Doubts about getting a cat.

Slowly moving and raising the litter box up next to the toilet, then moving it onto the toilet, then putting saran wrap and litter over the toilet, until eventually you take the saran wrap away, and they just go in the toilet.

Or so I've read.

I don't think saran wrap would be strong enough. The cat might break through and it would traumatize them and they'd never want to go near the toilet again.

Better to get one of those plastic devices. Worth the money, probably.

...then how do you teach them to put the lid down?

Ha ha, don't know about that, but I have heard of them being taught to flush. Seriously!
Well...I took the plunge. Meet KiKi. I got her today. 7 weeks old. Hisses at Karma but she is a brave gal. Hisses at me too, but she likes to sit in my lap and purr. Teeny tiny motor she has, lol.
Her coloring is beautiful...smokey gray body but black head and legs.

Well...I took the plunge. Meet KiKi. I got her today. 7 weeks old. Hisses at Karma but she is a brave gal. Hisses at me too, but she likes to sit in my lap and purr. Teeny tiny motor she has, lol.
Her coloring is beautiful...smokey gray body but black head and legs.

The picture is missing.
I took it down because she is gone back to the people that gave her to me.
Meanwhile...I have a guy that is moving and is wanting a home for his cat...that LOVES his chocolate labs, is 2 years old and is named Garfield. I take Karma on Wednesday to meet Garfield. If they bump heads...I will bring him home.

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