Donald Trump, most effective POTUS ever in 1st 100 days?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

I don't think it's the quantity of laws, but the quality. After all, Hitler also enacted a great many laws.
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

In point of fact: Not one of the President's on your list create chaos in the White House; had an approval rating of less than 40%; fired his National Security Adviser or had a number of his inner circle and administration suspected of colluding with a foreign power; attacked a free press (Nixon & Agnew excepted); refused to release his taxes and lied about why; pushed a foreign leader; insulted a foreign leader; or had his hand slapped away several times by the First Lady, in their first 100 days.

Shall we discuss the promises he made? The promises he reneged or the swamp he has made toxic?
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Trump has not signed one piece of legislation from Congress.

He's a loser.
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Trump has not signed one piece of legislation from Congress.

He's a loser.

Clear, Concise and True [three things a Trump supporter detests and loathes].
trump signs congressional bill - Bing
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Trump has not signed one piece of legislation from Congress.

He's a loser.
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments
You dopes make me laugh so hard.
The idiot chief has the senate, House and White House and theres only been one single bill passed.
That type of failure is hard to fathom.

All that Tramp has done is sign executive orders.
This is how the hypocrite felt about executive orders when Obama was president: "I don't think he even tries anymore, I think he just signs executive actions."

But you dipshits look the other way at the worst first one hundred days in presidential history.
trump signs congressional bill - Bing
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Trump has not signed one piece of legislation from Congress.

He's a loser.
You're proud that he signed a bill Making It Easier For Employers To Hide Workplace Injuries ?
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

I remember the White House staff saying on the 4th day of Trump in office they had seen more going on than in all of Obama's eight years. But Democrats examine the facts? They run away madly screaming, denying the facts at all costs, both to sustain their own cognitive dissonance as well as facts being the very kryptonite to the perpetual delusion they continuously try to pander off on us!
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

More laws than any others President…now those are some “small government” accomplishments. LOL

I guess if he passed 56 (twice as much) you guys would be twice as happy?
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

In point of fact: Not one of the President's on your list create chaos in the White House; had an approval rating of less than 40%; fired his National Security Adviser or had a number of his inner circle and administration suspected of colluding with a foreign power; attacked a free press (Nixon & Agnew excepted); refused to release his taxes and lied about why; pushed a foreign leader; insulted a foreign leader; or had his hand slapped away several times by the First Lady, in their first 100 days.

Shall we discuss the promises he made? The promises he reneged or the swamp he has made toxic?

It's not Trump that is causing the chaos, it's the media and the left.

That approval rating is a bogus poll, it's meaningless.

The rest is nothing but bull shot made up by the left.

Left: "we are going to sue Trump for everything."
Later: "Trump is the most sued POTUS in history."

No one is buying your lies anymore.
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments
More lies..Why did you leave out FDR?
trump signs congressional bill - Bing
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Trump has not signed one piece of legislation from Congress.

He's a loser.

Storm Front??? The link to this purported Bill is Storm Front?
Honey, that is bing search. I would never visit stormfront. And it proves you didn't check the link. There are any number of sites showing such, which is why I linked to search, dear.
What a joke.
trump signs congressional bill - Bing
Let's examine the facts, shall we?

In addition to Gorsuch, Mexico City Policy, enforcing immigration laws, rolling back regulations and overseeing amazing economic growth we can point to his legislative successes:

President Trump has worked with Congress to enact 28 laws during the first 100 days of his Administration.
President Obama enacted 11 laws during his first 100 days.
President George W. Bush enacted 7 laws during his first 100 days.
President Clinton enacted 24 laws during his first 100 days.
President George H.W. Bush enacted 18 laws during his first 100 days.
President Reagan enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Carter enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Nixon enacted 9 laws during his first 100 days.
President Johnson enacted 10 laws during his first 100 days.
President Kennedy enacted 26 laws during his first 100 days.
President Eisenhower enacted 22 laws during his first 100 days.
President Truman enacted 55 bills laws during his first 100 days.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments

Trump has not signed one piece of legislation from Congress.

He's a loser.

Storm Front??? The link to this purported Bill is Storm Front?
Suddenly conservatives like MORE laws ?

You guys contradict yourselves all the time in order to prop up the Don.

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