Down-Ballot is the real issue now


Gold Member
Feb 10, 2016
Clinton obviously has the race locked up. Short of assassination or a video of her committing murder, we've got Hillary for 4 years.

The real questions are down-ballot. The Senate appears ripe for Democratic picking. The House would be a real stretch, but a prognosticator on NBC suggested a double-digit point spread in the presidential race could mean a wave for Democrats. I'm skeptical.

Either way, only Hillary seems to recognize the importance of down-ballot races, and is therefore campaigning on their behalf.

How Trump and Clinton Are Handling Down-Ballot Races
HRC will win abeit some super October surprise: Julian A only saw his ass not a surprise.

The Dems, whom I thought could only get 48 or 49 seats, may get 51 to 52 seats.

The House if cut to a 15 GOP majority leader will witness a new Speaker.

Amazing year.
You know the only reason I care much about the "down ballot" is because I am so furious with the GOP in general. I wouldn't be, but the fact of the matter is that all those GOP leaders who are "holding their noses" and backing Trump just doesn't work for me. If they think Trump is so awful that they must "hold their nose" to support him, then they should have had some damn backbone and just said so from the start.

Clinton obviously has the race locked up.

I don't think she has it locked up. I know it looks that way, but even now, I still think Trump will win, which really pisses me off because I can't stand that social climbing son of a bitch! It's not unique to Trump. I don't like anyone that strikes me that way.


What's a "social climber" as I use the term?
Think of the guy/gal in your high school or college peer group who, by all rights belonged but didn't truly fit in, and who would have fit right in, but s/he didn't know s/he belonged and so s/he tried too hard to truly fit in, thereby making a social ass of her-/himself and as a result was really just tolerated. This isn't the person who doesn't fit it because they they are truly different; it's the person who's just like everyone else (remember, I said peer), wants to fit in, but just doesn't. The person was neither the best nor worst at anything, and nobody thought there was something wrong with that, but s/he always wanted to be seen as better than they felt they were given credit for. The kid who just wasn't satisfied being him-/herself and refused to own whatever that was. They just aren't comfortable in their skin.​
End of sidebar.
Sounds more to me like you're being careful and avoiding being confident. But the numbers for Trump simply aren't there. NO ONE is going over to his side anymore. He's got all the support he's going to get.
Sounds more to me like you're being careful and avoiding being confident. But the numbers for Trump simply aren't there. NO ONE is going over to his side anymore. He's got all the support he's going to get.
Get at least two one odds before you make that bet.
Clinton obviously has the race locked up. Short of assassination or a video of her committing murder, we've got Hillary for 4 years.

The real questions are down-ballot. The Senate appears ripe for Democratic picking. The House would be a real stretch, but a prognosticator on NBC suggested a double-digit point spread in the presidential race could mean a wave for Democrats. I'm skeptical.

Either way, only Hillary seems to recognize the importance of down-ballot races, and is therefore campaigning on their behalf.

How Trump and Clinton Are Handling Down-Ballot Races
I wouldn't be too sure. Hillary won't sleep the night before election day.

And everyone with a brain better show up because you know trump supporters are going to.

It's really locked up if blacks, women, Muslims and Hispanics show up. Or will they prove right they are a bunch of rapist pig criminals who should be banned from the us and have their rights taken away.

Is trumps big con working?

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