Does Obama's William Ayers Connection Bother You More than Troopergate?

Killing cops and setting bombs, however, is illegal.

"Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot.[7] The blast broke almost 100 windows and blew pieces of the statue onto the nearby Kennedy Expressway.[8] (The statue was rebuilt and unveiled on May 4, 1970, and blown up again by other Weathermen on October 6, 1970.[9][8] Built yet again, the city posted a 24-hour police guard to prevent another blast.[8]) Ayers participated in the Days of Rage riot in Chicago in October 1969, and in December was at the "War Council" meeting in Flint, Michigan.

Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers girlfriend, Oughton, were killed when a nail bomb that was under construction exploded. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[1]

In 2001 Ayers released a book, Fugitive Days, in which he discussed participating in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.

The reporter quoted him as saying "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough", and, when asked if he would "do it all again" as saying "I don't want to discount the possibility."

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama schmoozed this guy. Blatantly. His dismissed his past and current behavior and comments. He dismissed acts of terrorism, and took money from him.

I'm more concerned about Troopergate. If Palin was doing something to show her participation was indeed an abuse of power we should know. We just went through 8 years of a president who was rather good at it.
Then you must really have an issue with what the Clintons did to Susan McDougal.

Of course. I was never a hillary supporter. I was a perot supporter in 92.

Corruption in government a big issue for me. A corrupt politician will never be thinking clearly about what is best for the country.
Killing cops and setting bombs, however, is illegal.

"Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot.[7] The blast broke almost 100 windows and blew pieces of the statue onto the nearby Kennedy Expressway.[8] (The statue was rebuilt and unveiled on May 4, 1970, and blown up again by other Weathermen on October 6, 1970.[9][8] Built yet again, the city posted a 24-hour police guard to prevent another blast.[8]) Ayers participated in the Days of Rage riot in Chicago in October 1969, and in December was at the "War Council" meeting in Flint, Michigan.

Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers girlfriend, Oughton, were killed when a nail bomb that was under construction exploded. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[1]

In 2001 Ayers released a book, Fugitive Days, in which he discussed participating in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.

The reporter quoted him as saying "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough", and, when asked if he would "do it all again" as saying "I don't want to discount the possibility."

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama schmoozed this guy. Blatantly. His dismissed his past and current behavior and comments. He dismissed acts of terrorism, and took money from him.


I don't know about the schmoozing, but you still haven't shown that Obama did anything illegal.

Troopergate doesn't bother me. Keating five does. McCain was bought. Plain and simple. And then he shit his pants.
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I don't know about the schmoozing, but you still haven't shown that Obama did anything illegal.

Troopergate doesn't bother me. Keating five does. McCain was bought. Plain and simple. And then he shit his pants.

Oh really? And was he convicted? I guess it's more heinous to be accused and not convicted of a financial crime than to admit to hanging out with terrorists.

Much, much worse to be implicated in shady financial dealings....where nobody is ever actually prosecuted.

Obama, William Ayres and the Chicago U. Annenburg Cover-up

"Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, 'Respectable' and 'Mainstream,'" the group's ad states. "Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' home. And the two served together on a left-wing board.

Oh, and this, another chum of Obama's. But really, the Keating 5 business is much scarier:

"Then there's the house that Mr. Obama bought in 2005 in cooperation with Tony Rezko, his friend and campaign fund-raiser -- a move the candidate concedes was "boneheaded." Rezko was convicted in June of 16 counts of corruption. (Mr. Obama was not implicated in Rezko's crimes.)

Rezko's trial raised a host of questions. Was Mr. Obama able to save $300,000 on the asking price of his house because Rezko's wife paid full price for the adjoining lot? How did Mrs. Rezko make a $125,000 down payment and obtain a $500,000 mortgage when financial records shown at the Rezko trial indicate she had a salary of only $37,000 and assets of $35,000? Records show her husband also had few assets at the time.

Last April, the London Times revealed that Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-born billionaire living in London, had loaned Mr. Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before the day the sale of the house and lot closed in June 2005. Mr. Auchi's office notes he was a business partner of Rezko but says he had "no involvement in or knowledge of" the property sale. But in April 2004 he did attend a dinner party in his honor at Rezko's Chicago home. Mr. Obama also attended, and according to one guest, toasted Mr. Auchi. Later that year, Mr. Auchi came under criminal investigation as part of a U.S. probe of the corrupt issuance of cell-phone licenses in Iraq.

In May 2004, the Pentagon's inspector general's office cited "significant and credible evidence" of involvement by Mr. Auchi's companies in the Oil for Food scandal, and in illicit smuggling of weapons to Saddam Hussein's regime
. Because of the criminal probe, Mr. Auchi's travel visa to the U.S. was revoked in August 2004, even as Mr. Auchi denied all the allegations. According to prosecutors, in November 2005 Rezko was able to get two government officials from Illinois to appeal to the State Department to get the visa restored. Asked if anyone in his office was involved in such an appeal, Mr. Obama told the Chicago Sun-Times last March, "not that I know of." FOIA requests to the State Department for any documents haven't been responded to for months."
Oh really? And was he convicted? I guess it's more heinous to be accused and not convicted of a financial crime than to admit to hanging out with terrorists.

Ayers is worse than McCain. but, You're arguing that Obama is guilty because he knows ayers, and ayers is guilty of terrorist acts. that's just silly. Knowing someone does not make you guilty of their sins. How weird!

Obama did not do anything illegal. The fact that he knows ayers, does not bother me. I know a sex offender, he is a dear friend. He served hard time. Our kids play together. I have no worries about this, as I know he has repented and I trust him implicitly. Your mileage may vary.

Am I now a bad person for speaking well of a sex offender?

McCain admitted to tax evasion and fraud. He ratted out his friends to keep his senate seat. Blech.

You asked which bothers me most. Keating five bothers me more than Ayers or troopergate, by a lot.
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It doesn't bother you that Obama hangs with thugs and terrorists?

It should.

Fudging on his taxes, then paying it back after admitting to it....that's nothing. Keating unsuccessfully courted McCain, who wouldn't help him. Why should he? He's not a good old boy, and he has never done things that way. Keating was adamant, and he got burned.

Tough shit.
The Keating Five
It doesn't bother you that Obama hangs with thugs and terrorists?

It should.

Now it's plural? Who else, please? thugs and terroristas? You realize that that is a minimum of two thugs and two terrorists. WHo are the other three? Actually, you are probably considering Rezko a thug. that's stretching it but what the hell. Who are the other two?

Anyway, for the fourth or fifth time, no, it doesn't bother me if he hung with a guy who was guilty of terrorist acts. I hang with a sex offender.

Most people have one or two misguided friends in their lives. I also used to hang with druggies and a guy who had tendencies to shoplift. that was when I was younger. I also have gay friends.

I'm terribly messed up, as you can see.

Obama's value is that he is clear headed and has a good vision for this country, He organises an incredibly disciplined team, he fires anyone who is out of line, he insists on trying to elevate the conversation above same-old politics.

He has out-campaigned Hillary. It is not because his supporters are delusional. It is because we listened to all the candidates and found his leadership qualities, and the vision he has for the country, to be superior to the other candidates. That's as true in the general election as in the primaries.

I am looking forward to hearing the VP and P candidate speeches this week, and am happy to consider changing my vote.

Centrist voting to reduce poverty and abortion, centrist for Obama/Biden
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Obama has a friernd who is a domestic terrorist.

Palin had an ex in-law who violated the law and should have been fired or at least severely disciplined.

I dont see how you can even equate the two.
That would be great, except he's lying every time he opens his mouth.

It's great that you hang with a sex offender, really. That says much about your ability to judge leadership in our country. It undoubtedly says something about your parenting ability as well.

McCain was not convicted of a crime and did not participate in a crime, and your "it's worse to rat on your friends than to actually commit a crime!" is just a product of criminal thinking, as your sex offender or druggie friends could tell you, if they've ever been to treatment. Essentially you're saying you think McCain is a worse man for refusing to help out Keating in a criminal way, than he would have been if he'd just caved and helped him out cuz they were friends...then pretended it never happened. Or just not snitched.

This is the real world, cupcake. There is no code of honor among criminals. It's all criminal behavior, and if McCain refused to participate, then that in and of itself is not a criminal act, nitwit.

Besides which, Keating sought out McCain and tried to force his hand. It didn't work, much to his eternal sorrow.

Obama seeks out criminals on his own time. What he says and what he does are different things.

Research it, and research his activities after college. See how forthcoming your savior has been with information about his finances, and how quickly he turns on his stepping stone friends.
That would be great, except he's lying every time he opens his mouth.

It's great that you hang with a sex offender, really. That says much about your ability to judge leadership in our country. It undoubtedly says something about your parenting ability as well.

McCain was not convicted of a crime and did not participate in a crime, and your "it's worse to rat on your friends than to actually commit a crime!" is just a product of criminal thinking, as your sex offender or druggie friends could tell you, if they've ever been to treatment. Essentially you're saying you think McCain is a worse man for refusing to help out Keating in a criminal way, than he would have been if he'd just caved and helped him out cuz they were friends...then pretended it never happened. Or just not snitched.

This is the real world, cupcake. There is no code of honor among criminals. It's all criminal behavior, and if McCain refused to participate, then that in and of itself is not a criminal act, nitwit.

Besides which, Keating sought out McCain and tried to force his hand. It didn't work, much to his eternal sorrow.

Obama seeks out criminals on his own time. What he says and what he does are different things.

Research it, and research his activities after college. See how forthcoming your savior has been with information about his finances, and how quickly he turns on his stepping stone friends.

McCain admitted to tax evasion, which is illegal.

I am a poor mother, it is true. Hopefully God judges whether I am forgiving of others, whether I make my best effort, and does not think poorly of me for maintaining friendships with people who are in crisis.

When asked the question about trooper gate v ayers, I repeat what bothers me more than either of those is Keating five.

Don't do it people! He'll RICK ROLL YOU! this is as false a quote as the one he posted showing the Bush rebuked the McCain attacks in 2000!

Ninja, I thought the joke was funny when it pertained to a quote you CLAIM you remember but can't find but to actually MAKE SHIT UP like that is PATHETIC!

Obama denounced Ayers actions but he also said he was an 8 year old kid when it happened. and let's remember Obama didn't seek Ayers out, in fact he was introduced to Ayers by former IL Senator Alice Palmer who set up the meeting AT Ayers' home to introduce him to important figures in the liberal world of politics in Chicago.

Obama once visited '60s radicals - Ben Smith -

I don't know about anyone else but I don't do a background check on everyone I meet and I have no reason to suspect that Obama would even make the connection to a man who 20+ years prior to that had bombed things and the man whose living room he was standing in, especially since he was being introduced by a current member of the Senate.

Now you all will believe what you want to believe and that's fine but to continue trying to make connections between William Ayers and Barack Obama in an attempt to smear him is pathetic. The voters knew about this during the primaries, they still voted for him. The voters knew about Tony Rezo they still voted for him. The voters knew about Rev White, they STILL voted for him.

Find something new to talk about or shut the fuck up already. Seriously.

what is most amusing is how you all get full of piss and vinegar whenever someone dares say something about your candidates, even when it's based on CURRENT EVENTS.
Is that all you have?

You can't attack Obama directly, so you attack some guy he knew in Chicago?

Oh, and I love the TALKING POINT that every attack on the under investigation Alaska governor is an attack on women and children. That's brilliant! Did Karl Rove write that for you?

Obama launched his political career from Ayers house....


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Obama launched his political career from Ayers house....

so true, at the invite of Senator Alice Palmer, who apparently knew Ayers well enough to set up the meeting to inform the liberals in her particular group that she was stepping down to run for Congress and that Obama was to be her successor. So you'll also blame Obama for Palmer's association with Ayers which in turn led to his own association? makes perfect sense to me, only NOT

I mean McCain not only associated with but married a woman whose own father is a convicted FELON a man who financed McCain's initial bid to enter politics.

Then there are the Bush's. Who, granted aren't in the current political race but seem relevant just the same since the right whiners are so up in arms over Obama having a passing relationship with a terrorist; Prescott Bush assisted the Nazi's!

[ame=]YouTube - bush prescott nazi connection[/ame]

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