Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.
The "Donald" is going to turn this primary and this election cycle into a political version of ECW.

I freaking love it. He brings the furniture every time he opens his mouth.


Smackdown on Cooper. Awesome.
Trump has enough money. I'd love love love it if he would turn around and hire someone to investigate the Washington Post and CNN and others and see if they have any illegals working for them anywhere.

The corrupt DNC and thier brainwashed idiot lemmings seem to be very, very afraid Donald Trump.

I think they are scared because they think he will trounce Hitlery.
Typical leftwing attempt at a got'cha, many illegals are using stolen identities and without the resources of law enforcement it would be virtually impossible to prove it.

There was an article in the news yesterday on how big of a problem fraudulent ID's have become in New Mexico since it passed a law allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses. The illegals have committed so much fraud and told so many lies obtaining over 100,000 drivers licenses that a New Mexico drivers license is no longer valid for boarding a plane.
Trump is going to turn the whole process into an outrageous Circus...and the great thing is that he will be the only one not a Clown.

At the very least, he'll call out some hypocrites...and he'll tell the Truth, which Hillary Clinton hates like a vampire hates sunrise. It ought to be a blast.
Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper was a chump long before he tried to take on Trump.

BTW, has Cooper tried addressing the subject of the problems and dangers caused by illegal aliens, to Hillary "Nobody is illegal!" Clinton?

I didn't think so.

If Cooper wants to expose hypocrisy, he doesn't have to bring in guests. All he has to do is look in the mirror.
Typical leftwing attempt at a got'cha, many illegals are using stolen identities and without the resources of law enforcement it would be virtually impossible to prove it.

There was an article in the news yesterday on how big of a problem fraudulent ID's have become in New Mexico since it passed a law allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses. The illegals have committed so much fraud and told so many lies obtaining over 100,000 drivers licenses that a New Mexico drivers license is no longer valid for boarding a plane.

I wasn't aware of that, of course I don't fly anymore, but illegals have been stealing identities forever to get jobs.
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said...

I'm glad Trump is calling them out on this BS tactic about what "some people" think or feel. The correct response is:
1. Who said or feels this way?
2. Do you feel this way?
3. Why do you feel this way?
4. Then why are you asking this question?
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It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.

"former illegals" you know how dumb that is?
I would assume you know that when people hire construction firms it is wholly - 100% - the duty of the construction firm to have legal employees? These workers (that no one has yet to actually identify) are not employees of Trump.
It is no different than to say your are to blame for illegal workers at a local car dealership because you take your car there to get worked on.
It is absurd.
And Trump is right, there are 34,000,000 illegals in this country now. And through a completely lackadaisical government looking the other way - it is impossible to check the legal status of every employee of every company you do business with. That is just plain stupid.
And you know better.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

Stop, just stop...

You come off looking stupid...

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