Dr Death struggles to stay alive in his last days


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Former medical examiner Jack Kevorkian performed his first assisted suicide in the back of a VW bus and single handedly galvanized the predominently left wing into "accepting" the concept of assisted suicide for the elderly and the disabled but when push came to shove the 83 year old Dr. Death decided he would rather live for a little while longer if medically possible. He died from complications unrelated to suicide on 6/3/11.
What can you say about a person who crusaded for the "right" to set up the equipment to coerce senior citizens and other burdons of society to take their own lives and at the end he fought to stay alive? Irony? Dr. death Kevorkian was nothing but Ed Gein with a college degree.
I don't recall Kevorkian advocating for compulsory suicide by elderly people, bub.
A bar owner sells alcohol but he is a tea drinker himself. Is he wrong for owning a bar?

Kevorkian gave people who had nobody to turn to, a way. It was not necessarily his way.
Former medical examiner Jack Kevorkian performed his first assisted suicide in the back of a VW bus and single handedly galvanized the predominently left wing into "accepting" the concept of assisted suicide for the elderly and the disabled but when push came to shove the 83 year old Dr. Death decided he would rather live for a little while longer if medically possible. He died from complications unrelated to suicide on 6/3/11.

A bar owner sells alcohol but he is a tea drinker himself. Is he wrong for owning a bar?

Kevorkian gave people who had nobody to turn to, a way. It was not necessarily his way.

You can't deny Kevorkian enjoyed it too much. He used to prowl hospitals looking for dying people and ask them if he could look in their eyes as they died. He once transfused the blood of a fresh corpse into his own veins to see what it would feel like. It's not up to necrophiliacs "to give people a way". Would you prosecute someone who put a gun in the hands of a depressed person and showed him how to work the trigger? You betcha. Who knows how many times he hit the switch after his "clients" decided they didn't want to take their lives? People have no right to make it easy for other people to end their lives or talk them into killing themselves.

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