Don't reauthorize NSA spying in a must pass funding bill


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The next two weeks will be a flurry of activity in Congress. Before they can leave for the holidays, our government must—at minimum—pass at least one bill to keep the government running and also decide what to do about a controversial NSA spying authority called Section 702. Some legislators want to reauthorize Section 702, without meaningful reform, by attaching it to must-pass spending legislation. This is a terrible idea. The legislative process surrounding Section 702 already lacks necessary transparency and deliberation. Don’t Reauthorize NSA Spying in a Must-Pass Funding Bill

Well we know who had this into place Obama, Obama, Obama, and they never saw what the prick was passing either they're that stupid.

and for the stupid asses who think Obama had nothing to do with NSA think again retards.

  1. Obama Expands Surveillance Powers on His Way Out | Electronic ...
    Deeplinks Blog... Proxy Highlight

    Jan 12, 2017 ... New rules issued by the Obama administration under Executive Order 12333 will let the NSA—which collects information under that authority with little oversight, transparency, or concern for privacy—share the raw streams of communications it intercepts directly with agencies including the FBI, the DEA, ...

  2. Obama Opens NSA's Vast Trove of Warrantless Data to Entire ... Proxy Highlight

    Jan 13, 2017 ... With only days until Donald Trump takes office, the Obama administration on Thursday announced new rules that will let the NSA share vast amounts of private data gathered without warrant, court orders or congressional authorization with 16 other agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency ...
Even if they don't reauthorize it, it won't matter.

Nothing will change.

They have ways to get their funding by other means, this is just easier.

When congress told spooks not to supply arms to baddies, did that stop them? Nope.

The Deep State has it's own agenda, and it will do as it please.

None the less, it would be nice if we enabled them less publicly. It would give other nation's less reason to nuke us.
Of course they will reauthorize it. Republicans love the surveillance state.

Pssshhhh. You mean statists.

If Hillary were in charge, or Democrats were in charge, it would be the same story.

All of their donors and influence peddlers say it must be so.

Democrats love the surveillance state just as much.

This from left leaning Counterpunch and why the Democrats lost after the Clinton regime;

Clinton, Reno and Waco: the Real Story
Clinton, Reno and Waco: the Real Story
"For Democrats today, there is perhaps a political lesson to be learned –Speak the truth loudly to those in power, and speak out for the victims of violence. For the survivors and the victims of Waco, there should have been a loud acknowledgment of the truth at Waco: You were murdered because you were different and were thought to be an easy target for a duplicitous and violent federal agency.

In Gifford’s film Waco: The Rules of Engagement, a powerful interview segment presents a sympathetic Sheriff Jack Harwell of McLennan County, Texas nearly in tears as he speaks of his experience with the Branch Davidians: “They were all good people. They had different beliefs than others, different beliefs than I have, maybe different beliefs than you have in their way of life, especially in their religious beliefs. But basically they were good people. I was around them quite a lot. They were always nice, mannerly, they minded their own business. They were always clean, and courteous. I liked them.”

In the face of continued government violence and its intimate relative, mendacity, one can take solace in the fact that in the work of a handful of people of all political stripes who identified with the victims of violence the truth can still emerge.

Democrats seeking the truth about war today and the path to an election victory in 2004 can take a cue from Waco–the American electorate does not like liars and accessories to mass killing in charge of its government. But the truth needs to be told."
Congress will reauthorize it. Donny has to keep tabs on his enemies.

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