Dr. Mann wins another round


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.
On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.
Witch trial by the religion of mythers.
The cry baby junk science moron wins what op?

Today's ruling simply means this case will proceed and the Superior Court will now consider the merits of both sides' arguments. The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a staunch defender of free speech and open, public debate, and we are confident we'll prevail on the merits as this case goes back to Court. As a public figure with his own history of harshly attacking those who disagree with him, Michael Mann must now show that CEI's commentary met some very stringent standards of malice. It did not, and we will continue to fight against those who seek to punish and harass groups and individuals who speak out on controversial issues

On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.
No that was not why he filed that laws suit. He filed a law suit claiming that the appellants caused him to suffer emotional distress. The appellants then filed a motion for dismissal because they honestly believe that Michael Mann engaged in data falsification and manipulation.
That motion has been remanded and is being dismissed only for the time being when the trial is held to determine if the appellants acted with malice when they published their conclusions against Michael Mann the appellee.
Which Michael Mann has to prove once that trial is in progress.
How TF do you twist that pdf into a a judicial affirmation of the veracity of Michael Mann`s hockey stick garbage??
On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.
No that was not why he filed that laws suit. He filed a law suit claiming that the appellants caused him to suffer emotional distress. The appellants then filed a motion for dismissal because they honestly believe that Michael Mann engaged in data falsification and manipulation.
That motion has been remanded and is being dismissed only for the time being when the trial is held to determine if the appellants acted with malice when they published their conclusions against Michael Mann the appellee.
Which Michael Mann has to prove once that trial is in progress.
How TF do you twist that pdf into a a judicial affirmation of the veracity of Michael Mann`s hockey stick garbage??
Confirmation bias. That's how.
On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.
No that was not why he filed that laws suit. He filed a law suit claiming that the appellants caused him to suffer emotional distress. The appellants then filed a motion for dismissal because they honestly believe that Michael Mann engaged in data falsification and manipulation.
That motion has been remanded and is being dismissed only for the time being when the trial is held to determine if the appellants acted with malice when they published their conclusions against Michael Mann the appellee.
Which Michael Mann has to prove once that trial is in progress.
How TF do you twist that pdf into a a judicial affirmation of the veracity of Michael Mann`s hockey stick garbage??

Thank You...

I was just reading Mark Styne's response and found it amusing that it was simply a BS move by others that was thrown out.. Styne has wanted a clear trial for over three years now.. This clears the way for that trial to happen..

Its time for Mann to now produce the items demanded by Styne in discovery.. Time for Mann to pony up and give up the information that Mann has been trying to hide for years..

This is actually a Win for Mark Styne... twisted into an unrecognizable alarmist mess..
What motions did Mr Styne place before the court that would support such a position?
On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.
No that was not why he filed that laws suit. He filed a law suit claiming that the appellants caused him to suffer emotional distress. The appellants then filed a motion for dismissal because they honestly believe that Michael Mann engaged in data falsification and manipulation.
That motion has been remanded and is being dismissed only for the time being when the trial is held to determine if the appellants acted with malice when they published their conclusions against Michael Mann the appellee.
Which Michael Mann has to prove once that trial is in progress.
How TF do you twist that pdf into a a judicial affirmation of the veracity of Michael Mann`s hockey stick garbage??

Thank You...

I was just reading Mark Styne's response and found it amusing that it was simply a BS move by others that was thrown out.. Styne has wanted a clear trial for over three years now.. This clears the way for that trial to happen..

Its time for Mann to now produce the items demanded by Styne in discovery.. Time for Mann to pony up and give up the information that Mann has been trying to hide for years..

This is actually a Win for Mark Styne... twisted into an unrecognizable alarmist mess..
That swine Michael Mann will never come clean, not after he escaped prosecution for deleting the material he was hiding. The AGW freaks twisted that into having been exonerated as in not having deleted anything. But never mention that the only reason he could not be nailed for having committed an offense against the freedom of information act was that the charges have not been filed before the 6 month statute of limitation had expired...and after that this liar turned around and filed a defamation law suit and wants damages for the emotional stress he "suffered" after he had been exposed. So unfortunately this trial is only held to determine if the appellants had a malicious intent to defame that liar or that they had good reason to believe that the statements they made about Mann concealing and or deleting the material they requested are based on fact.
Of that pdf document which was posted here only the first 2 pages are issued by the court all the rest of the pages full of laudatory crap what a wonderful "scientist" M.Mann supposedly is, is no more than a deposition to the court by Mann`s legal team.
That pdf document continues on from the first 2 pages which are authored and signed by the presiding judge and attaches the opinions Mann`s legal team to that leaving the impression that it has been established in a court of law that M.Mann is the kind of "eminent scientist"how he and his lawyers describe him in their deposition.
But that`s just par for the course regarding the entire AGW controversy it`s all smoke and mirrors
Dr Mann didn't win anything as he was explained by the link k I gave you in the other thread about this.
On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.

What that means is that the last obstacle stopping the case from going to a jury trial was tossed out by the judge, who noted that all the evidence supports Dr. Mann.

Deniers were frantic to stop that jury trial from happening, and tried every trick in the book to stop it. They failed.

Deniers were frantic to stop discovery from happening. Dr. Mann welcomes full discovery. That would be why he filed the lawsuit.

Someone is desperate to hide the truth, and it's the deniers.

Oh, deniers should probably not welcome Trump's wishes to make libel suits easier, because it would leave them open to such libel suits. If the bar was set low enough, even the deniers on this board could be successfully sued for libel. After all, all the evidence shows that many of them know that they're lying about the scientists, and that their libel is deliberate. I doubt "But the party wanted me to lie!" would be an effective legal defense.

I had to reread that first sentence three times, what an illiterate.
I was just reading Mark Styne's response and found it amusing that it was simply a BS move by others that was thrown out.. Styne has wanted a clear trial for over three years now.. This clears the way for that trial to happen..

Its time for Mann to now produce the items demanded by Styne in discovery.. Time for Mann to pony up and give up the information that Mann has been trying to hide for years..

This is actually a Win for Mark Styne... twisted into an unrecognizable alarmist mess..

What evidence besides his most recent statements do we have to believe that Styne, like his co defendants, wasn't doing everything he could to escape the court?
That swine Michael Mann will never come clean, not after he escaped prosecution for deleting the material he was hiding.

You poor snowflake. You're side is in big trouble, and you know it. Why? Because courts won't allow kook conspiracy theories as arguments, and that's all deniers have.

So, should Steyn and pals offer to settle now? And should Mann accept?

I'd say Mann should only accept if a groveling apology and admission of wrongdoing comes along with the settlement. Deniers need to have their noses rubbed in their messes, or they'll just keep crapping on the carpet of decent society.

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