Don't worry about the NRA Trump tells U.S. governors


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
'Don't worry about the NRA,' Trump tells U.S. governors
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to discuss gun legislation with lawmakers this week, the White House said Monday, and he told governors not to worry about the National Rifle Association as they mull responses to the massacre of 17 people at a Florida high school.


Hmmm, well lets hope he is saying that for our benefit and we can be put at east to the crooked bs going on with those who go against the NRA. Meaning all these companies just turning their backs on them the Americana.
I bet this crap bites those asses in the ass some where along the lines LOL....
Democrats David Cicilline and Ted Deutch, just formally introduced a bill that bans the sale, purchase and ownership of "assault-style" semi-automatic rifles.
Time to join the militias in our states and get ready for the coming Civil War.

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