Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.
You are a liar.


he/she is a liar.
OP ignorantly thinks we can make the US more attractive for foreigners with improvements, while ignoring illegals. Weird how some put stock in the opinions of partisan hacks.
Communist Russian-inspired garbage designed to cause further unrest and de-stabization of the US. The Huffington Post is the InfoWars of the left, only 2 IQ points above the Democratic Underground discussion board.

Keep doing Glorious Leader Vlad's work, Comrade OP. Some day will be many medals for you.

OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Trump's actually already dealt with many of the issues I was concerned about, and is working on more.

#1) I can now walk into Wal-Mart on any given day and purchase the .22 ammo of my choice if I so choose. :1peleas::yes_text12::lalala:

Priorities. :rolleyes:

#2) Low Gas Prices, Yay! OPEC's worst nightmae.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Trump's actually already dealt with many of the issues I was concerned about, and is working on more.

#1) I can now walk into Wal-Mart on any given day and purchase the .22 ammo of my choice if I so choose. :1peleas::yes_text12::lalala:

Priorities. :rolleyes:

#2) Low Gas Prices, Yay! OPEC's worst nightmae.

Ahhh, I remember Obama's Great .22 Shortage of 2014. People were buying it up faster than they could put it on the shelves. $3.68 per gallon of gas too. I heard it's down to $1.70 per gallon in Oklahoma now.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Brandi Miller what a dumb bitch..

OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

The cited article mentions nothing at all that supports the premise of its title, and mentions a few things that refute it.

Just an exercise in modern left wrong-wing doublespeak.
Ahhh, I remember Obama's Great .22 Shortage of 2014. People were buying it up faster than they could put it on the shelves. $3.68 per gallon of gas too. I heard it's down to $1.70 per gallon in Oklahoma now.
Still have over 10,000 rounds left from that hoard-a-thon.

That's enough for a couple good days at the range. :laughing0301:

I bought a new AK-47 before the election, just in case. Walmart had those 40-round boxes of 7.62x39 for for about 8 dollars, so I kinda bought too much of it. Plus the 5 spam cans or Russian ammo still sitting in the closet.

One thing I can say in Obama's defense, he sure stimulated the firearms and ammunition industry.
What a turd..

No one displays this more than the infantile caricature of patriotism that is Tomi Lahren. In midst of all that happened this week, in her continued ideological crusade for a border wall, she tweeted, “$5 billion spent on a wall will be the BEST $5 billion taxpayers EVER spent! Build the wall. Secure the border. America FIRST
That's enough for a couple good days at the range. :laughing0301:

I bought a new AK-47 before the election, just in case. Walmart had those 40-round boxes of 7.62x39 for for about 8 dollars, so I kinda bought too much of it. Plus the 5 spam cans or Russian ammo still sitting in the closet.

One thing I can say in Obama's defense, he sure stimulated the firearms and ammunition industry.
I shoot them mostly on my 50 & 100 yarders, on our back 40 in the north woods....The experience did have the upshot of allowing me to discover what is the best and most reliable ammo for my 1022.
What a turd..

No one displays this more than the infantile caricature of patriotism that is Tomi Lahren. In midst of all that happened this week, in her continued ideological crusade for a border wall, she tweeted, “$5 billion spent on a wall will be the BEST $5 billion taxpayers EVER spent! Build the wall. Secure the border. America FIRST
That dizzy broad is the white woman version of Don Lemon.
That's enough for a couple good days at the range. :laughing0301:

I bought a new AK-47 before the election, just in case. Walmart had those 40-round boxes of 7.62x39 for for about 8 dollars, so I kinda bought too much of it. Plus the 5 spam cans or Russian ammo still sitting in the closet.

One thing I can say in Obama's defense, he sure stimulated the firearms and ammunition industry.
I shoot them mostly on my 50 & 100 yarders, on our back 40 in the north woods....The experience did have the upshot of allowing me to discover what is the best and most reliable ammo for my 1022.
OK Trumps . I am very interested in knowing how you will respond to this very succinct and biting opinion piece. He is not putting America first , It has always been Trump first,

Donald Trump Has Never Actually Put America First | HuffPost

If the Trump administration were truly trying to make America great again, it would be paying attention to issues that inherently keep us from being great, like the deaths of children in mass shootings, our flawed prison system, and the institutionalized racism that leads to violent reactions against any foreigner trying to enter our land.

Yet President Donald Trump and his supporters prove time and again that they would rather shift focus and fight with migrants and refugees than show any concern for issues taking place within U.S. borders.

There are countless issues facing America that we could tackle, that would communicate that we care about our people. We could fight racialized violence at the hands of the police, or protect transgender people’s rights (instead of trying to take them away). We could more holistically create equity for impoverished communities, women, those with disabilities and LGBTQ people.

We could care about the reality that the U.S. glorifies active military but discards its veterans, we could seek peace instead of violence. But that would require us setting aside our fear first, something that the United States has never been able to do.

We use our national funds to be against many more things than we are for. We would rather spend on defense and military than care for the poor within our borders. In simple terms, what good is defense if the people you are defending don’t have access to clean water, like in the case of Flint, or they’re among the 40 million people who experience food insecurity every year?

Yes ! Countless issues that we could and should be dealing with and are not.!! Lets hear it people.

Anything from the Huffing-puffington post has nothing of interest to me, nada...zilch. If I wanted slanted information? I would start following the lamestream media again.

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