Dove ad features transgender mom: no one right way..

Disgusting faggotry.

T rumps whitehouse spokeshole was speaking well of you just the other day. You should send him a thank you tweet
Where did you learn to construct a sentence?
Well that explains everything. If this message board were only in crayon. Maybe we could draft a proposal for the dimwitted?
Air Force.
Damn wing nutz..
Disgusting faggotry.

T rumps whitehouse spokeshole was speaking well of you just the other day. You should send him a thank you tweet
Where did you learn to construct a sentence?
Well that explains everything. If this message board were only in crayon. Maybe we could draft a proposal for the dimwitted?
Air Force.
Damn wing nutz..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
T rumps whitehouse spokeshole was speaking well of you just the other day. You should send him a thank you tweet
Where did you learn to construct a sentence?
Well that explains everything. If this message board were only in crayon. Maybe we could draft a proposal for the dimwitted?
Air Force.
Damn wing nutz..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
I wouldn't ever join the Marines..My family has a long history of being in the Ermy...
Except my non-traditional son who joined the Air Farce..
Where did you learn to construct a sentence?
Well that explains everything. If this message board were only in crayon. Maybe we could draft a proposal for the dimwitted?
Air Force.
Damn wing nutz..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
I wouldn't ever join the Marines..My family has a long history of being in the Ermy...
Except my non-traditional son who joined the Air Farce..
Thank God! I thought you were an idiot for a second.
Very good! Your son has decided to become one of the best, God bless him. You must be very proud. We, Air Force members are a cut above the normal rabble. By 'normal rabble' I am, of course, referring to the other, inferior branches of the service.
Your son must be very intelligent and in kind, you must have passed your intelligence on to him. Good stuff.
Well that explains everything. If this message board were only in crayon. Maybe we could draft a proposal for the dimwitted?
Air Force.
Damn wing nutz..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
I wouldn't ever join the Marines..My family has a long history of being in the Ermy...
Except my non-traditional son who joined the Air Farce..
Thank God! I thought you were an idiot for a second.
Very good! Your son has decided to become one of the best, God bless him. You must be very proud. We, Air Force members are a cut above the normal rabble. By 'normal rabble' I am, of course, referring to the other, inferior branches of the service.
Your son must be very intelligent and in kind, you must have passed your intelligence on to him. Good stuff.
He's already out.I do have some 2nd cousins in the service but all the first cousins retired...
Well that explains everything. If this message board were only in crayon. Maybe we could draft a proposal for the dimwitted?
Air Force.
Damn wing nutz..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
I wouldn't ever join the Marines..My family has a long history of being in the Ermy...
Except my non-traditional son who joined the Air Farce..
Thank God! I thought you were an idiot for a second.
Very good! Your son has decided to become one of the best, God bless him. You must be very proud. We, Air Force members are a cut above the normal rabble. By 'normal rabble' I am, of course, referring to the other, inferior branches of the service.
Your son must be very intelligent and in kind, you must have passed your intelligence on to him. Good stuff.
He's already out.I do have some 2nd cousins in the service but all the first cousins retired...
ahhhh retirement...a short tour in the deepest coldest north and it will be curtains for this career...I cannot wait. Many many moons...
Damn wing nutz..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
I wouldn't ever join the Marines..My family has a long history of being in the Ermy...
Except my non-traditional son who joined the Air Farce..
Thank God! I thought you were an idiot for a second.
Very good! Your son has decided to become one of the best, God bless him. You must be very proud. We, Air Force members are a cut above the normal rabble. By 'normal rabble' I am, of course, referring to the other, inferior branches of the service.
Your son must be very intelligent and in kind, you must have passed your intelligence on to him. Good stuff.
He's already out.I do have some 2nd cousins in the service but all the first cousins retired...
ahhhh retirement...a short tour in the deepest coldest north and it will be curtains for this career...I cannot wait. Many many moons...
I am bored and gonna find something I can do, even if it's organized crime..
I like the Marines! You guys do all of things we don't want to. We truly appreciate that. Besides, who wants to sleep in a field when there are proper hotels to be manned?
I wouldn't ever join the Marines..My family has a long history of being in the Ermy...
Except my non-traditional son who joined the Air Farce..
Thank God! I thought you were an idiot for a second.
Very good! Your son has decided to become one of the best, God bless him. You must be very proud. We, Air Force members are a cut above the normal rabble. By 'normal rabble' I am, of course, referring to the other, inferior branches of the service.
Your son must be very intelligent and in kind, you must have passed your intelligence on to him. Good stuff.
He's already out.I do have some 2nd cousins in the service but all the first cousins retired...
ahhhh retirement...a short tour in the deepest coldest north and it will be curtains for this career...I cannot wait. Many many moons...
I am bored and gonna find something I can do, even if it's organized crime..
Open a marijuana dispensary. Do they have those in the 'Show Me'?
Disgusting faggotry.

T rumps whitehouse spokeshole was speaking well of you just the other day. You should send him a thank you tweet
Where did you learn to construct a sentence?

Oh the deeply stupid has emerged.



The trannies want society to consider their fucked-up lifestyle change as being "normal" when it's not. :cuckoo:

The Dove ad is just a pathetic attempt to try to normalize a mental illness. :cuckoo:
I don't care what transgenders do. None of my business. BUT, I am tired of them thinking it SHOULD be my business and shoving it in my face 24/7/365. Sell your product and stfu about shit nobody wants to read about.
Amen to this. As if we needed another commercial like that out there any way. One of them make up companies did one of their own too. You can tell that the person doing the talking is a male.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What I don't get about transgender people is why they bother to put their past front and center in the first place if that is not where they want to be anymore. If you are going to look like the opposite gender, what is the point in acknowledging the fact that it isn't how you used to look? I don't mean to encourage such a life style because I disagree with it, but maybe if they stopped taking their past with them, more people would take their present seriously. In my opinion, that is something for everyone who has changed in some way to think about.
Last edited:
Dove Ad Features Transgender Mom: ‘No One Right Way’

Just like entertainment media, advertisements have the power to both shape and reflect the culture. While capitalizing on social trends, brand experts are pushing to mainstream controversial themes – and Dove soap is the latest to participate with a transgender star.


Looking at comments, Dove will help sink themselves a bit too. Target pulled this stunt stocks took a hit, just like every other place that pulled this bs too.
"TRANSGENDER"... is that the new word for FAGGOT?
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Survive

All the Gayist self-descriptions are covers for one word: PEDOPHILE.
Dove Ad Features Transgender Mom: ‘No One Right Way’

Just like entertainment media, advertisements have the power to both shape and reflect the culture. While capitalizing on social trends, brand experts are pushing to mainstream controversial themes – and Dove soap is the latest to participate with a transgender star.


Looking at comments, Dove will help sink themselves a bit too. Target pulled this stunt stocks took a hit, just like every other place that pulled this bs too.

Isn't freedom wonderful? You want to turn this country into Iran or Saudi Arabia and use the government to force people into your narrow mindset.
I like the freedom to be able to call faggots faggots. Oh, wait. You can't. The democrats and homonazis will attack you like it's Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Democrats? What About Blessed Virgin Mary Cheney of the Immaculate Conception?

Because a self-destructive refusal to take collective action, traditonalists won't call a boycott of Dove. It would put them out of business, and no company would dare push a disgusting fad ever again. Freakish fringe groups count on our reluctance to increase our power by joining together and taking them apart, limp-wristed limb by limp-wristed limb.

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