Driving in NJ without taillights might become legal


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A New Jersey lawmaker has a plan to combat the traffic stop phenomenon derisively known as “driving while Black.”
With studies showing Black drivers are more likely to be pulled over for traffic infractions than white people, Assemblymember Shanique Speight — an Essex County sheriff’s officer who’s Black — introduced legislation last week that would end police stops for minor traffic violations.
Under Speight's “contactless policing” bill, officers could not stop most drivers for offenses like broken tail lights, driving less than 30 mph over the speed limit or careless driving. Instead, those drivers would find out they’ve been cited when they get a ticket in the mail.
The idea, according to the bill, is to cut down on racial disparities in traffic stops.

Whenever a Democrat Politician says "studies show" or "critics say" without telling you who did the study or the methods that they used, whatever follows will be contrived tripe.
The Police are not harassing minorities, they are enforcing traffic laws.
They are making it safe for everyone.
Shanique Speight is making driving more dangerous in NJ.
Could it be that more blacks dont take proper care of their vehicles?
It cracks me up when these idiots drive around smoking weed with a busted tail light.
They deserve everything they get.
This NJ legislator is just another racist Democrat with a crazy conspiracy she calls "driving while Black"
The Police don't allow any of the Eeeeviiillll White Oppressors to get away with traffic infractions.
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A New Jersey lawmaker has a plan to combat the traffic stop phenomenon derisively known as “driving while Black.”
With studies showing Black drivers are more likely to be pulled over for traffic infractions than white people, Assemblymember Shanique Speight — an Essex County sheriff’s officer who’s Black — introduced legislation last week that would end police stops for minor traffic violations.
Under Speight's “contactless policing” bill, officers could not stop most drivers for offenses like broken tail lights, driving less than 30 mph over the speed limit or careless driving. Instead, those drivers would find out they’ve been cited when they get a ticket in the mail.
The idea, according to the bill, is to cut down on racial disparities in traffic stops.

Whenever a Democrat Politician says "studies show" or "critics say" without telling you who did the study or the methods that they used, whatever follows will be contrived tripe.
The Police are not harassing minorities, they are enforcing traffic laws.
They are making it safe for everyone.
Shanique Speight is making driving more dangerous in NJ.
Doesnt say driving with a broken tail light would be legal
It says you will get a ticket in the mail

Stops Police from engaging in “fishing” expeditions where they pull you over for a minor infraction and try to find more serious charges
Doesnt say driving with a broken tail light would be legal
It says you will get a ticket in the mail

Stops Police from engaging in “fishing” expeditions where they pull you over for a minor infraction and try to find more serious charges

So they wont be pulling them over.
Instead they'll just let drive around with broken tail lights and endangering other motorist until they get the ticket in the mail.
And of course if it isn't certified mail they'll just claim they never received the ticket.
So they wont be pulling them over.
Instead they'll just let drive around with broken tail lights and endangering other motorist until they get the ticket in the mail.
And of course if it isn't certified mail they'll just claim they never received the ticket.
Guess what ?
If they give you a ticket on the spot, you still get to drive around with a broken tail light
Pulling you over for a Tail Light is a Fishing Expedition

Once the Cop pulls you over, they have no interest in your Tail Light

They ask you….

Where you coming from?
Where you going?
Have you been drinking?
Do you have any weapons?
Do you have anything Illegal in your car?
Mind if I search?

All unrelated to your Tail Light
Doesnt say driving with a broken tail light would be legal
It says you will get a ticket in the mail

Stops Police from engaging in “fishing” expeditions where they pull you over for a minor infraction and try to find more serious charges
I think the ambulance chasing billboard lawyers will claim that their client was not operating the automobile at the time the ticket was written

this could earn some of them a second mistress with her own apartment

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