Dr who viewership going way down.

When a person happens to be gay in an entertainment setting and it is treated as natural and ordinary as it is in real life, pretty much everybody is okay with that. Think the two gay guys on "The Good Doctor" who were intelligent, sympathetic characters, never in your face with their gay orientation any more than heterosexuals are in your face with theirs. And when one of those characters was killed this season, I think all of us who have enjoyed that series felt the anguish and pain of loss of his significant other and his straight coworkers. The same with the Hispanic, black, Asian characters, there is never any in your face stuff re race or ethnicity and it all seems very natural and as things should be. All are just normal people going about their normal duties without any social engineering built into it.

Looking back a few decades at the TV sitcom "Barney Miller", one of the funniest and compelling comedies ever put on television, the racially diverse makeup of the police department including primary characters also seemed normal, natural, as it should be and there again was no social messaging thrown into it. Just normal, if very funny, people going about their normal duties. The gay couple that presented intermittently on the show was exceedingly funny and also quite endearing and we looked forward to their scenes.

In my opinion allowing people to be color blind and treat everybody the same without worrying about racial or gender or sexual orientation sensibilities is the way to eliminate all the 'isms that seem to dominate the national psyche these days.

All those who dress, speak, conduct themselves as normal people in normal society seem to get along just fine in American society regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.

But when they are in our faces, preachy, demand special accommodations, privileges, representation and protections, weaponize pronouns, etc. I think all normal people resent that and do push back on it.

And that is my problem.

A lot of them claim to want to be equal, want equal treatment and so on but then turn around and push their gayness in everyone's face and demand special treatment and attention. You can't be equal and special at the same time.

If they want to be equal they need to act like it.

But you're right about like barney miller. Had a black dude, Asian, an old man, younger man and so on. Same with star trek. I never ever even paid attention to the fact they had these different people all I knew was I liked the shows. Because the people who made the show their only priority was making a good show, nothing else mattered. Now everyone is worried about racial and gender shit first. Making a good show is their last priority.

Soon as someone starts bringing up they are a fag or black or anything I immediately am turned off. Especially if I am preached to about, then not only do I not pay attention but I have also been turned against them.

There is a reason why for the past 6 or 7 years 90% of what I watch comes from the 60s to the early 2000s. Not much made in the past 10 years interests me much, and anything made in the past 2 years I have no interest in at all.
And that is my problem.

A lot of them claim to want to be equal, want equal treatment and so on but then turn around and push their gayness in everyone's face and demand special treatment and attention. You can't be equal and special at the same time.

If they want to be equal they need to act like it.

But you're right about like barney miller. Had a black dude, Asian, an old man, younger man and so on. Same with star trek. I never ever even paid attention to the fact they had these different people all I knew was I liked the shows. Because the people who made the show their only priority was making a good show, nothing else mattered. Now everyone is worried about racial and gender shit first. Making a good show is their last priority.

Soon as someone starts bringing up they are a fag or black or anything I immediately am turned off. Especially if I am preached to about, then not only do I not pay attention but I have also been turned against them.

There is a reason why for the past 6 or 7 years 90% of what I watch comes from the 60s to the early 2000s. Not much made in the past 10 years interests me much, and anything made in the past 2 years I have no interest in at all.

And I agree. Those old shows from the 20th Century did much to soften and eliminate prejudices just by including actors who made no deal of any kind of their gender or skin color etc. while at the same time understanding the different traditions/traits of the Klingons, Betazoids, Vulcans etc. Or shows like "All in the Family" in which the theme made gentle and entertaining fun of prejudices, stereotypes, and IMO went a long way to advance amicable race relations just by having fun with them. The gay couple in a few episodes of "Rosanne" were accepted even thought the show realistically portrayed Dan Conner not wanting to see them making out while accepting them as friends and neighbors.

Those who want to be equal have to be equal in everything including sometimes being the butt of good natured jokes, being good naturedly teased, being subjected to good natured stereotypes, allowing others to use whatever pronouns they want etc. And they need to conduct themselves as mainstream people normally conduct themselves including all the rules of good manners, etiquette, courtesy etc. meaning sometimes that just because you think something, it is not always helpful to say it.

Those who demand to be treated as equals simply have to allow themselves to be treated as equals or there is no equality. When they can demand punitive action be taken if they are offended or get their feelings hurt when nobody else has that privilege, they can't say they are equal with everybody else.
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Did you miss the whole subtext of the relationship between Louis and LeStat.

Not that the whole thing with Claudia wasn't creepy as hell. In the book, she's like five years old.
In the book she is 5 years old. Anne Rice wrote the book because it helped her deal with the depression of losing her 5 year old daughter to leukemia.

I read all the books. I've seen all the iterations of Interview. The AMC series has gotten so painfully gay that it is unwatchable.
The rest of your drivel aside, what are gays asking for that you don't already take for granted?
I have brought this up several times and never get an answer. Why are there endless commercials on HIV/AIDS medications? Something is wrong. The costs are expensive. We all deserve an answer. Is this a plague that is being normalized? A plague that can be controlled. Not screwing with people otherwise.
A few years ago I watched a couple of Dr. Who episodes because so many people raved about the show.
I found it to be boring and kinda silly.
Still can't figure out why it has such a large and loyal fan base. .. :dunno:
You have to start watching it when you are a teenager. When you get older you quit watching it. It is the cycle of Life.
I have brought this up several times and never get an answer. Why are there endless commercials on HIV/AIDS medications? Something is wrong. The costs are expensive. We all deserve an answer. Is this a plague that is being normalized? A plague that can be controlled. Not screwing with people otherwise.
Um, because Big Pharma is greedy?

I see a lot of commercials for various medications, not just HIV.

You have to start watching it when you are a teenager. When you get older you quit watching it. It is the cycle of Life.

Oh, I disagree. I got into the show in my early 20s during the Tom Baker era. Watched it all the way to it's sad end with Sylvester McCoy.

I didn't get into the revival at first, but it slowly won me over.

I think Matt Smith was the best Doctor of the Revival, and Tom Baker the best doctor of the series overall.
Um, because Big Pharma is greedy?

I see a lot of commercials for various medications, not just HIV.

Oh, I disagree. I got into the show in my early 20s during the Tom Baker era. Watched it all the way to it's sad end with Sylvester McCoy.

I didn't get into the revival at first, but it slowly won me over.

I think Matt Smith was the best Doctor of the Revival, and Tom Baker the best doctor of the series overall.
If you ever see a person with full blown AIDS in pain, you do not forget it. Terrible suffering.
The rest of your drivel aside, what are gays asking for that you don't already take for granted?

  • February 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • Week after Valentine’s Day: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
  • February 28: HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day

  • March: Bisexual Health Awareness Month
  • Week varies in March: National LGBT Health Awareness Week
  • March 10: National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility

  • April 6: International Asexuality Day
  • April 10: National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • Third Friday of April: Day of Silence
  • April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
  • April 18: Nonbinary Parents Day
  • April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day

  • First Sunday In May: International Family Equality Day
  • May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
  • May 19: National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • May 22: Harvey Milk Day
  • May 24: Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

  • June: LGBTQ Pride Month
  • June 1: LGBTQ Families Day
  • June 12: Pulse Remembrance
  • June 15: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Bostock decision expanding protections to LGBTQ employees
  • June 26: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court legalizing marriage equality
  • June 27: National HIV Testing Day
  • June 28: Stonewall Day
  • June 30: Queer Youth of Faith Day

  • Week of July 14: Nonbinary Awareness Week, culminates in International Nonbinary People’s Day on July 14
  • July 16: International Drag Day

  • August 14: Gay Uncles Day
  • August 20: Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

  • September 18: National HIV/AIDS & Aging Awareness Day
  • Week of September 23: Bisexual+ Awareness Week, culminates in Celebrate Bisexuality Day on September 23
  • September 27: National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

  • October: LGBTQ History Month
  • October 8: International Lesbian Day
  • October 11: National Coming Out Day
  • October 15: National Latinx HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • October 19: National LGBT Center Awareness Day
  • Third Wednesday in October: International Pronouns Day
  • Third Thursday in October: Spirit Day
  • Last week in October: Asexual Awareness Week
  • October 26: Intersex Awareness Day

  • First Sunday of November: Transgender Parent Day
  • November 13 – 19: Transgender Awareness Week
  • November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance

  • December 1: World AIDS Day
  • December 8: Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day
  • December 14: HIV Cure Research Day

  • February 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • Week after Valentine’s Day: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
  • February 28: HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day

  • March: Bisexual Health Awareness Month
  • Week varies in March: National LGBT Health Awareness Week
  • March 10: National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility

  • April 6: International Asexuality Day
  • April 10: National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • Third Friday of April: Day of Silence
  • April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
  • April 18: Nonbinary Parents Day
  • April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day

  • First Sunday In May: International Family Equality Day
  • May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
  • May 19: National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • May 22: Harvey Milk Day
  • May 24: Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day

  • June: LGBTQ Pride Month
  • June 1: LGBTQ Families Day
  • June 12: Pulse Remembrance
  • June 15: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court Bostock decision expanding protections to LGBTQ employees
  • June 26: Anniversary of U.S. Supreme Court legalizing marriage equality
  • June 27: National HIV Testing Day
  • June 28: Stonewall Day
  • June 30: Queer Youth of Faith Day

  • Week of July 14: Nonbinary Awareness Week, culminates in International Nonbinary People’s Day on July 14
  • July 16: International Drag Day

  • August 14: Gay Uncles Day
  • August 20: Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

  • September 18: National HIV/AIDS & Aging Awareness Day
  • Week of September 23: Bisexual+ Awareness Week, culminates in Celebrate Bisexuality Day on September 23
  • September 27: National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

  • October: LGBTQ History Month
  • October 8: International Lesbian Day
  • October 11: National Coming Out Day
  • October 15: National Latinx HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  • October 19: National LGBT Center Awareness Day
  • Third Wednesday in October: International Pronouns Day
  • Third Thursday in October: Spirit Day
  • Last week in October: Asexual Awareness Week
  • October 26: Intersex Awareness Day

  • First Sunday of November: Transgender Parent Day
  • November 13 – 19: Transgender Awareness Week
  • November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance

  • December 1: World AIDS Day
  • December 8: Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day
  • December 14: HIV Cure Research Day
So are you saying you want a National Karen Month to celebrate you?

You should probably talk to someone's manager about that.
So are you saying you want a National Karen Month to celebrate you?

You should probably talk to someone's manager about that.
Did you ask this?
what are gays asking for that you don't already take for granted?

Now just what would happen if someone asked for a straight, white pride month?
They'd be laughed out of the room because we celebrate being white and straight every day in this country.

Check your privilege, Karen.
I checked my privilege. It could use a tune up. That's why I shall fully enjoy the failure of these gay centric shows.
I guess.

Frankly, if you are wanting a show that you aren't watching to fail, that's kind of on you.

Incidently, there's really nothing "gay" about Doctor Who other than the current actor is.
Actually the entire plot lines are going to be gay and trans friendly. It's the message. As the star says, if you don't like the message, don't watch. Millions of people listened. Each of the aired episodes had fewer viewers than the previous one. The show is failing, will continue to fail and be cancelled.
Actually the entire plot lines are going to be gay and trans friendly. It's the message. As the star says, if you don't like the message, don't watch. Millions of people listened. Each of the aired episodes had fewer viewers than the previous one. The show is failing, will continue to fail and be cancelled.
I have enjoyed (to a fair degree) the Star Trek “Discovery” series. But the writers couldn’t be any more gay and trans propagandists if they wanted to be — barring on screen gay sex scenes.
I have enjoyed (to a fair degree) the Star Trek “Discovery” series. But the writers couldn’t be any more gay and trans propagandists if they wanted to be — barring on screen gay sex scenes.
I lost interest in Star Trek long before Discovery. The original was genius because they used real writers with original stories. Now, talent has been replaced by messaging.

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