Dramatic Premium Hikes Expected Under Obamacare —


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Virginia Residents Could See Increase of Up to 37.1 Percent

THIS IS AN ASSOCIATED PRESS STORY! For all those who whine about using The Blaze as a source.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

When did people ever believe that bullshit?

Story @ Dramatic Premium Hikes Expected Under Obamacare — Virginia Residents Could See Increase of Up to 37.1 Percent

Virginia Residents Could See Increase of Up to 37.1 Percent

THIS IS AN ASSOCIATED PRESS STORY! For all those who whine about using The Blaze as a source.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

When did people ever believe that bullshit?

Story @ Dramatic Premium Hikes Expected Under Obamacare — Virginia Residents Could See Increase of Up to 37.1 Percent

From your article:

Standard & Poor’s health insurance analyst Deep Banerjee said he expects premium hikes to be higher for 2017 than in the more stable market for employer coverage. Insurers are facing higher medical costs from health law customers, and companies priced their initial coverage too low in an attempt to grab new business.

“What they are doing now is trying to catch up,” said Banerjee.

The head of the health insurance industry’s main trade group predicts sharper increases.

“It is a sustainable market for the long term, but right now it is not stable,” said Marilyn Tavenner of America’s Health Insurance Plans. “Folks will try to price this year to get to stability.”

Tavenner came to the industry from the Obama administration, where she oversaw the troubled launch of the insurance markets.

The administration says talk of premium increases is premature and overblown. Initial requests from insurers will get knocked back in some states, officials say, aided by a rate-review process strengthened under the health law.


Wow....it's the GOP saying this....NOT.

Hold onto your seat. You can expect to be paying a hell of a lot more pretty soon.
Here is my problem with all this analysis. At what point can you pronounce it a failure? Do we have to die before advocates concede yea maybe that wasn't the greatest of plans. Does the country have to be put in a nose dive before there can be agreement that obamacare has not accomplished its goals. When the guy says, yea now it is not so good but in the long run it will be ok all I can smell,is desperation bullshit. All this does is breed stalemates. Real leadership will deep six this abortion and give birth to a doctor and patient centric program. Obamacare has had its shot, we need to disconnect from life support for the sake of the country and the economy, but most of all for,the sake of the people it is hurting. Enough already.
Here is my problem with all this analysis. At what point can you pronounce it a failure?
Was our healthcare system failing before Obama was thrust upon the scene by the adoring media?


Fuck you.

What a reactionary reply to a pretty good post.

You asked if our health care system was broken before.....what doe you mean health care system ?

If you mean health insurance system...the answer is a clear YES it was, is, and will continue to be broken.

Any system that takes your money for 20 years and then kicks you off the system when you get sick (and does not have to pay your money back with interest and penalty) is broken.

There are lots of other facets that were broken.

But, let's be clear.....government is not the solution. For all this bleating about "other nations", I only care about this one.

When you get sick, you can, for the most part, get access to really good health care.

But if you don't have insurance.....you'll go broke doing it.
Here is my problem with all this analysis. At what point can you pronounce it a failure? Do we have to die before advocates concede yea maybe that wasn't the greatest of plans. Does the country have to be put in a nose dive before there can be agreement that obamacare has not accomplished its goals. When the guy says, yea now it is not so good but in the long run it will be ok all I can smell,is desperation bullshit. All this does is breed stalemates. Real leadership will deep six this abortion and give birth to a doctor and patient centric program. Obamacare has had its shot, we need to disconnect from life support for the sake of the country and the economy, but most of all for,the sake of the people it is hurting. Enough already.

You asked the question, and I've been putting forth the answer for a long time....

You can't.....

Nobody created a scorecard before it got started.

I keep hearing about all these people who have insurance....great for them.

Problem is that many can't use it because of the massive deductibles.

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