Don't complain about the rich.

Statement needs clarification re who are the poor?
Those "fighting for scraps as the rich manipulate everything for their own benefit."

Information is always moving. More information flows in households with well informed members. Education is the way to absorb this information as it moves through your screen. Does your screen seem 'starved for information'? Clean it, along with your glasses. Then consider moving to a place where education is valued and growing.
Sometimes you can't find better job, as you well know. The government needs to stop subsidizing these businesses.
Capitalism allows you be an entrepreneur, and an employer, and an employee, according to your choice and because the incentive under capitalism is you reep what you sow, the unemployed reep nothing. To burden people and tax the system to pay the unemployed, you erode the incentive. Along the line someone suffers the bulk of misery, the unemployed, but under socialism, everyone suffers the misery.

So if you are an entrepreneur, I take my hat off to you, if you're an employer then excellent and well done, if you're an employee then brilliant and I hope you keep thinking in your spare time on how to increase your income and standard of living. But if you're unemployed, get off your backside, retrain, invent, just go and do something.

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