Donald Trump Causes Massive Avalanche In the French Alps on Easter Sunday- He Killed 6 People


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Right now it's strictly speculation that Trump caused this massive 500 meter wide avalanche that killed at least 2 mountain guides & 4 clients in France but I have full confidence the FBI, DOD, EPA, DOJ, ATF, CIA & WH will uncover the truth soon.

Maybe he set off a bomb at the top of the mountain with left over explosives from when he took out the Nord Stream pipeline?
Did he derail a train up there?
Could a US bank have failed at the summit & brought down the mountain?
Maybe it was the DEMPANIC!!! flu striking again?
Did the well armed Taliban do this under his orders?

We don't know at this time but rest assured we are working diligently to prove beyond a golden shower of doubt that Orange Man Bad is behind this catastrophe, just like he has been behind every disaster that has ever occurred in the history of forever.

I already have conclusive proof that it's actually DT behind Pedo Joe's diaper rash & clear dementia.


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