Donald Trump and Tim Ballard Discuss Child Sex Trafficking

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
It really is sad that our country has gotten so bad, but it's even sadder than no actions are currently being taken about it by the Biden/Harris Administration. Although, there really is no surprise there. As you've seen how the left has been responding to Sound Of Freedom. It's just plain sickening, but at least they're exposing their true colors.

Trump was the traffickers' best pal. No wonder conservatives love him.

I wish conservatives would stop pretending they care about trafficking. They don't. They only care about having a reason to lie about liberals and hate liberals. They've made that very obvious.

How can we tell conservatives care nothing about trafficking? Because they offer no actual solutions, other than "hate and kill liberals." The things they do propose -- more hating immigrants -- make the problem worse.

Oh, there is no "epidemic" of trafficking. That's a conservative BigLie. Again, they tell the lie to justify hating.

Also? Nobody cares about your half-fictional Q-cult movie.

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