

Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Just heard a bunch of lefties talking about Trump's racist 'dogwhistle.' Well, being a Trump supporter I can say for sure that I have heard no 'dogwhistle' and no one I know that supports Trump has heard it either. This must mean that the ONLY people hearing these 'whistles' are racist dog-Democrats. That's because Democrats are, and have been, the most racist group in American history.
Just heard a bunch of lefties talking about Trump's racist 'dogwhistle.' Well, being a Trump supporter I can say for sure that I have heard no 'dogwhistle' and no one I know that supports Trump has heard it either. This must mean that the ONLY people hearing these 'whistles' are racist dog-Democrats. That's because Democrats are, and have been, the most racist group in American history.
^ celebrates 1860's Democrats
Just heard a bunch of lefties talking about Trump's racist 'dogwhistle.' Well, being a Trump supporter I can say for sure that I have heard no 'dogwhistle' and no one I know that supports Trump has heard it either. This must mean that the ONLY people hearing these 'whistles' are racist dog-Democrats. That's because Democrats are, and have been, the most racist group in American history.
Only dogs hear dog whistles.
Yeah libs claim everything Trump says is dog whistle to the racists. People are brainwashed enough into believing them time after time after time after time. It’s really amazing if you think about it.
"Webster's definition of "nationalism"- loyalty and devotion to a country. Shouldn't we celebrate a President who ain't afraid of commies and socialists and globalists in the media and declares himself to be a "Nationalist"? The world is upside down to liberals.
It does seems weird to accuse Trump of dog-whistling; he normally just makes the bigoted sub-text the text :p

This, for example, is definitely not dog-whistling.
Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad

The other 80% too scared to admit thinking the same. Good work, antifa :thup:
Poll question was a bullshit lie Orwellian only a Leftard liar could ask.

“asked respondents if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”—Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.

“The Emancipation Proclamation, or Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It changed the federal legal status of more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the designated areas of the South from slave to free. As soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government, by running away or through advances of federal troops, the former slave became free.”

Shitforbrains Leftard liars and their Fake News.
Well, being a Trump supporter I can say for sure that I have heard no 'dogwhistle' and no one I know that supports Trump has heard it either

Well, THAT is because you nitwits are part of a cult and NOT bothering to "think" on your own.......Just keep wearing those MAGA hats.
One would "think" that being a true nationalist would try to NOT avoid the draft....LOL
Just heard a bunch of lefties talking about Trump's racist 'dogwhistle.' Well, being a Trump supporter I can say for sure that I have heard no 'dogwhistle' and no one I know that supports Trump has heard it either. This must mean that the ONLY people hearing these 'whistles' are racist dog-Democrats. That's because Democrats are, and have been, the most racist group in American history.

The latter was probably before the party split between 1932 and ~1970.

The former...dogwhistle? Is this some kind of Melania joke? I have no frame of reference.
The latter was probably before the party split between 1932 and ~1970.

The former...dogwhistle? Is this some kind of Melania joke? I have no frame of reference.

The Democrats ejaculated that and you swallowed.....Democrats are RACISTS they are the ones always referring to one's skin color. Welfare is the new Democrat plantation for the 'coloreds' you moron.

I agree that you have no reference, totally clueless.
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The latter was probably before the party split between 1932 and ~1970.

The former...dogwhistle? Is this some kind of Melania joke? I have no frame of reference.

The Democrats ejaculated that and you swallowed.....Democrats are RACISTS they are the ones always referring to one's skin color. Welfare is the new Democrat plantation you moron.

I agree that you have no reference, totally clueless.

Not correct but funny.

Go read about them hippie era elections.
The latter was probably before the party split between 1932 and ~1970.

The former...dogwhistle? Is this some kind of Melania joke? I have no frame of reference.

The Democrats ejaculated that and you swallowed.....Democrats are RACISTS they are the ones always referring to one's skin color. Welfare is the new Democrat plantation you moron.

I agree that you have no reference, totally clueless.

Not correct but funny.

Go read about them hippie era elections.

What exactly to you find 'not correct?' Come on back it up. Otherwise fuck off. WTF are 'hippie era elections' provide proof, explain, etc. etc. etc. What's your 'frame of reference' fool.

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