Donald Trump is a progressive statist

It we can get the government running efficiently so that we can have the social programs I have no problem with it.
Most people would agree with that.
I think that Trump could do it.
None of our politicians have done it, when they really could.
It's time for a change and to shake up Washington D.C. from the same ol' same ol'.
Yup, this is very interesting. I have never seen a campaign like this. Trump would be better than a Cruz or a Perry or a Santorum or whatever, and better than a Sanders or a Clinton, I think. What a fun election.
He appears to NOT be a fan of Citizens United. At least none of the Plutocrats support him.
I think his appts to SCOTUS would overturn Citizens as soon as possible
Show me in Lenin's writings or speeches that he said Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the ...power first and then enacting wholesale socialist reforms

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