Double take


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District

Check out these two memes I caught back to back. Any comments?

Both are striking to me. I agree more and disagree some.

1. Yes we are destroying ourselves by dividing and bullying instead of uniting where we agree. But no, we cannot blame others if we are doing this to ourselves. We first change how we approach each other, then we can unite and change the narrative we establish. We the people are still in charge of shaping govt policy. If we don't do our job, that's why govt fails as well.

2. Many Liberals lack the experience, training or credit support to do their own social provisions. Some truly believe in central govt to be the safest authority to guarantee sustainable programs before investing. So some of this need to push politically for govt to mandate social welfare is out of inability to manage independently. And some is based on political beliefs, similar to believing in unity in Christ as the central governing authority in order to establish a true collective public agreement that will last and not fall to private interests.
...I and Republicans are not being played--we are not stupid
..the MSM/Dems are the dividers
the republicans are the biggest ones being played,,
the dems are honest about their hatred of the constitution and freedom and work to achieve those goals,,

the GOP says they are for the constitution and freedom and when elected just sit on their hands and fund all the dem policies and agencies and NEVER repeal any of the dem crap like gun laws or unconstitutional agencies
Things are not going so well for those fools in the establishment. The people stormed the capital. Their propaganda press has been branded as fake. Trump is still ripping them a new one. The border is in chaos. And in spite of all their rigging, cheating, and election fraud the best they could manage is to put Biden in charge :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: That's some funny shit.
...I and Republicans are not being played--we are not stupid
..the MSM/Dems are the dividers
Hi harmonica
I am encouraged to see you at least align
with Republicans with not being played.

However I am equally discouraged to see Republicans or Conservatives turn against each other instead of uniting on common issues and areas we agree on as more important.

There IS division on the far right that turns against the sellout career politicians, where both accuse the other of costing the party.

The way the Conservatives get played is by labeling the real Constitutional Republicans as the bad guys and the fake sellouts as the good GOP willing to work across the aisle. This twisting in the media also turns Tea party and Trump supporters into targets.

1. Republicans are incited to divide against each other, not just Democrats against Republicans (as you did above as well, by pitting "them as the dividers" vs "your side not being stupid" <-- That is STILL dividing in response)
2. Uniting in response would mean
"WE are trying to overcome conflicts on
both sides to resolve these divisions
WE ALL are suffering on EITHER side
3. You still give me more hope we can unite Republicans first, with other Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Libertarians and Independents who favor autonomy over collective statism. Before we try resolving issues with Democrats, Greens and other Liberals Leftists and Progressives who have their own divisions to deal with.

I think aligning the right first will provide leverage to compel corrections on the left.

Thanks harmonica !

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