‘Don’t say we didn’t warn you’ - A phrase from China signals the trade war could get even worse

WHERE in the Constitution does it state . . .
Where does it say in the Constitution that . . .

View attachment 263062 McBlasterButtRocket, back for sloppy seconds with another one of his totally pointless diversionary strawman arguments having nothing to do with China as if it needs to state in the Constitution that we can't go around the world defending our interests! Good thing, BucketBlaster ain't our Sect. of State otherwise this commie-loving pig dropping would be trying to pull us out of every country and location around the world because the C stating PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE right in the first paragraph as well as Section 8, AND THE GENERAL WELFARE, and to REGULATE ALL COMMERCE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS, and to DEFINE AND PUNISH FELONIES on the HIGH SEAS AGAINST THE LAW OF NATIONS and to PROVIDE and CALL FORTH A MILITIA to SUPPRESS INSURRECTIONS and REPEL INVASIONS just ain't good enough for him.

That just don't quite spell out well enough that the USA is to protect and defend its interests and suppress potential threats WHEREVER IN THE WORLD THEY MAY BE, including not letting China get an upper hand on us controlling the most vital trade route in the world as if they own it!

Fine. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.

And you keep avoiding this question - obviously because you know it totally destroys your position:

I will ask you again:

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP (trade with America)...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Yes or no, please?
'“We advise the U.S. side not to underestimate the Chinese side’s ability to safeguard its development rights and interests. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” the People’s Daily said in a commentary titled “United States, don’t underestimate China’s ability to strike back.”
  • The phrase “Don’t say we didn’t warn you” was only used two other times by the People’s Daily in history — in 1963 ahead of China’s border war with India and in 1987 right before China went to war with Vietnam.
  • China threatened it would cut off rare earth minerals as a countermeasure in the escalated trade battle. The materials are crucial to the production of iPhones, electric vehicles and advanced precision weapons'

Rare-earth mineral - Wikipedia

Trump is SUCH an idiot.
watch the video chicken littles
Here Are China's Rivals in Shipping Rare Earths to the U.S

something worng with the board my link keeps coming up as the bad robot article about wealth gaps


  • not so rare.JPG
    not so rare.JPG
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WHERE in the Constitution does it state . . .
Where does it say in the Constitution that . . .

View attachment 263062 McBlasterButtRocket, back for sloppy seconds with another one of his totally pointless diversionary strawman arguments having nothing to do with China as if it needs to state in the Constitution that we can't go around the world defending our interests! Good thing, BucketBlaster ain't our Sect. of State otherwise this commie-loving pig dropping would be trying to pull us out of every country and location around the world because the C stating PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE right in the first paragraph as well as Section 8, AND THE GENERAL WELFARE, and to REGULATE ALL COMMERCE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS, and to DEFINE AND PUNISH FELONIES on the HIGH SEAS AGAINST THE LAW OF NATIONS and to PROVIDE and CALL FORTH A MILITIA to SUPPRESS INSURRECTIONS and REPEL INVASIONS just ain't good enough for him.

That just don't quite spell out well enough that the USA is to protect and defend its interests and suppress potential threats WHEREVER IN THE WORLD THEY MAY BE, including not letting China get an upper hand on us controlling the most vital trade route in the world as if they own it!

Fine. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.

And you keep avoiding this question - obviously because you know it totally destroys your position:

I will ask you again:

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP (trade with America)...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Yes or no, please?

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP (trade with America)...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Collapse? No.

Do you believe official Chinese growth numbers?

Do you believe Chinese jobs lost due to the trade dispute won't cause increased unrest in Chinese cities?
WHERE in the Constitution does it state . . .
Where does it say in the Constitution that . . .

View attachment 263062 McBlasterButtRocket, back for sloppy seconds with another one of his totally pointless diversionary strawman arguments having nothing to do with China as if it needs to state in the Constitution that we can't go around the world defending our interests! Good thing, BucketBlaster ain't our Sect. of State otherwise this commie-loving pig dropping would be trying to pull us out of every country and location around the world because the C stating PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE right in the first paragraph as well as Section 8, AND THE GENERAL WELFARE, and to REGULATE ALL COMMERCE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS, and to DEFINE AND PUNISH FELONIES on the HIGH SEAS AGAINST THE LAW OF NATIONS and to PROVIDE and CALL FORTH A MILITIA to SUPPRESS INSURRECTIONS and REPEL INVASIONS just ain't good enough for him.

That just don't quite spell out well enough that the USA is to protect and defend its interests and suppress potential threats WHEREVER IN THE WORLD THEY MAY BE, including not letting China get an upper hand on us controlling the most vital trade route in the world as if they own it!

Fine. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, asshole.

And you keep avoiding this question - obviously because you know it totally destroys your position:

I will ask you again:

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP (trade with America)...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Yes or no, please?

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP (trade with America)...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Collapse? No.

Do you believe official Chinese growth numbers?

Do you believe Chinese jobs lost due to the trade dispute won't cause increased unrest in Chinese cities?
I won't miss their rust on stainless steel look-alikes and future garbage can shrinky-dink polymer clothing that goes from adult sizes to infant sizes in just one washing. :rolleyes:

What I read in a fire marshall's manual a few years ago on polymers was a death sentence on people in households filled with them--in a few short seconds after ignition in a house fire. Uh, and that includes poly-cottons as well.

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