Does Obama read the tea leaves? Promises to work with GOP if reelected

The Lonely Conservative?? That figures. President Obama has tried to compromise since he first took office and it has done him no good. So I doubt that he said he promises to START trying to compromise. What crap.

I wish he would forget trying to compromise at all. But he probably will continue trying because he's honorable. He should tell the GOP to go to hell.

They control the House and can filabuster in the Senate, so I don't think he has much of a choice.

The hope is that after the election, the grownups in the GOP will buck the TEA Party and make some deals on some important issues.

The Lonely Conservative?? That figures. President Obama has tried to compromise since he first took office and it has done him no good. So I doubt that he said he promises to START trying to compromise. What crap.

I wish he would forget trying to compromise at all. But he probably will continue trying because he's honorable. He should tell the GOP to go to hell.

They control the House and can filabuster in the Senate, so I don't think he has much of a choice.

The hope is that after the election, the grownups in the GOP will buck the TEA Party and make some deals on some important issues.

It's a nice thought. But I'd hate to be hangin' waiting for it to happen!! :)
So, when are Republicans going to pass Obama's jobs bill and get some infrastructure work going?

There is no obama jobs bill. obama never wrote one, and has refused to meet with his own jobs council. There is a jobs bill, but that's in stuck in the senate because of Harry Reid.

Oh, really?? That's bull.

President Obama Schools Republicans For Refusing to Pass Jobs Bill

Republicans Refuse To Create 2.8 Million Jobs Unless They Get Their Death Panel

Republican Job Creation • Keeping Millions Unemployed To Put One Man Out of Work

Senate Republicans block Democrats' jobs bill | Reuters

Senate Republicans block Democrats' jobs bill | Reuters

The Lonely Conservative?? That figures. President Obama has tried to compromise since he first took office and it has done him no good. So I doubt that he said he promises to START trying to compromise. What crap.

I wish he would forget trying to compromise at all. But he probably will continue trying because he's honorable. He should tell the GOP to go to hell.

As usual, couldn't be more misinformed.

"President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Sound like 'compromise' to you?

This was after he had tried to accommodate them over and over again. You know that.

Keep trying to insult me. It's how I know I get to you and that my posts piss you off. You are so transparent. Political Chic, indeed. :lol:
Obama tried to work with the Gop is lie, he was a thug FROM THE START

January 23, 2009, 2:32 PM.Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’.
Article Comments (371) Washington Wire HOME PAGE ».
By Mary Lu Carnevale

Jonathan Weisman reports on the White House.

The top congressional leaders from both parties gathered at the White House for a working discussion over the shape and size of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan. The meeting was designed to promote bipartisanship.

But Obama showed that in an ideological debate, he’s not averse to using a jab.

Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”

the rest here
Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
Pure obstruction from the start. ACA mandate is a Pub idea FCS- Pubs call it MARXISM lol- dupes clueless. Stimulus 40% tax cuts Pubstyle, get Collins and Snowe, who are then crushed into lockstpep. Pubs then lie Obama policies have failed and Dems had total control for 2 years- with 200 filibusters- dupes clueles and brainwashed. NOW, assume the position. Only 35% are that stupid.
The Lonely Conservative?? That figures. President Obama has tried to compromise since he first took office and it has done him no good. So I doubt that he said he promises to START trying to compromise. What crap.

I wish he would forget trying to compromise at all. But he probably will continue trying because he's honorable. He should tell the GOP to go to hell.

As usual, couldn't be more misinformed.

"President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Sound like 'compromise' to you?

This was after he had tried to accommodate them over and over again. You know that.

Keep trying to insult me. It's how I know I get to you and that my posts piss you off. You are so transparent. Political Chic, indeed. :lol:

This is only fun, Rinty, when someone bites it big time....

...that's were you come in!

"This was after he had tried to accommodate them over and over again. You know that."


Wait 'til you learn how to use a calendar....and then even you will see how very funny this is!!!


1. Obama was, inaugurated January 20, 2009!!!

Go ahead...check: I'll wait.

2. "This was after he had tried to accommodate them over and over again. You know that."


".... tried to accommodate them over and over again. "

Reallly, really???
He must have done it pretty quickly,eh?

3. Check the date of the Politico article of Obama refusing to allow any Republican input: It was January 23, 2009!!!!
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

".... tried to accommodate them over and over again. "
Between January 20 and January 23...Obama: the Rapid Accommodater!!!
And not just over, but "...over and over..."

Bet you thought I'd run out of ways to humiliate you, huh?

Nope....I'm here to help you achieve your comic potential!!!
You are as burned as Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach!

Here are the two things you must remember:
never write a post as dumb as this again, and
Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night!
Last edited:
Guess what, dipstick, he DID win DUH, a 53% mandate.

The GOP Plan for Obstructing the President – BEGAN JANUARY 20 ...
Apr 26, 2012 ... Lawrence O'Donnell had on his show, excerpts from a new book outlining that
the GOP decided on this obstruction JANUARY 20, 2009.
Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as - The Guardian - Cached
Apr 26, 2012 ... Roger Draper book details how in 2009 senior Republican figures ... who was
present at the dinner on that January 20 night and the plan they ...
Republican Plan In 2009-GRIDLOCK! - Cached
May 2, 2012 ... Republican Plan In 2009-GRIDLOCK! ... meeting held on January 20, 2009
where Republicans planned to obstruct and refuse to compromise.
Daily Kos: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To ... - Cached
Jun 8, 2012 ... On January 20, 2009 Republican Leaders in Congress literally plotted to ... by
pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation. ..... The real
news is that the Democrats knowing this plan and they knew from ...
Guess what, dipstick, he DID win DUH, a 53% mandate.

The GOP Plan for Obstructing the President – BEGAN JANUARY 20 ...
Apr 26, 2012 ... Lawrence O'Donnell had on his show, excerpts from a new book outlining that
the GOP decided on this obstruction JANUARY 20, 2009.
Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as - The Guardian - Cached
Apr 26, 2012 ... Roger Draper book details how in 2009 senior Republican figures ... who was
present at the dinner on that January 20 night and the plan they ...
Republican Plan In 2009-GRIDLOCK! - Cached
May 2, 2012 ... Republican Plan In 2009-GRIDLOCK! ... meeting held on January 20, 2009
where Republicans planned to obstruct and refuse to compromise.
Daily Kos: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To ... - Cached
Jun 8, 2012 ... On January 20, 2009 Republican Leaders in Congress literally plotted to ... by
pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation. ..... The real
news is that the Democrats knowing this plan and they knew from ...

Your links:

"Not Found

The requested URL /.../-Eric-Cantor-Paul-Ryan-Kevin-McCarthy-Plot-To-Sabotage-US-Economy-with-Frank-Luntz was not found on this server."

Another great job, blanko!!!!

Keep up the good work!
Guess what, dipstick, he DID win DUH, a 53% mandate.

The GOP Plan for Obstructing the President – BEGAN JANUARY 20 ...
Apr 26, 2012 ... Lawrence O'Donnell had on his show, excerpts from a new book outlining that
the GOP decided on this obstruction JANUARY 20, 2009.
Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as - The Guardian - Cached
Apr 26, 2012 ... Roger Draper book details how in 2009 senior Republican figures ... who was
present at the dinner on that January 20 night and the plan they ...
Republican Plan In 2009-GRIDLOCK! - Cached
May 2, 2012 ... Republican Plan In 2009-GRIDLOCK! ... meeting held on January 20, 2009
where Republicans planned to obstruct and refuse to compromise.
Daily Kos: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To ... - Cached
Jun 8, 2012 ... On January 20, 2009 Republican Leaders in Congress literally plotted to ... by
pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation. ..... The real
news is that the Democrats knowing this plan and they knew from ...

As I pride myself on originality, I'm almost embarrassed by mocking I'm certain that everyone you meet does exactly that.


But, I'm guessing that once again your lack of facility with the English language and/or reading comprehension has undone you!

No doubt you believe you are responding to post #68....but, sadly, you are not.

You see, that post destroys Rin-tin-tin's pretension that Obama tried to 'accommodate Republicans over and over...."
Again: it is about Obama.

...while you mistakenly believe the post makes some assumption about the behavior of Republicans.

On the bright side, your perennial victory in the challenging contest to be named "Dim-Wit of the Year" is assured!
Cause a depression, mindlessly obstruct the recovery, lie nonstop. Now, assume the poition, a-hole Pubs and brainwashed dupes. 55% aren't that dumb.
ACA is a Pub Plan, Newt, Nixon, Dole, Heritage, ROMNEY, but you dupes believe it's a marxist plot. DUH.

Beside proving Pubs don't care about the country, also proves they won't vote for ANYTHING that reforms our incredibly profitable, cruel, STUPID, and expensive Pub health "system". They've been blocking for a hundred years.

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