
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The Dream Act puts children of illegal aliens “if” the complete two years of college or two years in the military on a path to citizenship because need them to pay taxes, pay our social security and contribute to our economy and country. What “if” after we have spend years of educating them and they drop out of the system? How many homeless unemployed college graduates and military men and women do we have now? How may college graduates and military men do we have in prisons for crimes committed? There is no guarantee that those children will contribute anything to this country and become permanent wards of the welfare system or take their education back to their homes.

We have million of children that are in the country illegally. There may be 5 children in an illegal alien’s family, what “if” only one or two go to college or enter the military, what happens to the other three who choose not to? Every child is not college material.

What happens to the parents of these children who made a definite decision to enter the country illegally with those children?

Illegal alien families are made up of anchor babies (American citizens) children who do go to college, children who are in gangs, who are dealing drugs, who are committing crimes and who are in prison. Do we deport some members of the families and let some of the stay?

The Dream Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a plan that leads to amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Case in point; the American family is made up of the good, bad and the ugly.

How many times have we heard coming from pro-amnesty advocates that because those who are Hispanic and have served in our military are used as an excuse to give all illegal aliens citizenship?

Skip the “path to citizenship” and go straight to “amnesty” in two years instead of 20 and take your family member with you.


The Dream Act puts children of illegal aliens “if” the complete two years of college or two years in the military on a path to citizenship because need them to pay taxes, pay our social security and contribute to our economy and country. What “if” after we have spend years of educating them and they drop out of the system? How many homeless unemployed college graduates and military men and women do we have now? How may college graduates and military men do we have in prisons for crimes committed? There is no guarantee that those children will contribute anything to this country and become permanent wards of the welfare system or take their education back to their homes.

We have million of children that are in the country illegally. There may be 5 children in an illegal alien’s family, what “if” only one or two go to college or enter the military, what happens to the other three who choose not to? Every child is not college material.

What happens to the parents of these children who made a definite decision to enter the country illegally with those children?

Illegal alien families are made up of anchor babies (American citizens) children who do go to college, children who are in gangs, who are dealing drugs, who are committing crimes and who are in prison. Do we deport some members of the families and let some of the stay?

The Dream Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a plan that leads to amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Case in point; the American family is made up of the good, bad and the ugly.

How many times have we heard coming from pro-amnesty advocates that because those who are Hispanic and have served in our military are used as an excuse to give all illegal aliens citizenship?

Skip the “path to citizenship” and go straight to “amnesty” in two years instead of 20 and take your family member with you.


The Dream Act puts children of illegal aliens “if” the complete two years of college or two years in the military on a path to citizenship because need them to pay taxes, pay our social security and contribute to our economy and country. What “if” after we have spend years of educating them and they drop out of the system? How many homeless unemployed college graduates and military men and women do we have now? How may college graduates and military men do we have in prisons for crimes committed? There is no guarantee that those children will contribute anything to this country and become permanent wards of the welfare system or take their education back to their homes.

We have million of children that are in the country illegally. There may be 5 children in an illegal alien’s family, what “if” only one or two go to college or enter the military, what happens to the other three who choose not to? Every child is not college material.

What happens to the parents of these children who made a definite decision to enter the country illegally with those children?

Illegal alien families are made up of anchor babies (American citizens) children who do go to college, children who are in gangs, who are dealing drugs, who are committing crimes and who are in prison. Do we deport some members of the families and let some of the stay?

The Dream Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a plan that leads to amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Case in point; the American family is made up of the good, bad and the ugly.

How many times have we heard coming from pro-amnesty advocates that because those who are Hispanic and have served in our military are used as an excuse to give all illegal aliens citizenship?

Skip the “path to citizenship” and go straight to “amnesty” in two years instead of 20 and take your family member with you.
You are slipping. You forgot Bigot.:lol: "Racist" is just a word.:lol:
There is no guarantee that those children will contribute anything to this country and become permanent wards of the welfare system or take their education back to their homes.

There are no guarantees in life period!

There are only 2 things that must happen and that is birth and death! Taxes don't count because SOME people do not pay taxes!!!

What “if” after we have spend years of educating them and they drop out of the system?

LilOlLady brings up a good point here. What IF these DREAMERS drop out during their two year stint in college? Will they have to pay back that portion of taxpayers' money they used? FUCK NO! American taxpayers will have to take it up the ass like they always do, and EAT a portion of that 6.2 BILLION A YEAR they invested for the DREAMERS' education. Isn't it ENOUGH that we are already legally obligated to educate illegal immigrants' K-12 aged children? Didn't the Supreme Court FUCK US OVER ENOUGH BACK IN '82 WHEN THEY MADE THAT DECISION--BILLIONS OF DOLLARS AGO? And, by the way, where the fuck does it say in the Constitution that we are OBLIGATED to CARE FOR, EDUCATE, AND PROVIDE JOBS FOR ILLEGALS? WHERE?!?!?!? FUCKING NOWHERE. AND NOW Obama's like some kind of fucking superhero, acting like he's telling the truth about securing our borders while promising the DREAMERS he's their messiah. Fucking pathetic.

At any rate, here are a few facts:

•The DREAM Act does not provide funding to states and counties to cover the costs it imposes. Since enrollment and funding are limited at public institutions, the act’s passage will require some combination of tuition increases, tax increases to expand enrollment, or a reduction in spaces available for American citizens at these schools.

•Tuition hikes will be particularly difficult for students, as many Americans already find it difficult to pay for college. Research indicates that one out of three college students drops out before receiving a degree. Costs are a major reason for the high dropout rate.
Anchor babies? Lets not forget about the anchor wenches either.

SHIT, anchor babies' moms are Obama's best friends! He's ecstatic to have them take advantage of us! States and people be damned, he will never lift a finger to help change the 14th amendment. His voters are more important, see. He can't risk pissing off that segment of the Hispanic population who's in favor of illegal immigration.

And if I'm wrong, I swear on my grandmother's grave I will never rag on him again.

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