DOMA ruled unconstitutional

Nowhere in the fourteenth amendment does the "equal protection" clause provide for homosexual marriage........................

Though perhaps if it is wished for enough, maybe it

When a married couple files a married tax return, they do so because there is a law which allows them to do so. They could not possibly file a married tax return if there was no law which created the married tax return.

When two gay people get married, they are not allowed to file a married tax return. For some reason, it scares the living bejeesus out of some people if they were to file a married tax return.

This means they do not have "equal protection of the laws".

Let's go to Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. I know some of you are probably surprised there are more than 10 Amendments, but it is true! There are!

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So once a law is created, everyone is protected by it. You cannot keep someone away from that protection without a good reason. You must have a rational reason for denying that protection to them.

"I hate fags" is not a rational reason to prevent two men from entering into a matrimonial contract and filing a joint tax return. "Because incest!" is not a rational reason to prevent two men from entering into a matrimonial contract and filing a joint tax return.

All of the above was established in precedent by Loving v. Virginia. Read it. Learn it. Because when gay marriage finally comes before the Supreme Court, it will be cited as the precedent for legalizing gay marriage all the way up to the federal level. This will result in the interesting paradox of some ignorant blacks screaming about using the struggle for black equality to achieve gay equality. The idea that gays should be treated like everyone else just does not compute with some blacks who believe blacks should be treated like everyone else.

Go figure.

I would hope the people on the opposing legal team would bring up the incest and bestiality red herring when that day comes in court, just for the incredibly hilarious yucks it would bring watching them get bitch-slapped by all nine justices, but they could not be lawyers who made it all the way to arguing before the Supreme Court if they were that profoundly stupid.

It's a states right issue one state cannot force their laws anto another state.
Nothing in the Constitution about gay marriage being allowed by federal law.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
I'm still trying to figure out why so many "straight" people are so obsessed with gay sex.
Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?
Incestuous relationships are a straw man argument, aren't they? Feeble and ham handed.
Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?

According to ancient royal families and some (not saying yours) moms and dads...:eusa_whistle:

but some famlies don't have any brancheds in their tree, (not saying it's your's ) :eusa_whistle:

Gawd knows, I was adopted, but I did find out grandpaw (on mom's side) was a bigamist. Thought he was gonna die, did a couple of things he always wanted to, found out he was gonna live, had to marry one of them.

Who knows WHO I'm related to, little fucker. :eusa_whistle:
I'm still trying to figure out why so many "straight" people are so obsessed with gay sex.
Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

You're not the target of my snark. ;)
I'm still trying to figure out why so many "straight" people are so obsessed with gay sex.
Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?

No, but that's because that causes an actual social harm (deformed children).
I'm still trying to figure out why so many "straight" people are so obsessed with gay sex.
Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

You're not the target of my snark. ;)
I hope it cleared up a position, none the less.
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.
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Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their church.
Just to clarify: it's Adam and Steven, not Adam and Steve.:lol:
To me and the great majority of people I know, gay marriage is completely normal. I treat gay couples no differently that I would straight couples.

So again (in case you didn't catch it the first time), "normality" is relative from person to person, place to place, and era to era. What makes your opinion, and what's "normal" to you better than everyone else's? What kind of arrogant ego trip are you on exactly?

If that';s how you and the people you know feel that would make you and them abnormal and is not a good argument.

Well, I’ll tell you what – pal – in fifty years when the young generation of America has taken over, and the old have passed on, gay marriage acceptance WILL BE the norm.

People with your view will technically be considered “abnormal”.

I assure you this WILL be the case…

Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.
If homosexual acts were the norm the human species would not be here now. We would have never lasted 30 years after creation

The point is:

Do you like to have a Federal nanny-sitter making sure that you behave at all time? Do we need to craft laws that prohibit individuals from taking part in an act that in no way infringes on anyone else's rights?

You're a Big Government thug, and I consider folks like you a direct threat to the personal liberties of all who live in this great nation..

Somebody's gotta defend freedom...


You have no point.
Abnormal is not normal.

Lefthanded people are abnormal. They should not might FORCE people to consider them normal.

Abnormal is not normal.
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.
Maybe if steve would not have had gay sex he would not have ended up with aids and in the ICU.
If that';s how you and the people you know feel that would make you and them abnormal and is not a good argument.

Well, I’ll tell you what – pal – in fifty years when the young generation of America has taken over, and the old have passed on, gay marriage acceptance WILL BE the norm.

People with your view will technically be considered “abnormal”.

I assure you this WILL be the case…

Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.
Isn't that the same way all hatred is cultivated? Generation to generation. Parents pass more than genetics to their progeny. They sometimes pass ignorance, fear, bigotry and hatred. As Oscar Hammerstein said, you have to be carefully taught.
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.

No one cares what homosexuals do besides pretend that marriage has anything to do with them.............its the complete opposite a legal civil union serves the same purpose
Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

You're not the target of my snark. ;)
I hope it cleared up a position, none the less.

I share your position. I would say most people on our side of this argument have a "live, and let live" mentality.
If that';s how you and the people you know feel that would make you and them abnormal and is not a good argument.

Well, I’ll tell you what – pal – in fifty years when the young generation of America has taken over, and the old have passed on, gay marriage acceptance WILL BE the norm.

People with your view will technically be considered “abnormal”.

I assure you this WILL be the case…

Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

Who told you gay couples can't have children?

As much as you try to poison your children and grandchildren against gay couples, they will eventually realize, like most Americans, that it is no big deal
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their church.
Just to clarify: it's Adam and Steven, not Adam and Steve.:lol:
I thought it was Adam and Stephen.
Also, the whole idea that opponents of gay marriage are defending "traditional marriage" makes no sense. Traditional marriage is between two people of the same race, with the woman being the chattel of her husband.

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