Down Memory Lane With Chuck


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Here's why federal workers aren't getting paid. Democrats know a wall will substantially screw up their "replace the Americans" plan, and they will never accept it under any circumstances.

Do note the story date. Better to stop wasting time and ram it down their throats.

Schumer rejects Trump’s immigration proposal
So 'splain this to my tired freezing red neck brain Billy

What good does any wall do our 'immigration problem' ,when we're legislating them citizenship faster than sh*t through a goose?

So 'splain this to my tired freezing red neck brain Billy

What good does any wall do our 'immigration problem' ,when we're legislating them citizenship faster than sh*t through a goose?


The point is - he gave the Democrats something they purport to badly want in exchange for border security, something they should as Americans support in any case.

That they have rejected it indicates that an unsecured border is where their true interests lie.
The harder Trump tries to act like a Mussolini the less power he has in the future. He's practically powerless now outside the executive branch.
Here's why federal workers aren't getting paid. Democrats know a wall will substantially screw up their "replace the Americans" plan, and they will never accept it under any circumstances.

Do note the story date. Better to stop wasting time and ram it down their throats.

Schumer rejects Trump’s immigration proposal
I'm so old I remember when DACA was important to the Left.
The harder Trump tries to act like a Mussolini the less power he has in the future. He's practically powerless now outside the executive branch.
Trump is laughing his head off at Democrats screaming for open borders and defunding ICE as 2020 kicks off. When Trump gets bored he will simply order the Army Corps of Engineers to build his wall.
So 'splain this to my tired freezing red neck brain Billy

What good does any wall do our 'immigration problem' ,when we're legislating them citizenship faster than sh*t through a goose?


The point is - he gave the Democrats something they purport to badly want in exchange for border security, something they should as Americans support in any case.

That they have rejected it indicates that an unsecured border is where their true interests lie.

And how is it this is what you've concluded Billy?

From your article>>>>

This plan flies in the face of what most Americans believe," Schumer said on Twitter. While Trump "finally acknowledged that the Dreamers should be allowed to stay here and become citizens, he uses them as a tool to tear apart our legal immigration system and adopt the wish list that anti-immigration hard-liners have advocated for for years."

“DACA has been made increasingly difficult by the fact that Cryin’ Chuck Schumer took such a beating over the shutdown that he is unable to act on immigration!” Trump tweeted.

“President Trump and Republicans cannot be allowed to use Dreamers as a bargaining chip for their wish list of anti-immigrant policies," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

'splain it please.....~S~

No shit. The most important agenda item is to work toward converting the 20-30 million illegals (Don't believe the 11 Million myth) into VOTING CITIZENS.

It won't happen while The Donald is President, but if the Dems take over in 2020, it will happen faster than you can say "Fuck America!"

View EVERYTHING THE LEFTISTS do through this pink-colored lens. It all makes sense.
So 'splain this to my tired freezing red neck brain Billy

What good does any wall do our 'immigration problem' ,when we're legislating them citizenship faster than sh*t through a goose?


The point is - he gave the Democrats something they purport to badly want in exchange for border security, something they should as Americans support in any case.

That they have rejected it indicates that an unsecured border is where their true interests lie.

And how is it this is what you've concluded Billy?

From your article>>>>

This plan flies in the face of what most Americans believe," Schumer said on Twitter. While Trump "finally acknowledged that the Dreamers should be allowed to stay here and become citizens, he uses them as a tool to tear apart our legal immigration system and adopt the wish list that anti-immigration hard-liners have advocated for for years."

“DACA has been made increasingly difficult by the fact that Cryin’ Chuck Schumer took such a beating over the shutdown that he is unable to act on immigration!” Trump tweeted.

“President Trump and Republicans cannot be allowed to use Dreamers as a bargaining chip for their wish list of anti-immigrant policies," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

'splain it please.....~S~

Nothing to explain. Schumer isn't willing to trade his open border for the DACA kids, and for obvious reasons.

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