Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

Riiiiight. Dow is up and down every day. Covid is just one more challenge for any president. It's now up to the scientists to find a fix for it.

ITMT, the good news is that if the nation crashes around Trump's ankles and there is a massive pandemic the CDC fails to control and it costs Trump his presidency, then it might be Biden who gets to inherit it, and I can't wait to see that clusterfuck of a disaster. Then, just like Obama, we can all sit back and listen as yet another Democrat blames their total incompetency on the previous Republican.

Well, that's how it normally works. Republians fuck things up, a Democrat has to come along and fix it.

He collapsed the Soviet Union and reunited Germany.
He backed off his no new taxes for the democrats after the Dems assured him, and they boned him out of his reelection.​

He responded to the 911 attacks, crushed Iran, kicked Al-Quada's ass, then the Democrats in Congress took over the banking sector causing the SNL collapse leading to an economic recession. Bush had no hand in that, in fact tried to warn them.

Then Barry came along and fucked us over further with QE1 and 2, then ran the debt up 9 trillion dollars.
And the Democratic fucking goes on to this day.
Anybody inclined to ignore the obvious connection between the Biden's, Ukraine and Burisma is suffering from TDS for which there is no cure. The target is true independents are haven't fallen victim to the mind-meld of the MSM.

The sad thing is, most people thought Trump should have been impeached. The GOP put up a wall of bodies to protect him, but now that the bodies are hitting the floor with Covid-19, they own him.

What gives when it runs rampant in Europe? Their wonderful Socialists leaders and healthcare system should protect them, right?

Europe doesn't vote in our elections...

Let me get this straight. I tell you I am from a blue state and you call me "Cleetus" and assume I live in a double-wide. That is about as white-trash as you can get. After many, many times of you making this claim, I respond with an equally poignant claim and you call me a racist. You would be nothing if not hypocritical, just like a loyal Democrat.

Well, here's the thing. Your immediate "insult" was to imply I'm black. (even though anyone knows I'm a white dude). That's what makes you kind of a racist... that's where your brain immediately went.

As a white man, I can rightfully criticize the dumb white trash in Jesusland who keep voting against their own economic interests, and won't even tell you what state they are from because they are too embarrassed.
As a white man I can tell that you are a narcissist liberal who thinks he is smarter than everyone else when he is actually a dumbass living in a bubble. Those people you criticize in "Jesusland" are hard working, successful, good people, and patriots who wear the uniform and fight in our wars. If you were in Texas I would lasso you and drag you through some cactus boy.
Anybody inclined to ignore the obvious connection between the Biden's, Ukraine and Burisma is suffering from TDS for which there is no cure. The target is true independents are haven't fallen victim to the mind-meld of the MSM.

The sad thing is, most people thought Trump should have been impeached. The GOP put up a wall of bodies to protect him, but now that the bodies are hitting the floor with Covid-19, they own him.

Most people thought Trump should be impeached? According to who? Liberal media biased polls? :auiqs.jpg:Newsflash: Trump completely exonerated FOREVER.
Well, here's the thing. Your immediate "insult" was to imply I'm black. (even though anyone knows I'm a white dude). That's what makes you kind of a racist... that's where your brain immediately went.

As a white man, I can rightfully criticize the dumb white trash in Jesusland who keep voting against their own economic interests, and won't even tell you what state they are from because they are too embarrassed.

I never told you if I was white or black. You made that assumption based on my politics and my claimed economic status. You then turned it around and accuse me of being a poor, white-trash redneck. I don't care if you are white or black, but you used a racial profile to slur me, without knowing my race. Just because you say your are white, doesn't preclude you from being a racist. Many white Democrats seem to hate people based on race, including their own. You are a sympathizer. White guilt has consumed you and robbed you of any rational thought.
Actual photo of President Trump creating COVID 19


What gives when it runs rampant in Europe? Their wonderful Socialists leaders and healthcare system should protect them, right?

Europe doesn't vote in our elections...

Let me get this straight. I tell you I am from a blue state and you call me "Cleetus" and assume I live in a double-wide. That is about as white-trash as you can get. After many, many times of you making this claim, I respond with an equally poignant claim and you call me a racist. You would be nothing if not hypocritical, just like a loyal Democrat.

Well, here's the thing. Your immediate "insult" was to imply I'm black. (even though anyone knows I'm a white dude). That's what makes you kind of a racist... that's where your brain immediately went.

As a white man, I can rightfully criticize the dumb white trash in Jesusland who keep voting against their own economic interests, and won't even tell you what state they are from because they are too embarrassed.
As a white man I can tell that you are a narcissist liberal who thinks he is smarter than everyone else when he is actually a dumbass living in a bubble. Those people you criticize in "Jesusland" are hard working, successful, good people, and patriots who wear the uniform and fight in our wars. If you were in Texas I would lasso you and drag you through some cactus boy.

Which key on your keyboard would you use to do that Mr keyboard warrior?
As a white man I can tell that you are a narcissist liberal who thinks he is smarter than everyone else when he is actually a dumbass living in a bubble. Those people you criticize in "Jesusland" are hard working, successful, good people, and patriots who wear the uniform and fight in our wars. If you were in Texas I would lasso you and drag you through some cactus boy.

I actually served with people from Jesusland when I was in the military.

Had this one guy blurt out about female soldiers, "Women are only good for two things, cooking and fucking!"

"Which puts them two up on you, Cleetus", I replied, not missing a beat. Everyone had a good laugh at his expense.

This guy washed out of AIT because he couldn't understand how to fill out forms.
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....
As I said months ago, the 2020 election is already over. Now, with Biden getting better, it's clear the Democrats will sabotage Bernie again. Only thus time, Bernie won't stand for it.

This is getting focused more clearly now. We're going to have Biden nominated (with lots of cheating), and Bernie going 3rd party, exhorting his supporters to vote for him and they will.

Trump will sit back easy and watch the split ticket lose big. Here's the 2020 election map - :biggrin:Google Image Result for

If Bernie does not garner the 1991 delegates needed to win the Primary with then Bernie and his communist loving voters need to understand they failed and it will be the party choice and not theirs who will run against Trump in November.

That is reality and the rules Sanders has to play by even if he is in denial daily!

In the end I called it yesterday in another thread that a Southern Wall ( Southern States ) would block Sanders and because of this it shows that Black Democratic voters do not want Sanders.

Sanders won California and three other States out of the fourteen that were up for grabs and Maine is too close to call but Biden is leading so if it holds Sanders would have won four to Biden ten and if Sanders squeaks out a win in Maine it will be Biden with a nine state win to Sanders five State win.

Also let be very clear Sanders has yet to win Iowa and barely won New Hampshire.

The only State before Super Tuesday Sanders clearly won by a wide margin was Nevada.

So as people proclaim Sanders is being cheated again, is he?

In my opinion no and why?

Simple, the first four States ( Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina ) Sanders won just one State with a wide margin and in South Carolina he lost to Biden, in Iowa it is still to close to call but Mayor Pete is still leading and in New Hampshire he barely held Mayor Pete off.

So no Sanders is not being cheated at all and is being told that Blacks in Southern States prefer Biden and in some New England States their voters prefer Biden over Sanders!

Super Tuesday results did what I expected with the Southern Wall Block but to be truthful I was surprised that Biden did better in New England States!
I never told you if I was white or black. You made that assumption based on my politics and my claimed economic status.

Naw, I made that assumption based on your dumb racist statements and the crazy shit you said about Obama. (You know, when we had a President we could respect).

White guilt has consumed you and robbed you of any rational thought.

Naw, guy. I don't feel guilt. I just realize that racism is one of the things the One Percent use to keep stupid white people voting against their own economic interests. It's why the most racist part of the country - yours - is also the poorest.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Not sure why you think a fluke will repeat itself.

The problem in 2016 was no one really thought that Trump could win, so lots of people stayed home.

That simply won't happen this year, we've lived the horror show of Trump where you forgot the crazy thing he did two weeks ago because he did something even crazier today.
As a white man I can tell that you are a narcissist liberal who thinks he is smarter than everyone else when he is actually a dumbass living in a bubble. Those people you criticize in "Jesusland" are hard working, successful, good people, and patriots who wear the uniform and fight in our wars. If you were in Texas I would lasso you and drag you through some cactus boy.

I actually served with people from Jesusland when I was in the military.

Had this one guy blurt out about female soldiers, "Women are only good for two things, cooking and fucking!"

"Which puts them two up on you, Cleetus", I replied, not missing a beat. Everyone had a good laugh at his expense.

This guy washed out of AIT because he couldn't understand how to fill out forms.
I served in combat with southerners and they were patriots and warriors. With your mouth you would have gotten your as beat in my platoon.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.
Alzheimer's will take care of Joe on campaign trail. Wait until the ads begin to run of him talking about children rubbing his sweaty legs and sitting on his lap.
Has joe been sued for child rape like Trump?
Nope....these folks keep committing suicide.
1. Congratulations to Mr. Biden on his victories last night.

2. Sympathy for Mr. Sanders on his unexpected poor showing.

3. Goodbye to Mr. Trump, probably.

Yes...inform President Hilary about how well Biden did last him, she was predicted to defeat Trump with a 95% chance......we can see how that turned out....

Did you notice the massive turnout yesterday? The Democrats are coming for Trump with torches and pitchforks.

He collapsed the Soviet Union and reunited Germany.

And how did any of that benefit Americans? He also managed to demolish the middle class.

The fact you have to go back 32 years to find a Republican President you aren't embarrassed by says volumes.

He backed off his no new taxes for the democrats after the Dems assured him, and they boned him out of his reelection.

Naw, what boned HW was that there was a recession, and he had no clue how to deal with it. He really had no choice on the promise HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE MADE to start with. So he makes a promise he damned well he couldn't keep, because the Rabid Crazy Right Wing was still upset that Reagan recognized reality and rolled back some of his tax cuts, only to have to break it to save the banking industry.

Now, funny thing, I do think that he got a bad deal. He did what he had to do. No one gave him credit.

Which brings us to.

He responded to the 911 attacks, crushed Iran, kicked Al-Quada's ass, then the Democrats in Congress took over the banking sector causing the SNL collapse leading to an economic recession. Bush had no hand in that, in fact tried to warn them.

Well, besides getting us into an unnecessary war in Iraq, Dubya caused the Great Recession. It was his officials who ignored the risks the banks were taking, how they were defrauding their investors. Bush's fingerprints were all over that one.
Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.
Alzheimer's will take care of Joe on campaign trail. Wait until the ads begin to run of him talking about children rubbing his sweaty legs and sitting on his lap.
Has joe been sued for child rape like Trump?

I don't think any of his victims have survived...

Since the spread of Coronavirus Joe is going to have to rethink how he cops a sniff in the future....because he's guaranteed to get it and probably die from the symptoms.
Naw, I made that assumption based on your dumb racist statements and the crazy shit you said about Obama.

Do tell. Please quote any messages that you deem racist about Obama. All you have is that I disagreed with his policies. That makes me racist in your pitiful mind.

Naw, guy. I don't feel guilt. I just realize that racism is one of the things the One Percent use to keep stupid white people voting against their own economic interests. It's why the most racist part of the country - yours - is also the poorest.

You may need to dig a little deeper to figure out just why there are more people below the poverty level in many of those states. BTW, the overwhelming majority of those folks vote for Democrats. Go figure.

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