“Drop and Roll” — How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
Gateway Pundit???? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump has lost nearly every case in court because his cases are shit. Rudy Guiliani was literally laughed out of court recently.

Trump's own DHS said voter fraud in the election is a lie.

You Trumpers are absolutely pathetic in your denial of reality.

Stop making complete fools and asses of yourselves with these loser threads.

We know Trump was a loser, why you all want to come across as losers as well is beyond me.
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 10.05.59 AM.png
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
Why? Trump districts have smaller populations and more voting machines per person. Detroit has 750,000 votes to count. And mail in voting went heavy for biden. Trump supporters went to rallies and the polls.
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

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My foreign girlfriend from Belarus is a trump supporter. But she cries about how the president in Belarus is trying to steal the election. Meanwhile her dumb ass is here now voting for trump.

I talked to her sister yesterday. She can barely speak English I asked her what about trump? She said he won and biden is trying to steal it. Lol

Ita not funny though because trump supporters really believe it.

Heres what trump is doing. In every election there are discrepencils. Always have always will. But there was less this year than in 2016. And, they don’t change the results.

Trump is hoping to not give up and force it to come down to each state votes who they want to be president. And since more than 25 states are republican, trump would win.

Republicans defend the electoral college because they always lose the popular vote. Now they want to completely disrespect our numbers and they want to give little Kentucky the same power as all the people in California. So in a way they don’t defend the electoral college because California gets more electoral college votes than Kentucky for a reason.
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
Trump LOST
Trump LOST Bigly
Stop making excuses
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

View attachment 418380
Sounds exactly like what you're pushing too.

A globalist cabal to kill our freedoms and tax the shit out of us. Who is backed by the globalist beyond state borders?

So, you're saying Trump is backed by foreign interests, and we're saying Biden is.

It looks like it could be BOTH. Our system has collapsed.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.

When radical leftists get bent out of shape they riot, loot, burn, murder and terrorize the population into capitulation. When Christians get hammered out of shape they CRUSADE. Woe unto the the conquered . . .
More & more is coming out everyday. The floodgates will be opened soon and only the most delusional proglodyte will be able to deny the truth. They attempted a historic fraud and got caught because it was just too big to hide.
Once the wall of lies starts to crumble around them, they will go ballistic & start attacking. Again.
Be prepared to defend yourselves if you live in lefty territory. It won't last long but it will be chaos & violence
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
go fuk a confederate flag
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
Trump LOST
Trump LOST Bigly
Stop making excuses
Way to be unifying
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud

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