Does the media portray Islam unfairly?


Jul 14, 2009
Do you think the media tries to explain Jihad and the Islamic commands to bring the world under sharia law?
I can see this will be a very popular topic, elevator straight down.
Thanks for having studied the issues of Islam, jihad, sharia and being honest, and of course reading my post.
I think the media does portray Islam unfairly, they are far worse then what is shown.
The Muslim religion is like a poisonous weed that if not pulled will kill all else in the garden.

Any other portrayal would be unfair.
Scriptures, I don't need no stinkin scriptures.
Scriptures, I don't need no stinkin scriptures.

Then your input in this thread has run its course.
I have no interest in ignorance or bigotry in my threads.
You may read and study , but you will pay to post.
I am no expert on theology but the news media has agendas just like everyone else. Once, media was just reporting the news as a news source only. Now it is all embroiled in choosing parties, yellow journalism, gossip and rumor mongering.
I highly recommend having a pile of grains of salt hearing anything reported.

Concerning islam, cannot the same be said of any other religion? Moses is thought of as a guy who led folks out of egypt, parted the sea, looks like Charleton Heston, wears a red robe and carries a staff. Most don't know he was a vicious warrior who killed women and children as well. At least, that's what I heard. And yes, I have my salt pile handy. According to islam, their prophet molested children and teaches death to infidels. I still have my salt pile within reach.
I am no expert on theology but the news media has agendas just like everyone else. Once, media was just reporting the news as a news source only. Now it is all embroiled in choosing parties, yellow journalism, gossip and rumor mongering.
I highly recommend having a pile of grains of salt hearing anything reported.

Concerning islam, cannot the same be said of any other religion? Moses is thought of as a guy who led folks out of egypt, parted the sea, looks like Charleton Heston, wears a red robe and carries a staff. Most don't know he was a vicious warrior who killed women and children as well. At least, that's what I heard. And yes, I have my salt pile handy. According to islam, their prophet molested children and teaches death to infidels. I still have my salt pile within reach.

Better to be informed then bitter.
The scripture is available and clear and despite what you may have heard unambiguous .
It just requires the interest and time.
I bet you want to cut my head off
I forget about you as soon as your post is scrolled by, you are uniformed and have nothing historically accurate or scripturally pertinent to add.
You can change, but you have to open the books and read them and study.
Scripture is just one book. A book that is missing other gospels. To learn, one must read many books. Not just one. The truth is out there....but I think it is scattered around in many different places in many other books. Man is the one that made the divide of this book for this sect, that book for that sect, etc. and in the shuffle, the truth got lost. I'm not smart enough look for all the missing pieces, nor have the inclination to even try because I believe it would take many lifetimes to find that truth.

However, this topic isn't about islam itself, is it? The OP asks if the media influences what people think of islam. I answered that question to the best of my ability but I will answer again. Yes and No, leaning more to No because we never hear about anything positive about it. Only the negative by extremists. It's like trying to convert or make people understand Christianity and only reporting about the Spanish Inquisition.....or Wiccan and only reporting on the Salem Witch Trials.
Which of the following statements are true?

A). In some Muslim countries it is a crime to practice Christianity
B). All Jihadist are Muslims
C). Everyone of the 9/11 hijackers were Muslim
D). The majority of the world's terrorists attacks are committed by Muslim extremists
E). All of the above

If you answered E you are correct.

I would send every Muslim in the airport through butt check twice.
The topic is " does the media treat Islam fairly and report on Jihad ,the connection between that and Islamic scriptures commands and Islams obligation on muslims to bring to bring the world under sharia law."
Scripture is just one book. A book that is missing other gospels. To learn, one must read many books. Not just one. The truth is out there....but I think it is scattered around in many different places in many other books. Man is the one that made the divide of this book for this sect, that book for that sect, etc. and in the shuffle, the truth got lost. I'm not smart enough look for all the missing pieces, nor have the inclination to even try because I believe it would take many lifetimes to find that truth.


Islam claims to be the final and complete word.
Fight and kill until muslims rule and all religion recognizes Muhammad as a prophet of god.
Sound right 2 you?
Scripture is just one book. A book that is missing other gospels. To learn, one must read many books. Not just one. The truth is out there....but I think it is scattered around in many different places in many other books. Man is the one that made the divide of this book for this sect, that book for that sect, etc. and in the shuffle, the truth got lost. I'm not smart enough look for all the missing pieces, nor have the inclination to even try because I believe it would take many lifetimes to find that truth.


Islam claims to be the final and complete word.
Fight and kill until muslims rule and all religion recognizes Muhammad as a prophet of god.
Sound right 2 you?

Maybe I'm just not getting the gist. I can admit that some things are over my humble head when it comes to some topics.

"Islam claims to be the final and complete word"
Isn't that what christians claim regarding the bible?

"Fight and kill until muslims rule and all religion recognizes Muhammad as a prophet of God"
I don't know. Does it say that in their book? Or the interpretation of what someone claims that's what the book says? And do not christians insist no human being can get to The Father unless they accept thru Jesus as his prophet? Sounds kinda like the other group, doesn't it? Fight and kill. That is also in the bible (old testament), is it not?
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Concerning Sharia Law. Isn't that comparable to Jim Jones and his koolaid? Or that other dude in Wacko Texas? Some extremists take their religion and bend laws and rules to suit their own agendas. Doesn't matter what religion it is.

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