have been robbed with low net worth

The democrat party is the crooks with their brainwashed low logic voters
Drudge posted some non-Trump-fawning links and now it's commie.

Trumpworld gets tighter and more isolated by the day.

Sure, this is funny, but these people vote.

Would you expect anything else from people who prefer to have their ideas and beliefs spoon fed to them rather than think for themselves? There are several things folks on the far right and far left have in common, not the least of which is that none of them have ever manifested an original thought.
Drudge posted some non-Trump-fawning links and now it's commie.

Trumpworld gets tighter and more isolated by the day.

Sure, this is funny, but these people vote.

Leftist media isn't interested in informing its followers; it's interested in persuading its followers. Reading leftist sites is like watching an infomercial and expecting to be given objective, non-biased information. If I want to read Democratic propaganda, I can watch or read CNN.

Drudge used to be good at linking news articles that MSM wouldn't cover. I think that was their appeal. RIP Drudge.
Drudge posted some non-Trump-fawning links and now it's commie.

Trumpworld gets tighter and more isolated by the day.

Sure, this is funny, but these people vote.

Leftist media isn't interested in informing its followers; it's interested in persuading its followers. Reading leftist sites is like watching an infomercial and expecting to be given objective, non-biased information. If I want to read Democratic propaganda, I can watch or read CNN.

Drudge used to be good at linking news articles that MSM wouldn't cover. I think that was their appeal. RIP Drudge.
Where do you get your news?
...people like Drudge and Coulter always fall from grace and eventually scorned.

I've never heard Matt Drudge speak. His site links news articles. They used to scour the nation for little-known articles that they would then link. That's what I liked about them. Most of the articles they linked went against leftist ideology and that's why they needed to be silenced. After all, we can't allow people to read truthful, news stories.

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