Doomsday 2012: Watch the 'End of the World' Live Online


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Doomsday 2012: Watch the 'End of the World' Live Online

Anyone worried that the world will come to an end Friday (Dec. 21) can scan the heavens online this week for any signs of death from above.

The online Slooh Space Camera will broadcast a series of live cosmic views all week, beginning today (Dec. 17). The free webcasts will help the public keep watch for any monster solar storms, impending asteroid strikes or other potential agents of the so-called "Mayan apocalypse" that doomsayers claim is set for Friday.

"Rather than merely offer scientists' dismissals of the many silly doomsday scenarios that have now been heard by almost everyone in the world, and which have reportedly produced panic in Russia, Slooh will take a 'let's see for ourselves' attitude," Astronomy Magazine columnist Bob Berman, who will participate in the shows, said in a statement.
Anyone who's worried about the prediction coming true should spend the next few days at their mother-in-law's. If nothing else it'll be the longest few days of your life. :eusa_angel:
So who's gonna' start the Official USMB "End of the World" thread on Friday?

Any volunteers? :D
Doomsday 2012: Watch the 'End of the World' Live Online

Anyone worried that the world will come to an end Friday (Dec. 21) can scan the heavens online this week for any signs of death from above.

The online Slooh Space Camera will broadcast a series of live cosmic views all week, beginning today (Dec. 17). The free webcasts will help the public keep watch for any monster solar storms, impending asteroid strikes or other potential agents of the so-called "Mayan apocalypse" that doomsayers claim is set for Friday.

"Rather than merely offer scientists' dismissals of the many silly doomsday scenarios that have now been heard by almost everyone in the world, and which have reportedly produced panic in Russia, Slooh will take a 'let's see for ourselves' attitude," Astronomy Magazine columnist Bob Berman, who will participate in the shows, said in a statement.

I used to have a subscription at that site, it's pretty good. You should be able to see the festivities for free but they get pretty involved in astronomy and the different events that happen.
Fact check time. So exactly when on Friday is the world going to end? Will it be midnight?...noon ...00:01am?

I am thinking noon. It would have to be Guatemalan time right? So the only way the entire world could end on exactly the same day is if it were exactly twelve hours to the other side of the planet from the Mayans in each direction. Right?

So New York is toast at 1:00 pm and LA is toast at 10:00 am.
Fact check time. So exactly when on Friday is the world going to end? Will it be midnight?...noon ...00:01am?

I am thinking noon. It would have to be Guatemalan time right? So the only way the entire world could end on exactly the same day is if it were exactly twelve hours to the other side of the planet from the Mayans in each direction. Right?

So New York is toast at 1:00 pm and LA is toast at 10:00 am.

No need to worry about the time.

The Government has spent 120 billion dollars on a system to alert every American by text and email immediately after the event that the end of the world has just occurred and not to panic.
Fact check time. So exactly when on Friday is the world going to end? Will it be midnight?...noon ...00:01am?

I am thinking noon. It would have to be Guatemalan time right? So the only way the entire world could end on exactly the same day is if it were exactly twelve hours to the other side of the planet from the Mayans in each direction. Right?

So New York is toast at 1:00 pm and LA is toast at 10:00 am.

so i guess it's ok to drink wine with lunch that day. :D

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