Dregs of Society = Trump Supporters? Or just a small portion?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Former Vice President Joe Biden echoed Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” moment during a Saturday evening speech at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner in Washington, DC, calling President Donald Trump’s supporters “virulent people” and “dregs of society.”

“Dregs of society” is a perfect description of Obama bin Biden voters: welfare queens, drag queens, drug users, HIV carriers, and criminals.
Former Vice President Joe Biden echoed Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” moment during a Saturday evening speech at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner in Washington, DC, calling President Donald Trump’s supporters “virulent people” and “dregs of society.”

I certainly hope he continues that through the mid terms. Hillary trained him how to win elections?
But there is one difference...the media kind of learned its lesson even if Biden didnt. They were wall to wall with the approving stories of her "deplorables" comment. But it worked out opposite of what they were hoping for.

I was online the night she said, in that robotic monotone, "the Trump campaign is a landmark success for the alt-right". People were ecstatic and over the moon in every right wing hangout. We knew we had won that night.

So I doubt the media will push this.
Trump supporters have higher IQs and commit fewer crimes than Demwits. Anyone care to disprove that assertion?
Wow! Since when has Creep Uncle Joe lost it? Especially like when Crooked Hillary lost it. No pun intended.
In all the world only Republicans will fight to put a rapist on the Supreme Court and elect a pedophile.
Former Vice President Joe Biden echoed Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” moment during a Saturday evening speech at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner in Washington, DC, calling President Donald Trump’s supporters “virulent people” and “dregs of society.”

Both Biden and Hillary were absolutely correct. This November, Trump scum won't have Russian sabotage or a broken electoral college to rely on. Those yokels will have to get back to cousin fucking.
“Dregs of society” is a perfect description of Obama bin Biden voters: welfare queens, drag queens, drug users, HIV carriers, and criminalsl
But there is one difference...the media kind of learned its lesson even if Biden didnt. They were wall to wall with the approving stories of her "deplorables" comment. But it worked out opposite of what they were hoping for.

I was online the night she said, in that robotic monotone, "the Trump campaign is a landmark success for the alt-right". People were ecstatic and over the moon in every right wing hangout. We knew we had won that night.

So I doubt the media will push this.
Let's say they are brainwashed and fear-mongers functional deplorables... They all believe Hillary is corrupt and murderous and probably a pedophile. Who needs evidence? What do you think she would think?
“Dregs of society” is a perfect description of Obama bin Biden voters: welfare queens, drag queens, drug users, HIV carriers, and criminalsl
But there is one difference...the media kind of learned its lesson even if Biden didnt. They were wall to wall with the approving stories of her "deplorables" comment. But it worked out opposite of what they were hoping for.

I was online the night she said, in that robotic monotone, "the Trump campaign is a landmark success for the alt-right". People were ecstatic and over the moon in every right wing hangout. We knew we had won that night.

So I doubt the media will push this.
Let's say they are brainwashed and fear-mongers functional deplorables... They all believe Hillary is corrupt and murderous and probably a pedophile. Who needs evidence? What do you think she would think?

^^^ quote FAIL.

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