Don’t send us anymore of your “poor, uneducated and criminal yearning for freebies.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama claim we need them to build this nation’s economy but we are not longer into nation building but into nation survival. We have an over abundance of poor, uneducated and criminals of your own. We do not need a massive influx of immigrants to build this country as we did in the 19th century.

Foreign students and children of Illegal Aliens should be foreign exchange students that will take their education back home and build a stronger nations for their people who will not have to come here for an education or for work. We do not have an exchange student program with Mexico, we have the Dream Act and Amnesty. Amnesty is not free, it's earned.

We do not need Mexico’s young, strong men in our military to help us fight terrorism, we need them in Mexico military to fight drug cartels to clean up Mexico for Mexicans and keep drugs from flowing across the border on to out streets to our children.

Taking people from other countries, make those countries more dependent our us. How do you create a ghost town? Mexico’s second biggest donation to it’s economy is remittances from Illegal Aliens working here.

What happed to families on welfare when the father was taken out of the home? It made the family more dependent of welfare. That is exactly what we are doing to Mexico if we take their workforce. Skilled and unskilled. Educating children of Illegal Aliens is not an investment for us if they compete for jobs with our own. Educating our own children is an investment.

Skilled workers create jobs for unskilled workers because someone has to clean up after them, serve them dinner, cut their lawns and baby sit their kids.

Obama’s inaugural speech was brilliant and self serving.
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Obama claim we need them to build this nation’s economy but we are not longer into nation building but into nation survival. We have an over abundance of poor, uneducated and criminals of your own. We do not need a massive influx of immigrants to build this country as we did in the 19th century.

Foreign students and children of Illegal Aliens should be foreign exchange students that will take their education back home and build a stronger nations for their people who will not have to come here for an education or for work. We do not have an exchange student program with Mexico, we have the Dream Act and Amnesty. Amnesty is not free, it's earned.

We do not need Mexico’s young, strong men in our military to help us fight terrorism, we need them in Mexico military to fight drug cartels to clean up Mexico for Mexicans and keep drugs from flowing across the border on to out streets to our children.

Taking people from other countries, make those countries more dependent our us. How do you create a ghost town? Mexico’s second biggest donation to it’s economy is remittances from Illegal Aliens working here.

What happed to families on welfare when the father was taken out of the home? It made the family more dependent of welfare. That is exactly what we are doing to Mexico if we take their workforce. Skilled and unskilled. Educating children of Illegal Aliens is not an investment for us if they compete for jobs with our own. Educating our own children is an investment.

Skilled workers create jobs for unskilled workers because someone has to clean up after them, serve them dinner, cut their lawns and baby sit their kids.

Obama’s inaugural speech was brilliant and self serving.

I like this policy better. Written on the base of the statue of liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

God bless America!

Obama claim we need them to build this nation’s economy but we are not longer into nation building but into nation survival. We have an over abundance of poor, uneducated and criminals of your own. We do not need a massive influx of immigrants to build this country as we did in the 19th century.

Foreign students and children of Illegal Aliens should be foreign exchange students that will take their education back home and build a stronger nations for their people who will not have to come here for an education or for work. We do not have an exchange student program with Mexico, we have the Dream Act and Amnesty. Amnesty is not free, it's earned.

We do not need Mexico’s young, strong men in our military to help us fight terrorism, we need them in Mexico military to fight drug cartels to clean up Mexico for Mexicans and keep drugs from flowing across the border on to out streets to our children.

Taking people from other countries, make those countries more dependent our us. How do you create a ghost town? Mexico’s second biggest donation to it’s economy is remittances from Illegal Aliens working here.

What happed to families on welfare when the father was taken out of the home? It made the family more dependent of welfare. That is exactly what we are doing to Mexico if we take their workforce. Skilled and unskilled. Educating children of Illegal Aliens is not an investment for us if they compete for jobs with our own. Educating our own children is an investment.

Skilled workers create jobs for unskilled workers because someone has to clean up after them, serve them dinner, cut their lawns and baby sit their kids.

Obama’s inaugural speech was brilliant and self serving.

I like this policy better. Written on the base of the statue of liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

God bless America!

Written in 1883 for 1883 and has long out lived it purpose. This is 2013 and we are no longer into nation building but nation survival. And in no way does it apply to illegal aliens from mexico. We have enough poor of our own that we cannot take care off, don't send us anymore. I have no problem with refugees and asylum seekers whoes lives or in danger. Don's send us your poor because you don't want to provide jobs for them and take care of them.
This symbol of freedom and hope was presented by the people of France to the people of the United States in 1886 in honor of the friendship between the two nations.
Immortalized in the poem of Emma Lazarus, the Statue speaks eternally the words of compassion: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." These words from the "The New Colossus," written in 1883, appear on the Statue's pedestal.
Message of the State of Liberty
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Lady Liberty was given to America? LMAO

French Immigration Laws

France placed restrictions on its open-border policy in 2006 against individuals who would place a burden on the country. The ability to obtain French nationality through marriage has also been tightened.

French Immigration Laws |

Jus Sanguinis

Being born to at least one French parent automatically makes that child French. If the child does not live on French soil, he or she may have to choose to abandon French nationality later in life, depending on whether or not their home country allows dual citizenship.

Jus Soli

A person who is born in France to non-French parents can choose to become a French citizen as he or she turns eighteen, provided the person in question has lived in France for five years (either continuously or off and on) since turning eleven.

French Citizenship Requirements |
Countries that Grant Automatic Birthright Citizenship

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Cameroon, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan, Spain, United States, and Venezuela.

Countries that do NOT Grant Automatic Birthright Citizenship

Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Columbia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and Zaire.

H.R. 140, The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2011 to clarify the language/intent of “citizen” in the 14th Amendment to join other countries and stop the abuse of immigrants (illegal aliens and visitors on visas) who come to the United States to have children to give their children dual citizenship; to prevent them from entering military service in their countries; and to get free education, welfare, healthcare and other benefits paid for by U.S. taxpayers.
The Irish filled that quota ages ago

Yep! We sure did!

Don’t send us anymore of your “poor, uneducated and criminal yearning for freebies.”

Really! We have enough Republicans already:


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