Douchbag Albuquerque cop suing family of child he killed.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I’d argue he won the Douchebag of the month, but even Douch of the year doesn’t go far enough. Is it too early to name him Douche of the Century as it is only 18 years into it?

New Mexico cop who hit mother's SUV and killed her son sues her | Daily Mail Online

This is the official photo of our douche of the century contender. Tell me he did not join the cops because he got picked on in high school and isnout for revenge.


I wouldn’t trust that face to be a Mall rent a cop much less a full blown cop.

The news article says he has children, so it’s too late to stop him from infecting the population with his scrawny chest genetics but perhaps his kids will go into an honest line of work like washing cars or mowing lawns.

This man who probably aspires to be as competent as Barney Fife has had five previous accidents, and an unauthorized pursuit, but this time swears he was doing it right when he T-boned the SUV doing 67 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. What fucking moron decided this pathetic dolt would make a good cop? He’ll he would hav gotten fired from UBER where he drove his own car with that many accidents.

Can a peace officer sue a citizen if an incident happened during duty?

Cops have the same rights as regular citizens. If you're involved in a workplace accident you can sue your employer or others who may have contributed to the accident. The courts will decide the validity of the tort.
Can a peace officer sue a citizen if an incident happened during duty?

Cops have the same rights as regular citizens. If you're involved in a workplace accident you can sue your employer or others who may have contributed to the accident. The courts will decide the validity of the tort.
Fireman’s Rule Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Without knowing the facts of this case. It may be a case of more than simple negligence. I know for a fact that people do crazy stuff when they hear sirens and often put themselves and officers' lives at risk.

As I said before, it will be up to the court to decide the outcome of the tort.

I am curious as to why this story is reported so prominently in an Australian newspaper.
Can a peace officer sue a citizen if an incident happened during duty?

Cops have the same rights as regular citizens. If you're involved in a workplace accident you can sue your employer or others who may have contributed to the accident. The courts will decide the validity of the tort.
Fireman’s Rule Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Without knowing the facts of this case. It may be a case of more than simple negligence. I know for a fact that people do crazy stuff when they hear sirens and often put themselves and officers' lives at risk.

As I said before, it will be up to the court to decide the outcome of the tort.

I am curious as to why this story is reported so prominently in an Australian newspaper.

Daily Mail is followed by the .uk. That would be United Kingdom, or England if you prefer. They have a section on Australia, as they do on the US Showbiz. It doesn’t mean they’re from Hollywood.
A cop can countersue if a suit is filed against the cop, which is what the mother did: sued him.
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This part of the story is interesting:

The deputy noted in his report that McDonnell was going 'at a speed too fast for conditions at the time, however, Officer McDonnell was authorized to operate his vehicle in an emergency response'.

The department also released a list of five motor vehicles accidents and one unauthorized pursuit McDonnell had been involved in since he joined the police department in 2009. Three of the incidents resulted in McDonnell's temporary suspension

Read more: New Mexico cop who hit mother's SUV and killed her son sues her | Daily Mail Online
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My personal opinion: The guy is trying to play super cop to compensate for his Barney Fife image.
This part of the story is interesting:

The deputy noted in his report that McDonnell was going 'at a speed too fast for conditions at the time, however, Officer McDonnell was authorized to operate his vehicle in an emergency response'.

The department also released a list of five motor vehicles accidents and one unauthorized pursuit McDonnell had been involved in since he joined the police department in 2009. Three of the incidents resulted in McDonnell's temporary suspension

Read more: New Mexico cop who hit mother's SUV and killed her son sues her | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

My personal opinion: The guy is trying to play super cop to compensate for his Barney Fife image.
Probably popping testosterone...
Next a cop will sue a family of someone he shot and killed while on duty.

The police in the US have fallen down the respectability hill precipitously. Our local police chief said one of his officers, that shot an 18 year old in the back of the head after the kid jumped a fence and was running away when shot, was justified by department policy. The cop said he feared for his life as I think the kid had a gun previously.

So all a cop has to do in ANY situation is say he/she was scared and they can do anything they like. The only standard is any cop says "I was scared" and he has no responsibility for his actions.

Yeah cops aren't these brave 'defenders of the public' anymore.
Next a cop will sue a family of someone he shot and killed while on duty.

The police in the US have fallen down the respectability hill precipitously. Our local police chief said one of his officers, that shot an 18 year old in the back of the head after the kid jumped a fence and was running away when shot, was justified by department policy. The cop said he feared for his life as I think the kid had a gun previously.

So all a cop has to do in ANY situation is say he/she was scared and they can do anything they like. The only standard is any cop says "I was scared" and he has no responsibility for his actions.

Yeah cops aren't these brave 'defenders of the public' anymore.

And just think....these are the very people who you think are the only ones who should be armed.
I’d argue he won the Douchebag of the month, but even Douch of the year doesn’t go far enough. Is it too early to name him Douche of the Century as it is only 18 years into it?

New Mexico cop who hit mother's SUV and killed her son sues her | Daily Mail Online

This is the official photo of our douche of the century contender. Tell me he did not join the cops because he got picked on in high school and isnout for revenge.

View attachment 181617

I wouldn’t trust that face to be a Mall rent a cop much less a full blown cop.

The news article says he has children, so it’s too late to stop him from infecting the population with his scrawny chest genetics but perhaps his kids will go into an honest line of work like washing cars or mowing lawns.

This man who probably aspires to be as competent as Barney Fife has had five previous accidents, and an unauthorized pursuit, but this time swears he was doing it right when he T-boned the SUV doing 67 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. What fucking moron decided this pathetic dolt would make a good cop? He’ll he would hav gotten fired from UBER where he drove his own car with that many accidents.


It is called a counter suit you stupid fuck. The mother didn’t yield to a cop in pursuit and was in the wrong. She made it worst by suing the cop and he was in his legal right to counter sue!

I see all the time people not yield to ambulance and cop cars. It is wrong and obviously dangerous!

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I’d argue he won the Douchebag of the month, but even Douch of the year doesn’t go far enough. Is it too early to name him Douche of the Century as it is only 18 years into it?

New Mexico cop who hit mother's SUV and killed her son sues her | Daily Mail Online

This is the official photo of our douche of the century contender. Tell me he did not join the cops because he got picked on in high school and isnout for revenge.

View attachment 181617

I wouldn’t trust that face to be a Mall rent a cop much less a full blown cop.

The news article says he has children, so it’s too late to stop him from infecting the population with his scrawny chest genetics but perhaps his kids will go into an honest line of work like washing cars or mowing lawns.

This man who probably aspires to be as competent as Barney Fife has had five previous accidents, and an unauthorized pursuit, but this time swears he was doing it right when he T-boned the SUV doing 67 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. What fucking moron decided this pathetic dolt would make a good cop? He’ll he would hav gotten fired from UBER where he drove his own car with that many accidents.


It is called a counter suit you stupid fuck. The mother didn’t yield to a cop in pursuit and was in the wrong. She made it worst by suing the cop and he was in his legal right to counter sue!

I see all the time people not yield to ambulance and cop cars. It is wrong and obviously dangerous!

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I take it he is a friend of yours? He is still a Douchbag.
Next a cop will sue a family of someone he shot and killed while on duty.

The police in the US have fallen down the respectability hill precipitously. Our local police chief said one of his officers, that shot an 18 year old in the back of the head after the kid jumped a fence and was running away when shot, was justified by department policy. The cop said he feared for his life as I think the kid had a gun previously.

So all a cop has to do in ANY situation is say he/she was scared and they can do anything they like. The only standard is any cop says "I was scared" and he has no responsibility for his actions.

Yeah cops aren't these brave 'defenders of the public' anymore.

You may want to tell the victim's family to consult with an attorney. Police officers have been convicted of murder and have been successfully sued in civil court because of inappropriate use of deadly force.

A policeman can use deadly force in only two very specific situations. First, he is allowed to use deadly force if - at the time such force is used – he reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to himself or another innocent party. Whether the officer's belief was reasonable is a matter for a jury to determine using the “reasonably prudent man” standard. If a man is running away the policemen is obviously not in any danger at that time (what happened prior to that time is immaterial) and cannot use deadly force..

Second, a policeman can use deadly force to prevent the escape of a dangerous felon which is defined as someone who has inflicted or threatened to inflict death or serious bodily injury. If the man was not a dangerous felon the policeman should be charged with murder. Of course his family will be successful in a civil lawsuit.

You did say that the victim had previously had a gun. I'm not sure what that means. If he had previously threatened the policeman with a gun that would make him a dangerous felon and the police could use deadly force to prevent his escape. However, the mere fact that he had a gun does not make the man a dangerous felon.

PS: Officer Michael T. Slager got 20 years in prison for using deadly force against a man who was running away. The two man had gotten into a minor tussle but that did not give Slager the right to kill him.

Michael Slager, Officer in Walter Scott Shooting, Gets 20-Year Sentence
Monster Cop. Drive a wooden stake through his heart and shoot him with a silver bullet.

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