Does Obama have a "real" jobs plan or just more govt spending?

Is Obamas plan for jobs going to be.....

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You must have missed the memo.

Businesses are doing horrible under the Obama regime.

Then how is it that all these companies are making record breaking profits? Apple is doing great. Oil companies? Not hurting. Banks? Nope, not hurting. Wait, I know...Health Insurance companies. "Obamacare" must be killing them? Nope, apparently not.

And still we give them TAX BREAKS for outsourcing.

So you bother reading your own links?
There is no tax break by the gov't for outsourcing. That is simply a lie.
You must have missed the memo.

Businesses are doing horrible under the Obama regime.

Then how is it that all these companies are making record breaking profits? Apple is doing great. Oil companies? Not hurting. Banks? Nope, not hurting. Wait, I know...Health Insurance companies. "Obamacare" must be killing them? Nope, apparently not.

And still we give them TAX BREAKS for outsourcing.

Your out of touch. Banks are on the brink AGAIN. Obama has our country over a barrel. He better stop this nonsense soon or we are gonna be staring down the barrel of a full blown depression.
Too bad the Democrats and Papa Obama wasted all that time
when they had full control to get his faux legacy Papa ObamaCare passed

Just think, if they had focused on jobs instead, we might have some now
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Employers demand for employees is down because of Obamacare.

Employers would hire more if they weren't spending so much money on the paperwork required by ridiculous regulations.

Translation: Companies aren't hiring.

Employers demand for employees is down because of outsourcing and also the practice of downsizing and forcing the rest of the employees to pick up the slack of their laid off Co-workers...often with no extra compensation.

The whole problem with the economy is directly related to that. Less people working means less people with money in their pockets, less money means less spending, less spending means less products sold and less services rendered, less products sold and less services rendered means less profit, less profit means more people laid off.... Rinse and Repeat.

You see, the problem is that the common laborer has been reduced from a once valuable, decently paid asset to a business, to the role of "you ought to be glad you just have a job...get the fuck back to work!" kind of role. A lot of the Conservatives among us want to further kneecap the workforce by getting rid of the Minimum wage and other labor protections.

They are so bent on this ideology that they are blind to the fact that they are shooting themselves in the foot and hurting their often hurting themselves in the long run....which is another issue I have with this Neo-economic business model.... there doesn't seem to be a long term strategy(unless that strategy is exactly to reduce the American Workforce into a slave labor situation like China). It's all about the quick buck now...worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

"Employers demand for employees is down because of outsourcing and also the practice of downsizing and forcing the rest of the employees to pick up the slack of their laid off Co-workers..."

Obamacare is going to make employees a lot more expensive.
Kinda going in the wrong direction.

No it's not, that's just more of your right wing propaganda.... furthermore, If there were a PUBLIC OPTION, like their should have been... it would have helped small business a great deal... Imagine if you will, you have a small business that employs 10 people and you can't afford to purchase health insurance for them unless you bottom out their hourly rate. With the Public Option, you wouldn't have to worry about it. You could pay them a decent wage and they could have been covered by the Public Option.

but, your side was too worried about fictional death panels to think about that. The rumors about "death panels" were most likely drummed up by the big corporations who didn't want to lose that edge(being able to provide Health Insurance) that they have over smaller businesses... it's just one more power trip that they have in their favor to destroy any competition.

But I know.... the only scrutiny about tyranny and power grabs that are allowed is when it's directed towards government...NEVER when it concerns the private sector... they are untouchable to you people.
Too bad the Democrats and Papa Obama wasted all that time
when they had full control to get his faux legacy Papa ObamaCare passed

Just think, if they had focused on jobs instead, we might have some now

They never had full control... that's a falsehood. That would be like saying the Republicans have full control of the House. They don't... you think they do, because a majority of the Representatives have an (R) behind their name... but make no mistake... Real Republicans(those you call "Rinos") need the Tea Party vote. Passing any kind of significant Moderate legislation is nearly impossible with the far right zealotry of the Tea Party.

When the Dems were in control... they had their version of it with the "Blue Dogs". Now Republicans are getting a taste of what Harry Reid has to deal with. Previously... the Republicans would pretty much vote in lockstep... now they have to negotiate with their own damned party... Just like the Democratic Senate does now.
Too bad the Democrats and Papa Obama wasted all that time
when they had full control to get his faux legacy Papa ObamaCare passed

Just think, if they had focused on jobs instead, we might have some now

They never had full control... that's a falsehood. That would be like saying the Republicans have full control of the House. They don't... you think they do, because a majority of the Representatives have an (R) behind their name... but make no mistake... Real Republicans(those you call "Rinos") need the Tea Party vote. Passing any kind of significant Moderate legislation is nearly impossible with the far right zealotry of the Tea Party.

When the Dems were in control... they had their version of it with the "Blue Dogs". Now Republicans are getting a taste of what Harry Reid has to deal with. Previously... the Republicans would pretty much vote in lockstep... now they have to negotiate with their own damned party... Just like the Democratic Senate does now.

Your delusional. Without control you NEVER would have gotten what you did. And even with control you still had to buy votes to get it passed. Pathetic
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.
BWAA HAA HAA Wat do you think BWAA HAA HAA!!!
Employers demand for employees is down because of outsourcing and also the practice of downsizing and forcing the rest of the employees to pick up the slack of their laid off Co-workers...often with no extra compensation.

The whole problem with the economy is directly related to that. Less people working means less people with money in their pockets, less money means less spending, less spending means less products sold and less services rendered, less products sold and less services rendered means less profit, less profit means more people laid off.... Rinse and Repeat.

You see, the problem is that the common laborer has been reduced from a once valuable, decently paid asset to a business, to the role of "you ought to be glad you just have a job...get the fuck back to work!" kind of role. A lot of the Conservatives among us want to further kneecap the workforce by getting rid of the Minimum wage and other labor protections.

They are so bent on this ideology that they are blind to the fact that they are shooting themselves in the foot and hurting their often hurting themselves in the long run....which is another issue I have with this Neo-economic business model.... there doesn't seem to be a long term strategy(unless that strategy is exactly to reduce the American Workforce into a slave labor situation like China). It's all about the quick buck now...worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

"Employers demand for employees is down because of outsourcing and also the practice of downsizing and forcing the rest of the employees to pick up the slack of their laid off Co-workers..."

Obamacare is going to make employees a lot more expensive.
Kinda going in the wrong direction.

No it's not, that's just more of your right wing propaganda....
Obamacare isn't driving up costs? Then why all the waivers? Unions getting waivers, do you see the irony? :lol:

furthermore, If there were a PUBLIC OPTION, like their should have been... it would have helped small business a great deal...

Imagine if you will, you have a small business that employs 10 people and you can't afford to purchase health insurance for them unless you bottom out their hourly rate. With the Public Option, you wouldn't have to worry about it. You could pay them a decent wage and they could have been covered by the Public Option.
Imagine if you will, someone who thinks government insurance would save the country money. You have to be the victim of a public education to believe that.
but, your side was too worried about fictional death panels to think about that. The rumors about "death panels" were most likely drummed up by the big corporations who didn't want to lose that edge(being able to provide Health Insurance) that they have over smaller businesses... it's just one more power trip that they have in their favor to destroy any competition.

But I know.... the only scrutiny about tyranny and power grabs that are allowed is when it's directed towards government...NEVER when it concerns the private sector... they are untouchable to you people.

The thing about the private sector is, they don't get to force me to buy their product. When they fail, they don't get to hike my taxes to throw more money at the problem they created themselves.
Too bad the Democrats and Papa Obama wasted all that time
when they had full control to get his faux legacy Papa ObamaCare passed

Just think, if they had focused on jobs instead, we might have some now

They never had full control... that's a falsehood. That would be like saying the Republicans have full control of the House. They don't... you think they do, because a majority of the Representatives have an (R) behind their name... but make no mistake... Real Republicans(those you call "Rinos") need the Tea Party vote. Passing any kind of significant Moderate legislation is nearly impossible with the far right zealotry of the Tea Party.

When the Dems were in control... they had their version of it with the "Blue Dogs". Now Republicans are getting a taste of what Harry Reid has to deal with. Previously... the Republicans would pretty much vote in lockstep... now they have to negotiate with their own damned party... Just like the Democratic Senate does now.

Your delusional. Without control you NEVER would have gotten what you did. And even with control you still had to buy votes to get it passed. Pathetic

No... you're just blind. You only see what you want to see. The bill that was passed into law was nothing like the original... Democrats negotiated with themselves to get it passed.... and even then, they had to use reconciliation to get it passed. The bulshit from the Blue Dogs made the Affordable Health Care Act a much weaker law than it should have been. You don't believe it... because some little man with a big mouth inside a box told you it was Socialism....and that was enough for you.

Without the Tea Party, there would have been no problem getting the debt ceiling raised and we'd still have a AAA credit rating.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

How do you describe a "real jobs plan"? Give it your best shot. :popcorn:

Love it when Right wingers explain stuff.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

How do you describe a "real jobs plan"? Give it your best shot. :popcorn:

Love it when Right wingers explain stuff.

I explained it earlier in the thread. I gave my ideas that I came up with in a matter of minutes unlike Obamas years. Now put your fat fingers to the test and go find my post Dean.

Sallow actually agreed with most of my ideas so it will be interesting to see how you twist it.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

Yep, the spender in Chief is clueless has been clueless and is still clueless, more of same to come your way in September.:cuckoo:
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

How do you describe a "real jobs plan"? Give it your best shot. :popcorn:

Love it when Right wingers explain stuff.

I have never seen you explain a thing with any logic, facts or stats and I don't expect you to, you just blow wind with liberal talking points with absolutely nothing to back them up.

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