Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
And Fox News is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party. The difference is Fox is usually number 1 and MSM is usually number 2, so they try harder.

Another difference is that there are several of them and only one of us. Same holds true for the internet. We have Twitter and FaceBook censoring conservative posts. And given the fact any cable news network pales in comparison to the amount of people that watch the big three, it's clear that we have as huge disadvantage when it comes to informing the public. That's why all our people are concentrated to one channel on television; it's the only one out there for us.
Fox may have the most viewers but that's not the only conservative channel. About a dozen Christian broadcasting channels almost all have a conservative bias. Sinclair broadcast which has a number of local conservative bent channels in red states and is expanding to 223 channels. And don't forget talk radio with it's 20 million listeners which is essential owned by conservatives. And when you add the Alt-Right internet outlets to existing conservative websites, there's plenty conservative outlets on the Internet. And mustn't forget the biggest and loudest voice behind the bully pulpit.
This thread is a joke, just another insane case of snowflakes accusing others of doing what they have done / what they do and of being who they are..., unless snowflakes can present evidence of a triggered conservative attempting to assassinate Democrats while they practiced playing ball or can produce video of a Republican politician firing up crowds with violent rhetoric calling for their constituents to harrass, threaten, and physically assault Democrat politicians - everything Democrats have done - I would say that puts a wrap on this snowflake fantasy thread....
Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
And Fox News is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party. The difference is Fox is usually number 1 and MSM is usually number 2, so they try harder.

Another difference is that there are several of them and only one of us. Same holds true for the internet. We have Twitter and FaceBook censoring conservative posts. And given the fact any cable news network pales in comparison to the amount of people that watch the big three, it's clear that we have as huge disadvantage when it comes to informing the public. That's why all our people are concentrated to one channel on television; it's the only one out there for us.
Fox may have the most viewers but that's not the only conservative channel. About a dozen Christian broadcasting channels almost all have a conservative bias. Sinclair broadcast which has a number of local conservative bent channels in red states and is expanding to 223 channels. And don't forget talk radio with it's 20 million listeners which is essential owned by conservatives. And when you add the Alt-Right internet outlets to existing conservative websites, there's plenty conservative outlets on the Internet. And mustn't forget the biggest and loudest voice behind the bully pulpit.

Nobody is going to Christian stations for politics. That’s like saying people go to NPR for liberal politics. And yes, we have AM radio. Big deal. While you can go to conservative web sites, social media is entirely owned by liberal slanted companies; just like Microsoft and Apple are owned by liberal companies. Who owns the largest search engine on the internet today?

Sent from my iPad using
With the things he is saying to a base that is full of several conspiracy nutjobs, Trump is going to get a journalist killed, and then what? He is going to be sued for everything he owns, and he should be found guilty for it. MSNBC reporter Katy Tur reported this week how someone wrote her saying she should be raped and killed, followed by MAGA. We've already seen what Trump's supporters are capable of when one who believed Alex Jones Pizzagate shot up Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. It is the JOB of the news to hold the government and its official responsible for what they say and do. When Trump blatantly lies every couple of minutes, it is the media's job to point it out. The founders of the U.S. put the freedom of the press into the very first Amendment of the Constitution for a reason, it is fundamentally imperative to having a true democracy.

James Madison very clearly stated this when he wrote:

"A popular Government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

A couple from Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Constitution:

"I am ... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."

So self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservatives, why are you not defending the Constitution and the forethought of those who took part in creating it? Why are you still backing Trump who obviously isn't respecting the glue that put this country together? And before you say the press is lying and not reporting the truth, please educate yourself, as the Founders knew there would always be press that would explore the fringe of truth. They said that ALL press must still be protected by the Constitution, because once you start taking away the freedom of the press from some you feel is being untruthful, it becomes subjective and the freedom of press as a whole will suddenly be at risk.

So he whipped the crazies up the say token negro whipped up the guy who shot up the congressional baseball game? Meh, maybe REAL journalist would replace the ones who are shot? I agree with the other poster, I vote Acosta first.
Most likely a journalist gets a journalist killed and blames it on Trump
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
And Fox News is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party. The difference is Fox is usually number 1 and MSM is usually number 2, so they try harder.

Another difference is that there are several of them and only one of us. Same holds true for the internet. We have Twitter and FaceBook censoring conservative posts. And given the fact any cable news network pales in comparison to the amount of people that watch the big three, it's clear that we have as huge disadvantage when it comes to informing the public. That's why all our people are concentrated to one channel on television; it's the only one out there for us.
Fox may have the most viewers but that's not the only conservative channel. About a dozen Christian broadcasting channels almost all have a conservative bias. Sinclair broadcast which has a number of local conservative bent channels in red states and is expanding to 223 channels. And don't forget talk radio with it's 20 million listeners which is essential owned by conservatives. And when you add the Alt-Right internet outlets to existing conservative websites, there's plenty conservative outlets on the Internet. And mustn't forget the biggest and loudest voice behind the bully pulpit.

This means that today, The 700 Club, and Robertson, remain wildly popular. CBN estimates that a million people a day watch
Understanding the Christian Broadcasting Network, the force behind the latest pro-Trump TV newscast

So which is bigger the top 3 networks with 22 million viewers or Fox with 5 million ?
Nielsen ratings - Wikipedia
Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 7.30.17 AM.png

With over 4 times the number of viewers what kind of "news" do the top 3 "news" present to the public?
Well let's look at WHERE these top 3 networks personnel donated money in the last two elections:
Between Jan. 1 2015 and Aug. 30 2016, those who identified themselves in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — and others known to be working in journalism — donated more than $396,000 combined to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, according to the report. The vast majority of those funds — about $382,000, or 96% — went to the Democratic nominee. Only about $14,000 went to the Republican.
Journalists Have Donated Nearly $400K to Hillary Clinton's Campaign

It found 480 journalists, people who work for news organizations or former journalists who made campaign contributions in this presidential election cycle, and the overwhelming majority contributed money to Hillary Clinton.
Journalists' Campaign Donations Create Conflict, Ex-Newspaper Man Says

The Media Research Center, used federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics to identify donors working for ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, or The Washington Postbetween 2008 and 2016.[12] The data focused on the donors’ partisan preference, not the amount of contributions, and included retirees who listed the companies with their donations. Of the 122 donors identified, 94 percent (115) donated to Democrats.[8]
Fact check/Do 97 percent of journalist donations go to Democrats? - Ballotpedia

But now Harvard University's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy
has come out with a study of media coverage of the Trump White House in its first 100 days. It is astonishing because it comes from Harvard, not exactly the bedrock of American conservatism.
The study found that in Trump's first 100 days in office, the tone of the news coverage of the president has been a whopping 80 percent negative to 20 percent positive.
CNN and NBC struck a 93 percent negative tone on their Trump stories, with only 7 percent positive.
CBS was third in the anti-Trump race, with a 91 to 9 ratio.

And the pro-Trump Fox News? That network was 52 percent negative to 48 percent positive.
Harvard study: Media has been largely negative on Trump
FAIR and Balance is Fox's claim... !

Now with the above PROOF something most people who are not scholarly enough to provide by the way... here is the NET effect of all that biased put your mouth where you put your money, i.e. the BIASED MSM's efforts to destroy President Trump...

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since Parkland, 9 states passed laws preventing domestic abusers from having guns, 5 states tightened concealed carry laws, 6 states expanded background checks, 10 states banned bump stocks, 2 states banned large capacity magazines. while 7 states expanded gun rights
The illigit corrupt criminal president can't understand that no one want's any relation with him. Only the poor educated deplorables applaud your stupidities.
since Parkland, 9 states passed laws preventing domestic abusers from having guns, 5 states tightened concealed carry laws, 6 states expanded background checks, 10 states banned bump stocks, 2 states banned large capacity magazines. while 7 states expanded gun rights

And that is FINE! No one disputes these states RIGHTS to do what they are doing...because If I don't like the environment that I'm living in... I can always move!
States are the laboratories of laws and to make a national law i.e. like minimum wage is so inappropriate as many states are not like many states.
For example minimum wage of $15.00/hr would be fantastic in MS... but just due to cost of living in NYC definitely minimum! Why is it necessary to make LAWS that are inappropriate
for different demographics, different economics, etc.?
The illigit corrupt criminal president can't understand that no one want's any relation with him. Only the poor educated deplorables applaud your stupidities.

So you in your "educated" comment of " Only the poor educated deplorables"??? are you declaring "deplorables" ARE educated, but poor?
Your education is showing!
Most likely you’re full of shit.
Fat boi’s inflammatory hate rhetoric against the free press is a very dangerous road he’s going down.
But he’s doing it for a reason. His plan is to blame the press when he gets accused of crimes by Mueller and massaging his uneducated base( you) so they don’t believe any of the charges.
You’re being played like a Stratavarius.

What he has against the so-called free press is the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Of course most honest people have realized that for some time, but in the past they've been able to push around Republicans for years and even lie about them with impunity.

Trump is putting that to a halt. If they attack Trump, he's going to attack them right back. If they post less than truths about Trump, he's going to Twitter to bring them to light. The Democrat party doesn't have the power anymore like they used to with Republicans. Democrats can dish it out but they can't take it.
And Fox News is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party. The difference is Fox is usually number 1 and MSM is usually number 2, so they try harder.

Another difference is that there are several of them and only one of us. Same holds true for the internet. We have Twitter and FaceBook censoring conservative posts. And given the fact any cable news network pales in comparison to the amount of people that watch the big three, it's clear that we have as huge disadvantage when it comes to informing the public. That's why all our people are concentrated to one channel on television; it's the only one out there for us.
Fox may have the most viewers but that's not the only conservative channel. About a dozen Christian broadcasting channels almost all have a conservative bias. Sinclair broadcast which has a number of local conservative bent channels in red states and is expanding to 223 channels. And don't forget talk radio with it's 20 million listeners which is essential owned by conservatives. And when you add the Alt-Right internet outlets to existing conservative websites, there's plenty conservative outlets on the Internet. And mustn't forget the biggest and loudest voice behind the bully pulpit.

This means that today, The 700 Club, and Robertson, remain wildly popular. CBN estimates that a million people a day watch
Understanding the Christian Broadcasting Network, the force behind the latest pro-Trump TV newscast

So which is bigger the top 3 networks with 22 million viewers or Fox with 5 million ?
Nielsen ratings - Wikipedia
View attachment 209537

With over 4 times the number of viewers what kind of "news" do the top 3 "news" present to the public?
Well let's look at WHERE these top 3 networks personnel donated money in the last two elections:
Between Jan. 1 2015 and Aug. 30 2016, those who identified themselves in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — and others known to be working in journalism — donated more than $396,000 combined to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, according to the report. The vast majority of those funds — about $382,000, or 96% — went to the Democratic nominee. Only about $14,000 went to the Republican.
Journalists Have Donated Nearly $400K to Hillary Clinton's Campaign

It found 480 journalists, people who work for news organizations or former journalists who made campaign contributions in this presidential election cycle, and the overwhelming majority contributed money to Hillary Clinton.
Journalists' Campaign Donations Create Conflict, Ex-Newspaper Man Says

The Media Research Center, used federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics to identify donors working for ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, or The Washington Postbetween 2008 and 2016.[12] The data focused on the donors’ partisan preference, not the amount of contributions, and included retirees who listed the companies with their donations. Of the 122 donors identified, 94 percent (115) donated to Democrats.[8]
Fact check/Do 97 percent of journalist donations go to Democrats? - Ballotpedia

But now Harvard University's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy
has come out with a study of media coverage of the Trump White House in its first 100 days. It is astonishing because it comes from Harvard, not exactly the bedrock of American conservatism.
The study found that in Trump's first 100 days in office, the tone of the news coverage of the president has been a whopping 80 percent negative to 20 percent positive.
CNN and NBC struck a 93 percent negative tone on their Trump stories, with only 7 percent positive.
CBS was third in the anti-Trump race, with a 91 to 9 ratio.

And the pro-Trump Fox News? That network was 52 percent negative to 48 percent positive.
Harvard study: Media has been largely negative on Trump
FAIR and Balance is Fox's claim... !

Now with the above PROOF something most people who are not scholarly enough to provide by the way... here is the NET effect of all that biased put your mouth where you put your money, i.e. the BIASED MSM's efforts to destroy President Trump...

View attachment 209540
Of course the media is biased against Trump. Donald Trump makes it really hard not to be. This man insults members of his own party. He bullies his opponents. He says things that are demonstrably untrue, and responds to criticism with caustic personnel attacks. What do you do with that as a journalist to be objective without becoming negative in a way that opens you to charges of media bias?

Donald Trump's war with the media dates back to 2004 with the first airing of "The Apprentice". The program was widely panned by critics in the New York Times and a other major papers. Trump following the advice of P.T. Barnum, "Let the newspapers say what they like, as long as they keep my name in the paper and spell it right". Trump immediately launched a caustic personal attack against the New York times critic, appeared on the Howard Stern show, sent out a press releases and within 2 days People who never heard of Donald Trump were talking about this crazy TV show in which a successful businessman fires people on the air. A network executive at NBC commented that Donald Trump saved the show with his quick action.

In the years that followed, Trump made his name a household word with attacks on celebrates, she's fat, a real pig, can't act, a has been, ect. In fact, Trump had media battles with over 400 celebrates which of course drew in journalist which resulted hundreds battles.

Then came the conspiracy theories, Obama's birth certificate, climate change, Muslim invaders, space invaders, and just about anything that would keep his name in papers. Trump routinely defended the theories in the press and upon discovering twitter, expanded the theories out in all directions.

Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

By the time he entered the White House, the media had become his greatest asset because in addition to winning the presidency, Donald Trump had successfully cast himself as the victim of the mainstream media, convincing his supporters that any negative news about Donald Trump was "Fake News"; even the Pussy Grabber tape became fake news.
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Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.

I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.”
Quote by P. T. Barnum: “I don't care what the newspapers say about me a...”
Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump understood quite well the profit motive in what we call "news" today and he exploited it just as he did when the Apprentice first appeared on TV. In the campaign, his constant attacks on just about anyone, his outrageous behavior, language, and misstatements, provided bait the media could not resist. A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens to Trump. If Mueller doesn't get him, lost of seats in congress is going de-fang him, or he will make one enemy too many.

My real concern is the effect the on the media.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country. A state sponsored news service may well be within our future, such as Pravda.
Trump started his campaign with an attack on the media because they immediately jumped on his lack of experience. Trump baited journalists and they took the bait. Thus the media became Trump's greatest asset. He didn't have to spend a cent on advertising in the primaries because the media was giving him all the free advertising he needed.

For the sole reason Trump brought in ratings. After he won, the tables turned on him dramatically, and that's when Trump fought back. It was then a ratings getter to attack Trump every possible opportunity and it continues today for the anti-Trump crowd.
Trump understood quite well the profit motive in what we call "news" today and he exploited it just as he did when the Apprentice first appeared on TV. In the campaign, his constant attacks on just about anyone, his outrageous behavior, language, and misstatements, provided bait the media could not resist. A barge of media attacks, accompanied by real false news made him the under dog in the campaign and a president being unjustly attacked by the media.

Frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens to Trump. If Mueller doesn't get him, lost of seats in congress is going de-fang him, or he will make one enemy too many.

My real concern is the effect the on the media.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. If they are successful, you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in this country. A state sponsored news service may well be within our future, such as Pravda.

Oh please, can't you have an honest debate here?

I don't recall you posting such things when Net Neutrality came out. Or how about years ago when the left wanted to bring up the Fairness Doctrine again?

Is Trump or anybody on the right asking for government sponsorship of right-wing broadcasting? You know, like the left incorporated with NPR and PBS? I know, you don't have a problem with that either.

And are you going to try and make me believe that if it was not Trump, but any other near conservative President today, the left would not be on them just as much as Trump; that their actions are only because of how Trump handles the media and not the party he represents?

If you have a bridge to sell, don't come here, because I can spot a scam a mile away.
Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. are mixed up!

Charlie Skelton‏ @deYook Aug 6

even if you despise #Infowars & woop at the news of the ban, nb the boards of the giant corps that banned it. It's not completely unreasonable to say that Infowars has just been banned by the establishment. Google (owns YouTube) was the most represented corp at #Bilderberg 2018.

Google Accepts Chinese Censorship For Big Payout | #safehaven
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Republicans are looking for a way to control mainstream media. are mixed up!

Charlie Skelton‏ @deYook Aug 6

even if you despise #Infowars & woop at the news of the ban, nb the boards of the giant corps that banned it. It's not completely unreasonable to say that Infowars has just been banned by the establishment. Google (owns YouTube) was the most represented corp at #Bilderberg 2018.

And there have been instances when Google puts relevancy based on politics instead of being based on popularity like they used to. Of course when they first started out trying to be number one, they would never dream of doing that.
THis thread could be called: the "journalists" who suck are stirring up so much anger in the USA that people are already getting hurt over it.

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