Domestic Politics of Turkey


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Domestic politics in Turkey is very complex.
STRATFOR has published 17 pages PDF Report on this issue.

It covers power battles fought by major groups over
# Education
# Security
# Media
# Business
# Foreign Policy
# Judiciary

In my view the report is factual, but the report does not cover all issues that happen in Turkey. The report is limited about power battle of 3 groups on above mentioned subjects. The report follows an analysis from the Islam perspective.

A major force, the Nationalists, is not covered by Stratfor. Subjects about questions on unitarian nature of Identity, redefinition of citizenship in constitution and nation-state charachter of State structure are not covered. Those are also big issues in Turkey.
Probably Stratfor did not cover those subjects as the outcome is not going to effect the periphery of Turkey. Yet, for Turks this is also a major issue in daily political agenda.
Are you talking to yourself again?

From the report:

The Gulenist international footprint comprises 1,000 private schools (according to Gulen estimates) spanning 115 countries, including 35 African countries. These Gulenist schools can be found in small towns everywhere from Ethiopia, Bosnia, Cambodia, India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Cote d’Ivoire, Azerbaijan — and even the United States (...)
Like their counterparts in Turkey, the facilities and quality of instruction at these schools are excellent, making them attractive places for elite families of various ethnicities to send their children to receive an education. (...)
Graduates of these schools can usually speak Turkish fluently, have been exposed to Turkish culture and history, and are prepared for careers in high places. In regions like Africa and Central Asia in particular, where quality education is difficult to come by, the children of the political elites who attend these schools usually have developed a deep
affinity for Turkish culture. As a result, the Gulenists are able to raise a generation of diplomats, security professionals, economists and engineers who are more likely to take Turkish national interests into account when they reach positions of influence.

All of them speaking Turkish and indoctrinated with being good Muslims like their brothers and sisters from Anatolia. The Gulen Movement is civil society, the State has nothing to do with their universities and schools abroad. And the counter-schools and universities from the State anyway have no chance against competing with the Gulen education. The Gulen's have more money then the Education Ministry.

The State has its own "religious schools" called Imam Hatip schools aimed for the conservative families.
Those schools will be introduced in Pakistan, Russia and Indonesia.
We make them all good Muslims by exporting Soft Power.
As you see, domestic developments in Turkey also influences its periphery.

LINK:Muslim world turns to Turkish model of education | GlobalPost
LINK:Turkey's Religious Schools Being Used as Model to Fight Islamic Extremism | Europe | English
LINK:Imam-hatip schools in demand for export
Deputy of Directorate for Religious Affairs in Turkey (running 80.000 mosques and Imam-Hatip schools):

"There is significant demand from everywhere -- from Equatorial Guinea to Europe and from the autonomous republics of Russia to Bangladesh and Indonesia -- and we are having difficulty meeting it."

LINK:Turkey's Islamic education model draws worldwide attention

But the thread is much more then that. It's only a fraction of domestic politics in Turkey.
Why don't you read the Report from 1st post?
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The Turkish Imam and His Global Educational Mission
There are an estimated 1,000 Gulen-affiliated schools in 100 countries — from Malawi to the U.S. — offering a blend of religious faith and largely Western curriculum. All are inspired by Gulen, an enigmatic retired preacher who oversees the schools — and a multibillion-dollar business empire — from the unlikeliest of locales: rural Pennsylvania.

Read more: Turkish Imam Gulen's School Movement: Modern Islam? - TIME
Read more: Turkish Imam Gulen's School Movement: Modern Islam? - TIME

Muslims do zakat. Giving alms.
Zakat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The new-wealthies from Anatolian business-community give their zakat to organizations like Gulen.

Turkish schools in Pakistan.
Turkish General given president-protocoll by Pakistan President.

At least I talk about progress and ascendance.
If I've time in between I will let you know, so you can have a shoulder to cry on about your mortgage.
At least I talk about progress and ascendance.
If I've time in between I will let you know, so you can have a shoulder to cry on about your mortgage.
If you take a century as being a sign of American collapse you really are deluding yourself as this isn't the first time America has floundered economically, and the fact remains that despite the debt America still has a larger GDP per capita (40,000+) than either Russia, China, India or Turkey (which average around 3,000-5,000). :cuckoo:
If you take a century as being a sign of American collapse you really are deluding yourself as this isn't the first time America has floundered economically, and the fact remains that despite the debt America still has a larger GDP per capita (40,000+) than either Russia, China, India or Turkey (which average around 3,000-5,000). :cuckoo:

With that 3.000 $ the Chinese, Russians, Indians and Turks can donate you a second NYC mosque.
Right next to the Building of the coming Chinese insolvency liquidator.

U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters

No science-fiction and no creepy nightmare stories.
You spend more then you have. You are an irresponsible housewife that does not have a sense for resposnsibility regarding alternation of generations.
By 2015 your debt will be 102% of GDP.

It's not a long way to Greece levels. Yet, you can boast of your 40.000 $ income and your shiny houses whose credits you can't pay and all the other things you're paying by debt.
I consume what I can afford. If I don't have it, I don't spend.
Simple as that.
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Even the US basketball team is not anymore what it used to be.
Even Hollywood is not anymore what it used to be.
Movies like
- Terminator 3
- Lord of Rings 2+3
- Jarhead
- Miami Vice
- Jason Bourne Trilogy
have been financed through German money.
Filmfonds: Wie deutsche Anleger Hollywood finanzierten -

Only between 1997 to 2005, Germans have pumped 12 Billion € into Hollywwod movies. Yes Billion.
Filmfonds: Das schreckliche Ende des ?dummen Geldes? -
If you take a century as being a sign of American collapse you really are deluding yourself as this isn't the first time America has floundered economically, and the fact remains that despite the debt America still has a larger GDP per capita (40,000+) than either Russia, China, India or Turkey (which average around 3,000-5,000). :cuckoo:

With that 3.000 $ the Chinese, Russians, Indians and Turks can donate you a second NYC mosque.
Right next to the Building of the coming Chinese insolvency liquidator.

U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters
One word: Argentina.

When Argentina was in massive debt it was wiped, if the US got that stuffed over China would do the same to ensure that the world economy doesn't collapse. Because you can be 100% sure if the US economy goes, so does Turkey and the rest of the world including China. But you fail to understand Chinese investors think long term, rather than just this century like you. :cuckoo:

But the US economy won't collapse because Obamanomics is being given the boot quite soon, so that debt rise won't become reality. :)
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