Donald Trump comes out in support of Roy Moore, could campaign next week

Dons getting the same treatment Clinton got. All they had on bill in 8 years was a bj. Trump should already be impeached what they did with Russia. If it were Hillary and all these shady Flynn and Papapolis and manafort and sessions lying. The jury is in. Guilty as fuck

'SHOULD' but...alas.....NOT!! That must really chafe at your diapers. There is no trial and no jury you ignorant illiterate. Where in the fuck do you get your news? The Daily Kos?

trumptard troll say what? :dunno:
They said it about Roy Moore. And they say it with their votes. This state needs to be taken off the government dole. If you look you'll see red Alabama is a fucking welfare state. They take more from the federal government than they do pay. It's insane. Why are we or our federal government heavily funding an anti government red state? Makes zero sense
This is incredible. So if a state is red (votes Republican), then you think it shouldn't be heavily funded by the fed govt. And you call you (and your allies) "we". Your "we" happens to be the minority of Americans. Most Americans voted for Trump, Republican congressmen, and Republican governors.

As for Alabama, they are doing well financially, compared to most blue states. Alabama is rated "Above Average". (# 12 out of 50).

State Fiscal Rankings of George Mason University's Mercatus Center .. >>

Alabama - 12

New York - 39

New Jersey - 50

California - 43

And Obama's liberal home state of Illinois ? - 49

And my home state (Florida) ? - Number 1 in the nation.

State Fiscal Rankings
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They said it about Roy Moore. And they say it with their votes. This state needs to be taken off the government dole. If you look you'll see red Alabama is a fucking welfare state. They take more from the federal government than they do pay. It's insane. Why are we or our federal government heavily funding an anti government red state? Makes zero sense
This is incredible. So if a state is red (votes Republican), then you think it shouldn't be heavily funded by the fed govt. And you call you (and your allies) "we". Your "we" happens to be the minority of Americans. Most Americans voted for Trump, Republican congressmen, and Republican governors.

As for Alabama, they are doing well financially, compared to most blue states. Alabama is rated "Above Average". (# 12 out of 50).

State Fiscal Rankings of George Mason University's Mercatus Center .. >>

Alabama - 12

New York - 39

New Jersey - 50

California - 43

And Obama's liberal home state of Illinois ? - 49

And my home state (Florida) ? - Number 1 in the nation.

State Fiscal Rankings
That's one way of ranking them. Do they take more than they pay in? I bet that state takes more than it pays. And it takes more government cheese than blue states who give more.

I want to get fiscally conservative with red state welfare and pork
Dons getting the same treatment Clinton got. All they had on bill in 8 years was a bj. Trump should already be impeached what they did with Russia. If it were Hillary and all these shady Flynn and Papapolis and manafort and sessions lying. The jury is in. Guilty as fuck

'SHOULD' but...alas.....NOT!! That must really chafe at your diapers. There is no trial and no jury you ignorant illiterate. Where in the fuck do you get your news? The Daily Kos?

trumptard troll say what? :dunno:

You having a diaper emergency too?
Fallacy of false equivalency in that Clinton is not running for the AL seat, where the alleged predator, Moore, is so running.

You are correct.....Since Moore is running for a seat that the Democrats desperately need you libbies already have him convicted. Since Clinton was already a Democrat in office 'nothing to see here'and 'it doesn't affect his job' such deception and hypocrisy......On top of it, you guys defend Al Frankenstein.

Odd, this information about Moore was “common knowledge”, Right? But:

National enquirer
60 minutes

and every investigator and media outlet, not only in Alabama, the United States AND THE ENTIRE WORLD,

Never got wind of it until now?

So very very odd.

You cannot make this crap up folks. Every news and political organization in the world MUST BE INEPT!
Not odd at all. What is odd is that supposedly intelligent people have real difficulty in believing nine accusers and a strong circumstantial case.
Not odd at all. What is odd is that supposedly intelligent people have real difficulty in believing nine accusers and a strong circumstantial case.

And you believe that every investigative reporter, every left leaning political organization and every media outlet IN THE WORLD didn’t find this out even though, as posted by many outlets............


You have to be completely naive to believe this could be possible.
Pop23 is completely naive if he thinks his argument is influential.

So, this is what did not happen, even though it was “common knowledge”.

The local democratic committee didn’t notify the State Democratic Party, or opposition groups, nor the media of this, even though Moore was leading in the polls, AND:

The accusers didn’t do the same even though Moore would be the Supreme Court Justice on cases that involved under age sex cases, rape and women’s rights issues.

Explain how that ever happened. I’ll wait lil fella
Pop23 wants to moan and groan about nine accusers, the accusations, and the believable circumstantial evidence.

The is Public Opinion, and now the GOP will lose regardless whether Moore wins or not.
Some may not like this, but a man is innocent until proven guilty. Considering the timing and the silence for 40 years, this shouldn't surprise anyone.

I will say, if Moore is a creep as he is accused, I hope and expect God to have this debt paid at some time or another. The time for the court of law, and maybe even the political impact might be (or is probably) lost.

It isn't about guilt or innocence. It is about destroying a threat to the elites by any means necessary.
Supporters of Russia, fascism, and election interference. I will add names as we go along.

Fascists like DOTR have the emotional capability of fourteen year olds. :)

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