Dozens of Georgia witnesses expose election irregularities.

Oh bullshit. Grow up, the GOP and Donald Trump are losers. Period, end of story.
You mean you didn't get pregnant? The Donald is still faithful to Melania?
Stop with the BIG LIES, haven't you figured out they are as worthless as the conspiracy theories.
And the men in your life simply aren't wealthy enough for your taste, now, are they?
LMAO No Dem wants to say the evidence, and there is plenty of it out there, is true.

They all know if Biden were Trump they would be screaming election fraud long and loud.

This election is the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and every one knows it.
Here is part 1...

Part 2...

There is no way that anyone on either side will change his/her mind.

The liberal media have been very successful in convincing everyone that charges of vote rigging are absurd. That election workers in "certain" cities would alter the vote is out of the question, they claim.

Even high officials in the Trump administration have quickly announced that the election was basically as clean as a hound's tooth.

So if there are videos that show obvious ballot tampering, the media & the politicians will dismiss those videos as fake or -- at the very least -- misinterpreted.

If the election was rigged, we have to give the Devil His/Her due. He/She did an excellent job.
Here is part 1...

Part 2...

There is no way that anyone on either side will change his/her mind.

The liberal media have been very successful in convincing everyone that charges of vote rigging are absurd. That election workers in "certain" cities would alter the vote is out of the question, they claim.

Even high officials in the Trump administration have quickly announced that the election was basically as clean as a hound's tooth.

So if there are videos that show obvious ballot tampering, the media & the politicians will dismiss those videos as fake or -- at the very least -- misinterpreted.

If the election was rigged, we have to give the Devil His/Her due. He/She did an excellent job.

there are no videos that show deliberate voter fraud, if there were, the media would show it.... they are not going to participate in the Trumper DELUSION and fabrication of voter fraud created by the Trump team.

We know there can not be fraudulent ballots put under the table in suit cases, coming from no where, until .... the poll counters and media were sent home.... the story told by the right wing blond lawyer chick at that Giuliani hearing..... she purposely presented a fabricated scenario when showing the cropped video....which nearly immediately went viral. In the hearing she implies the cases of ballots being pulled out from under the black table cloth to be counted, after the poll workers were sent home, were suit cases of fraudulent ballots brought in to count when all the rest of the poll workers were sent home.

when just a few frames before her cut of the video, you can see the ballots in the suit cases are ballots the poll workers just put in the ballot cases after they had completed the process of removing them from the absentee envelopes.

YOU were SOLD a bill of goods, by the Trump fraudsters, that suitcases were somehow brought in with fraudulent ballots, to stuff the count.... :rolleyes:

we know that checks and balances in the vote counting process would catch ballot stuffing.... you can not have more paper absentee ballots than you have of processed absentee envelopes they were removed from. PERIOD

Ballot stuffing, can not happen, under the system.

the blond in the hearing KNEW your ignorance on how elections are run and purposely deceived you.

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