Doing up the flat - conservative style

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
In one corner we have the many secondary victims of the Grenfell disaster. They own flats covered with the lethal materials that caused the mass slaughter a couple of years back. Through no fault of their own they are stuck with a home that they cannot sell or even sleep soundly in. Nobody has been jailed for the fire and the government has just voted down relief for the FIFTH time. The government message is that you are on your own.

n the other corner is our beloved PM with his own accommodation problems. It seems the flat over No10 is not to his taste or that of his common-law wife. They have a miserly £30k per annum to refurb the old place which was recently fitted out by the previous PM.

But when wallpaper costs £800 a roll that doesnt go very far. and the overall bill came to nearly £60k more than the budget. Now it is absurd to suggest that Mr Johnson or Ms Carrie Annetoinette should foot the bill for this and so the source of the funding is an issue upon which there is much speculation.

It looks like Bojo may be in line for some turbulence having broken several troublesome regulations in this matter.

This is how things work in backward conservative Britain.
No one in the US cares about the shitty British government. It matters not if it is a conservative or liberal government, it is still systemically oppressive to the commoners.

"Campaigners for hundreds of thousands of people trapped with devastating bills to make their homes safe said Wednesday night’s vote in the House of Lords against protecting them “pulls the rug from under a generation of leaseholders”. "

House of Lords? That means you can only be elected to it if you have the right blood. That means they are ALL conservative, no matter what they say. Even if they claim they are "labor," or "socialist," or whatever.

You really are this stupid, aren't you? :dunno:

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No one in the US cares about the shitty British government. It matters not if it is a conservative or liberal government, it is still systemically oppressive to the commoners.

"Campaigners for hundreds of thousands of people trapped with devastating bills to make their homes safe said Wednesday night’s vote in the House of Lords against protecting them “pulls the rug from under a generation of leaseholders”. "

House of Lords? That means you can only be elected to it if you have the right blood. That means they are ALL conservative, no matter what they say. Even if they claim they are "labor," or "socialist," or whatever.

You really are this stupid, aren't you? :dunno:


Speak for yourself, you fucking ignorant moron.

I think that, eventually, your government will pay up, if 1.3 million flats are unable to be sold, that will seriously disrupt housing and cause prices to skyrocket for housing.
When is the last time any PM redecorated #10 out of their own pocket?
When is the last time any PM redecorated #10 out of their own pocket?
They are given 30k per annum from the public purse Will. Most of them find that sufficient. The issue is not the size of the bill or who actually paid for it. The issue is the secrecy involved and the legal status of the payments.

If it was handed direct to Johnson he should have declared it as a donation. If it was handed to the tory party then they should have declared it.

There is speculation that the benefactor is a character called Lord Brownlow. His firm will not have been harmed by his generosity.

But in truth the source of the funding changes by the hour so an enquiry is needed to get to the bottom of this.

We have had a year of tory sleaze, mainly to do with the handing of ppe contracts to people on the inside. Its unclear who is looking after the corruption. The person responsible for ministerial standards resigned last year when he found Priti Patel guilty of misconduct. Johnson chose to ignore that ruling and now finds himself without someone to investigate himself. How galling that must be for the sleazy fucker.
No one in the US cares about the shitty British government. It matters not if it is a conservative or liberal government, it is still systemically oppressive to the commoners.

"Campaigners for hundreds of thousands of people trapped with devastating bills to make their homes safe said Wednesday night’s vote in the House of Lords against protecting them “pulls the rug from under a generation of leaseholders”. "

House of Lords? That means you can only be elected to it if you have the right blood. That means they are ALL conservative, no matter what they say. Even if they claim they are "labor," or "socialist," or whatever.

You really are this stupid, aren't you? :dunno:

Well I quite agree with binning the Lords, but in this instance they are right. The government is corrupt and the opposition is too weak to hold them to account.

The tories have a long history of setting up enquiries to kill their mistakes. The Hillsborough enquiry being a high profile one. The Grenfell enquiry has dragged on for some time now and is a great exercise in institutional racism. Most of the victims were "darkies" and dont count.

The major aim of the enquiry is to absolve the tory government and the local authority (tory) of any blame in the disaster. Justice for Grenfell will not happen until a socialist government takes control. The leaseholders will have to sit tight for a few years until that happens. Hopefully their flats will not catch fire in the meantime.
No one in the US cares about the shitty British government. It matters not if it is a conservative or liberal government, it is still systemically oppressive to the commoners.

"Campaigners for hundreds of thousands of people trapped with devastating bills to make their homes safe said Wednesday night’s vote in the House of Lords against protecting them “pulls the rug from under a generation of leaseholders”. "

House of Lords? That means you can only be elected to it if you have the right blood. That means they are ALL conservative, no matter what they say. Even if they claim they are "labor," or "socialist," or whatever.

You really are this stupid, aren't you? :dunno:


Speak for yourself, you fucking ignorant moron.

I think that, eventually, your government will pay up, if 1.3 million flats are unable to be sold, that will seriously disrupt housing and cause prices to skyrocket for housing.
There will need to be a change of government for that to happen.
Why aren't you answering the question?
Sorry Will, I thought that I had. I dont think any of them have ever paid but I may be wrong. Is that an issue ?

If others did it, either out of p0ocket, or with donations, yes, it is an issue.

if he's the first, I can see why you're upset.
He isnt expected to fund the decoration of a government building. There is a fund set aside for that purpose.

The issue is the secrecy and what obligations he now has.
Why aren't you answering the question?
Sorry Will, I thought that I had. I dont think any of them have ever paid but I may be wrong. Is that an issue ?

If others did it, either out of p0ocket, or with donations, yes, it is an issue.

if he's the first, I can see why you're upset.
He isnt expected to fund the decoration of a government building. There is a fund set aside for that purpose.

The issue is the secrecy and what obligations he now has.

The issue is the secrecy and what obligations he now has.

The same as it's been for his predecessors.
Why aren't you answering the question?
Sorry Will, I thought that I had. I dont think any of them have ever paid but I may be wrong. Is that an issue ?

If others did it, either out of p0ocket, or with donations, yes, it is an issue.

if he's the first, I can see why you're upset.
He isnt expected to fund the decoration of a government building. There is a fund set aside for that purpose.

The issue is the secrecy and what obligations he now has.

The issue is the secrecy and what obligations he now has.

The same as it's been for his predecessors.
Nope. Not at all. His former aide lifted the lid on this and other scandals a week or so back. He couldnt answer questions on it and is now melting down.

If you spend the budget thats no big deal. If you overspend the budget and pick up the slack yourself, again,no big deal.

If you overspend the budget, wont say who paid for it, or when or how much they gave you or if you have declared the donation - that is a problem. If you change the story every day then that is a problem as well.
Heres a picture of the great man when asked about his new curtains. Corrupt fucker.


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