Don't Fall for GOP Lie: There Is No Budget Crisis -- There's a Job & Growth Crisis


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A friend who's been watching the absurd machinations in Congress asked me "what happens if we don't solve the budget crisis and we run out of money to pay the nation's bills?"

It was only then I realized how effective Republicans lies have been. That we're calling it a "budget crisis" and worrying that if we don't "solve" it we can't pay our nation's bills is testament to how successful Republicans have been distorting the truth.

The federal budget deficit has no economic relationship to the debt limit. Republicans have linked the two, and the Administration has played along, but they are entirely separate. Republicans are using what would otherwise be a routine, legally technical vote to raise the debt limit as a means of holding the nation hostage to their own political goal of shrinking the size of the federal government.

In economic terms, we will not "run out of money" next week. We're still the richest nation in the world, and the Federal Reserve has unlimited capacity to print money.

Nor is there any economic imperative economic to reach an agreement on how to fix the budget deficit by Tuesday. It's not even clear the federal budget needs that much fixing anyway.

Yes, the ratio of the national debt to the total economy is high relative to what it's been. But it's not nearly as high as it was after World War II -- when it reached 120 percent of the economy's total output.

If and when the economy begins to grow faster - if more Americans get jobs, and we move toward a full recovery -- the debt/GDP ratio will fall, as it did in the 1950s, and as it does in every solid recovery. Revenues will pour into the Treasury, and much of the current "budget crisis" will be evaporate.

Get it? We're really in a "jobs and growth" crisis - not a budget crisis.

The GOP has manufactured a budget crisis out of the Republicans' extortionate demands over raising the debt limit. They have succeeded in hoodwinking the public, including my friend.

More: Don't Fall for the GOP Lie: There Is No Budget Crisis -- There's a Job and Growth Crisis by Robert Reich
A friend who's been watching the absurd machinations in Congress asked me "what happens if we don't solve the budget crisis and we run out of money to pay the nation's bills?"

It was only then I realized how effective Republicans lies have been. That we're calling it a "budget crisis" and worrying that if we don't "solve" it we can't pay our nation's bills is testament to how successful Republicans have been distorting the truth.

The federal budget deficit has no economic relationship to the debt limit. Republicans have linked the two, and the Administration has played along, but they are entirely separate. Republicans are using what would otherwise be a routine, legally technical vote to raise the debt limit as a means of holding the nation hostage to their own political goal of shrinking the size of the federal government.

In economic terms, we will not "run out of money" next week. We're still the richest nation in the world, and the Federal Reserve has unlimited capacity to print money.

Nor is there any economic imperative economic to reach an agreement on how to fix the budget deficit by Tuesday. It's not even clear the federal budget needs that much fixing anyway.

Yes, the ratio of the national debt to the total economy is high relative to what it's been. But it's not nearly as high as it was after World War II -- when it reached 120 percent of the economy's total output.

If and when the economy begins to grow faster - if more Americans get jobs, and we move toward a full recovery -- the debt/GDP ratio will fall, as it did in the 1950s, and as it does in every solid recovery. Revenues will pour into the Treasury, and much of the current "budget crisis" will be evaporate.

Get it? We're really in a "jobs and growth" crisis - not a budget crisis.

The GOP has manufactured a budget crisis out of the Republicans' extortionate demands over raising the debt limit. They have succeeded in hoodwinking the public, including my friend.

More: Don't Fall for the GOP Lie: There Is No Budget Crisis -- There's a Job and Growth Crisis by Robert Reich
Well the Democrats have been in charge for 6 years until 7 months ago. What is Obama's plan to deal with this?
Well the Democrats have been in charge for 6 years until 7 months ago. What is Obama's plan to deal with this?

In charge for 6 years? Even your mind must know that isn't exactly true.
2006. Democrats were strong in the House but weak in the Senate because of Yellow Dog Democrats (DINOs).
I'm not an Obama fan and did not vote for him. HOWEVER, I certainly don't hate him like the Republicans who are holding America hostage to prevent his reelection.
I'm not an Obama fan and did not vote for him. HOWEVER, I certainly don't hate him like the Republicans who are holding America hostage to prevent his reelection.

Wait a minute. Republicans have submitted several plans only to be shot down by Harry Reid. Who's preventing these plans to go forward?
Wait a minute. Republicans have submitted several plans only to be shot down by Harry Reid. Who's preventing these plans to go forward?

Typical Fox News nonsense. Which of their plans contained any new revenue?
When the fuck are liberals going to understand you cant spend more than what you take in and when you do spend more than what you take in the money being spent has to be repaid???

And whats the only solution democrats have to repay the money they wasted on useless people?

Oh yeah, raise taxes.

What happens when you raise taxes? oh yea those evil rich job providers fire people to compensate for their loss.

Of course when that happens you got big problems occur, because the more jobless equal less tax revenue to the government, so the fucking communist asshole democrats attack the only people with money - the fucking job providers and the job providers fire more people to compensate.

The communist democrats in government know this already and they're doing exactly what they intended to do and thats kill the capitalist model.

Of course when you have tens of millions of unemployed people they will go looking to government for handouts in which the government dictates, in which the government RAISES TAXES AGAIN, or just borrows money from China to handout..

Progressive communists are pretty much evil...
Even religious leaders are upset with the radical Republican agenda:

Religious Leaders Arrested At Capitol For Budget Protest (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON -- Capitol Hill police arrested 11 people -- many of them members of the clergy -- protesting the Republican House budget-cutting plan, a police spokeswoman said.

"They were trying to send the message to Congress that the budget cannot be balanced on the backs of the poor, the middle class, or the neediest in society," Boyle said.

More: Religious Leaders Arrested At Capitol For Budget Protest (VIDEO)
I'm not an Obama fan and did not vote for him. HOWEVER, I certainly don't hate him like the Republicans who are holding America hostage to prevent his reelection.

Thats because you have no clue as to how evil the progressives are.

Their fucked up outcomes are very much planned.... Do you really believe for a second that Obama is disappointed his government controls the lifeline of millions of Americans like a communist government would???

These are authoritarian assclowns - do you really believe they want people to be independent? if they're independent then they're independent from the state which leaves authoritarian fools like Obama powerless.

Why the fuck do you think hes always spewing bullshit about rich vs poor??? white vs black, republican vs democrat??
Even religious leaders are upset with the radical Republican agenda:

Religious Leaders Arrested At Capitol For Budget Protest (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON -- Capitol Hill police arrested 11 people -- many of them members of the clergy -- protesting the Republican House budget-cutting plan, a police spokeswoman said.

"They were trying to send the message to Congress that the budget cannot be balanced on the backs of the poor, the middle class, or the neediest in society," Boyle said.

More: Religious Leaders Arrested At Capitol For Budget Protest (VIDEO)

You really are clueless aren't you??

I don't know what the fuck being a republican has to do with religion...

You do realize there are plenty of Marxist Christian churches, like the one Obama came from???

I would assume Marxists would oppose capitalism, individualism and freedom in favor of securities and authoritarian government.
A friend who's been watching the absurd machinations in Congress asked me "what happens if we don't solve the budget crisis and we run out of money to pay the nation's bills?"

It was only then I realized how effective Republicans lies have been. That we're calling it a "budget crisis" and worrying that if we don't "solve" it we can't pay our nation's bills is testament to how successful Republicans have been distorting the truth.

The federal budget deficit has no economic relationship to the debt limit. Republicans have linked the two, and the Administration has played along, but they are entirely separate. Republicans are using what would otherwise be a routine, legally technical vote to raise the debt limit as a means of holding the nation hostage to their own political goal of shrinking the size of the federal government.

In economic terms, we will not "run out of money" next week. We're still the richest nation in the world, and the Federal Reserve has unlimited capacity to print money.

Nor is there any economic imperative economic to reach an agreement on how to fix the budget deficit by Tuesday. It's not even clear the federal budget needs that much fixing anyway.

Yes, the ratio of the national debt to the total economy is high relative to what it's been. But it's not nearly as high as it was after World War II -- when it reached 120 percent of the economy's total output.

If and when the economy begins to grow faster - if more Americans get jobs, and we move toward a full recovery -- the debt/GDP ratio will fall, as it did in the 1950s, and as it does in every solid recovery. Revenues will pour into the Treasury, and much of the current "budget crisis" will be evaporate.

Get it? We're really in a "jobs and growth" crisis - not a budget crisis.

The GOP has manufactured a budget crisis out of the Republicans' extortionate demands over raising the debt limit. They have succeeded in hoodwinking the public, including my friend.

More: Don't Fall for the GOP Lie: There Is No Budget Crisis -- There's a Job and Growth Crisis by Robert Reich

For the past 6 years the democrats have a long list of lies. SAo why should I continue to listen to the lies of the democrats?
Conservative Arguments that Higher Income Taxes for the Wealthy Hurt Employment Don’t Hold Up to Scrutiny


Rich People’s Taxes Have Little to Do with Job Creation

The Myth of the Lower Marginal Tax Rates
Conservative Arguments that Higher Income Taxes for the Wealthy Hurt Employment Don’t Hold Up to Scrutiny


Rich People’s Taxes Have Little to Do with Job Creation

The Myth of the Lower Marginal Tax Rates

Oh it does when there are tax loopholes for the corporate assclowns that play ball with the government, however the lifeline of the economy - the small business is the one being stuck with all the bullshit..

Obama fuck and his congress decided to attack both.... But this time around his attacks on the "rich (whatever he defines as rich at any given moment)" thought it would be a great idea to spend trillions on his labor union followers while sticking the bill to the American taxpayer, the taxpayers children and his grandchildren..

How the fuck do you think a person with money is going to respond to a guy spending trillions in one shot - not progressively - but one shot???

When you have 10% unemployment rate - someone will have to pay at least the interest up front.

Who is going to pay for all that spending??? the guy making 20k a year? nope, the guy making 40? maybe a little, the guy making 60+ yep..
your links's (center for American progress) Are you kidding? To make things easier when you get your information go to the white house link, it's your one stop answer to the question place.

Would you prefer made-up shit from Fox News rather than the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Tax Policy Center?
Conservative Arguments that Higher Income Taxes for the Wealthy Hurt Employment Don’t Hold Up to Scrutiny


Rich People’s Taxes Have Little to Do with Job Creation

The Myth of the Lower Marginal Tax Rates

your links's (center for American progress) Are you kidding? To make things easier when you get your information go to the white house link, it's your one stop answer to the question place.

Progressives go out of their way to be intellectually dishonest.

For example:

These are the same tools that will claim "whites make up the majority of those on welfare" with failing to mention that 78% of the population is white..

They always leave out a key element when they attempt to make their points.

It's that dishonesty that really chaps my ass.... I mean they're either blatantly dishonest or blatantly stupid - either trait is.... bad..
your links's (center for American progress) Are you kidding? To make things easier when you get your information go to the white house link, it's your one stop answer to the question place.

Would you prefer made-up shit from Fox News rather than the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Tax Policy Center?

Would your rather include all information available or would you really just choose to stare at a fucking graph that tells little to nothing?

I feel sorry for those who trust shit on face value.

If you actually researched government provided socioeconomic statistics you would find many contradictions.

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