Don't You Wish YOU Could Deduct Your Hobby From YOUR Taxes?

From the link:

What began as therapy became a hobby and then, as her husband Mitt Romney puts it, an “addiction.” He said recently, “She's convinced [dressage helped] her regenerate her strength and renew that vigor, and so she cares very deeply about this sport and about horses...I joke that I'm going to send her to Betty Ford for addiction to horses."

I find it rather pathetic that people choose to use this particular stick to beat Romney... his wife has MS and horse riding is good for her. So she got into it... and gets slammed for it, solely because her husband has the audacity to run against the messiah.
From the link:

What began as therapy became a hobby and then, as her husband Mitt Romney puts it, an “addiction.” He said recently, “She's convinced [dressage helped] her regenerate her strength and renew that vigor, and so she cares very deeply about this sport and about horses...I joke that I'm going to send her to Betty Ford for addiction to horses."

I find it rather pathetic that people choose to use this particular stick to beat Romney... his wife has MS and horse riding is good for her. So she got into it... and gets slammed for it, solely because her husband has the audacity to run against the messiah.
The envy is so thick you need a chain saw to get through it.
Warrior? Even by comparison, your guy looks REALLY bad. Really bad.

Becuase he's rich, successful?

That's just horrible.

You must really hate people like John Kerry and Bill Maher

Success is good. My dad worked hard - hell, WORKS. 77, works seven days a week, Kept costs low, socked a lot a way, has an estate that's nothing to sneeze at, etc. Where did you think my work ethic came from? Or did you really think I was in a double-wide, being a double-wide?

Frankly, until the 1% did the big money grab, things were good. Then they hoovered all the money out of the economy, things got really bad. They're getting better, but no thanks to the vacuums.

I would like to believe that someday, we'll return to normal. However, Mitt doesn't want that. Therefore, I don't want Mittens.
Warrior? Even by comparison, your guy looks REALLY bad. Really bad.

Becuase he's rich, successful?

That's just horrible.

You must really hate people like John Kerry and Bill Maher

naaa, they worship those two, their rich is better I guess.

For the left it's okay to be rich as long as you pretend to care about the poor. It's especially noble to care about the poor as long as it's being done using someone else's money.
Clearly there is something wrong with the tax system when rich elitists can pay for slick tax lawyers and get phony deductions like this!!! If Willard isn't an elitist, then I'd like to see the Average Joe try to deduct the cost of their hobby from their taxes and get away with it!

Willard deducts more from his taxes for his dancing horse hobby than the average person makes in a year. Do you think this will be one of the unspecified deductions Willard will eliminate to pay for his tax cuts for the rich??? Discuss:

“Folks,” Mr. Colbert said, “the image of Romney as a privileged princeling ends today, because now Mitt is just your average blue-collar fan of dressage.”

To show it can take a joke, the United States Equestrian Federation distributed 500 foam No. 1 fingers here, a cheeky reference to a prop Mr. Colbert used in his skit as he clutched a beer bottle in his other hand and cheered, “Woo!”

The equestrian federation even recorded spectators waggling the red foam fingers for a YouTube video it planned to offer as a “rebuttal” to Mr. Colbert. Mrs. Romney, too, put one on.

“I think having someone like Mrs. Romney so interested in horses is certainly helpful for our sport, and we’re all very happy,” Mr. Ebeling said. “Bring it on.”

But as Mr. Colbert’s satire suggested, the scrutiny may not be entirely a blessing for Mr. Romney’s image as a man in touch with the concerns of average Americans. As millions tune in to the Olympics in prime time this summer, just before Mr. Romney will be reintroducing himself to the nation at the Republican convention, viewers are likely to see “up close and personal” segments on NBC about the Romneys and dressage, a sport of six-figure horses and $1,000 saddles. The Romneys declared a loss of $77,000 on their 2010 tax returns for the share in the care and feeding of Rafalca, which Mrs. Romney owns with Mr. Ebeling’s wife, Amy, and a family friend, Beth Meyers.

Sounds like it's almost as sweet a deal as having the taxpayer foot the bill for 100 rounds of golf.

Too bad your parents didn't teach some of you about being jealous over what others have..
For anyone interested. This horse is on Romney's 2010 tax return. For that year:

Wages: $0
Self-employment in come: $600K
Investment income: $21 million (after the loss on the horse, of course).
So, Romney's reported income for 2010 is $21.6 million. With a $3.0 million tax (including Social Security and Medicaid) That's under 14% INCLUDING social security and medicaid. Practically all working middle-class people pay over 14% in just social security and medicaid.

Of course, Romney's family gets personal use of that horse, whose expenses they're deducting, and because it's structured as investment income, the bogus loss is deducted before income is reported. His income is much higher but because so much of it is structured as investment income, expenses, even personal benefit expenses, are dedicated before income is ever reported (as well as Romney getting to pay a lower tax rate because it's nominally investment expense).

Not only is Romney paying 14%, about half of what the middle-class pays, he'a actually paying much less because much of his income isn't even reported. His income is much higher than the investment income shows, but

Romney reports 600K of self-employment income, mostly for speaking fees. Yet, there's practically no deductions taken against that income. In other words, the people who hire him for speaking pays all his expenses (which includes food and entertainment, as well as first-class travel and luxury hotels). That's yet more income that doesn't show up on his return.

Romney's actual tax rate is under 10%, but the middle-class pays 25 to 35% (sans tax breaks for children children).
discussing what should be a tax deduction and what should not is not jelousy.

stop mentioning family its against the rules
From the link:

What began as therapy became a hobby and then, as her husband Mitt Romney puts it, an “addiction.” He said recently, “She's convinced [dressage helped] her regenerate her strength and renew that vigor, and so she cares very deeply about this sport and about horses...I joke that I'm going to send her to Betty Ford for addiction to horses."

I find it rather pathetic that people choose to use this particular stick to beat Romney... his wife has MS and horse riding is good for her. So she got into it... and gets slammed for it, solely because her husband has the audacity to run against the messiah.
The envy is so thick you need a chain saw to get through it.

From what I understand, her horse is predicted to do really well in London 2012. I think that's great. I'm all for Olympic success for my country. It's good for the nation. Why am I not surprised that the bitter hacks can't bring themselves to cheer her on. Freaks.
No, that's just how Grover Norquist perceives us. We don't actually drool.

If you think this matters, I wouldn't dismiss the drooling so easily...

Honey - you're not actually a doctor. Therefore, you don't get to decide people are mentally ill because you disagree with them.

I formulate opinions based upon comments stated, sugar lumps...:thup:

The complaint department is over there ------->

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