CDZ Drone Shot Down In 'International Waters'


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
OK high above the 'waters' does the 'international' moniker apply? Anyone know?
The 'international' bit is further than 12 nautical miles beyond a country's coast. Where the drone was shot down there is no international airspace, the airspace of Oman and Iran abuts. As usual, your president and your military are lying to you. Swallow nicely now.

Height of national airspace seems to be as high as a country's missiles or aircraft can reach.
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The 'international' bit is further than 12 nautical miles beyond a country's coast. Where the drone was shot down there is no international airspace, the airspace of Oman and Iran abuts. As usual, your president and your military are lying to you. Swallow nicely now.

You do know the difference between width and height don't you?

Good question OP.

I remember reading story's of people having gem stones (or was it oil or something like that) and they didn't own it a certain feet down under their land it wasn't theirs
I remember reading story's of people having gem stones (or was it oil or something like that) and they didn't own it a certain feet down under their land it wasn't theirs

It I 500 feet right now with personal property...

And below..(found the story)

If You Own Land, How Far Above and Below Do You Own?

what about the earth below your land? Well, again, this varies because owning land doesn’t necessarily mean you own the mineral rights to it. In a nutshell, the owner of the respective mineral rights to a piece of land is entitled to those substances that could potentially be sitting below a given property and it’s not uncommon for them to be sold separately to land and property rights. And there have been cases in the past of home-owners finding out that there is a huge deposit of gas under their home that they don’t have rights to, and have no right to stop the owner of the mineral rights drilling for. Beyond the loss of money from that gas if you didn’t own the mineral rights, this can sometimes kill any property value your land may have previously had
I hope Iran shoots them all down...make AMERICA Great Again...Remember Drumpf?

Now we can argue about Trump in another thread, but are you saying in an Iran vs even a Donald Trump U.S. war that Iran is the good guy?
There are no 'good guys' Veronica. There are gradations of asshole. We (USA) are, unfortunately near the apex of the asshole pyramid at the moment.
The Iranian supporters , Democrats, apparently think Iran is exempt from anything. I guess they must also think Iranians should be allowed to kill people on public roads as well. I bet they would snivel if we started shooting down anything Iran flies into international airspace. That would be, like 'Different n stuff', according to their spin.
I hope Iran shoots them all down...make AMERICA Great Again...Remember Drumpf?

Traitor-Troll ^^^^^^
I served this country for 25 years on three continents. You can suck both balls.

I appreciate your service to our country but that is not what we are discussing here. You were trolling. I called you on it. Your service does not give you free license to troll and not be called on it.
I hope Iran shoots them all down...make AMERICA Great Again...Remember Drumpf?

Traitor-Troll ^^^^^^
I served this country for 25 years on three continents. You can suck both balls.

I appreciate your service to our country but that is not what we are discussing here. You were trolling. I called you on it. Your service does not give you free license to troll and not be called on it.
Not trolling shit. How do you stop a bully? You kick their ass. We are long overdue for one. It's coming...everyone gets a good one at some point. If we keep playing this zionist game we will and zionists will not be there to save us in the end.
We (USA) are, unfortunately near the apex of the asshole pyramid at the moment.

Self description? Or are you playing the sanctimonious game of exempting yourself when using the pronoun "we?"
When one uses the pronoun 'we' there should be no implied exemption. Obviously I am including myself as both a member of the nation, compliant participant, and enabler of US foreign policy.
Further, as an enabler of policy I do not exempt myself from fault. However, the truth is the truth. We are not the 'good guys' by any stretch of the imagination.
If anything we, along with our allies are the belligerents in the matter.

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