Does Hillary hate America like Obama does?

Gas prices down
OBL dead, GM alive
Stock Market near record levels
Out of the ME (for the most part) for the first time in over a decade
Unemployment down

Boy, I hope so.
Hillary hates anyone who makes good money and is able to actually save some of it while others are poor and jobless. right? , more like lazy bums who could work if they wanted to, but feel entitled to other people money and shouldnt have to work for a living.
worse.., she would pick up where the muslime mulatto left off and continue the destruction!!
Hillary makes it so obvious that she hates America, especially whites, is she aware of who most of the hard working people in this country are? Hillary hates her own race, did Hillary forget who pretty much invented everything she splurges on?
someone that hates the country and has done more to destroy the US than any of our enemies could do.
No one hates America more than the GOP. They have done more damage than Isis and al Qaeda put together. They even let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.
Obama loves that he is President.
Being the President is another matter....

He hates that with all the trappings came everything else...
Obama hates this country and it kills him when he has to go around the world
and he is the leader of a country he really doesn't like...

Hillary wants to be President because it's a great gig for her.
Doing things she feels can help people is just a way to pad her accomplishments.
Weather anything gets done during her time in office will be secondary....

She just wants the title of President.
Does Hillary hate America like Obama does?

only if she gets busted

Expect an announcement from the Obama administration as to if Hillary will be charged
to come around ....
Well the day after the general election is held.....
In other words a timely fashion.
A lot of people hate America ... Obama, Hillary, Sanders ... most liberals do. Does't appear that Sanders has that much of a pot to piss in, but I don't see Obama or Hillary giving up one dime of their millions ... or offering their fancy homes to mass residency by all the "poor and disenfranchised." And as for Hillary EVER being taken to task for anything ... not happening ... those things will become a faded memories.
Hillary being investigated for anything.... Just folks going through the motions to show that she is not above the law....
Yeah right!

The Democrat election process to show America that there is a fair way to electing our politicians....
Yeah right!

Bernie wins a bunch of primary's/caucuses and Hillary picks up ground....
What a system....

After all the time and money and energy spent during this election season it's apparent
that Hillary will win the nomination....

No idea what Bernie will gain from all this....
Well at his age what the hell....
Go out with a bang Bernie.
If Hillary really loved America, then why wont she lower all of our taxes!

Because lowering taxes makes bigger deficits - See Reagan and Bush, and it doesn't create jobs.

If you want to be the most powerful, secure country in the World, you're gonna have to pay for that big honking military.
If Hillary really loved America, then why wont she lower all of our taxes!

Because lowering taxes makes bigger deficits - See Reagan and Bush, and it doesn't create jobs.

If you want to be the most powerful, secure country in the World, you're gonna have to pay for that big honking military.

I love a big honking military....
We need to increase funding to it...
Hillary being investigated for anything.... Just folks going through the motions to show that she is not above the law....
Yeah right!

The Democrat election process to show America that there is a fair way to electing our politicians....
Yeah right!

Bernie wins a bunch of primary's/caucuses and Hillary picks up ground....
What a system....

After all the time and money and energy spent during this election season it's apparent
that Hillary will win the nomination....

No idea what Bernie will gain from all this....
Well at his age what the hell....
Go out with a bang Bernie.

  • HRC has the most votes
  • Superdelegates will not have a major impact on the nomination
  • Bernie risks his legacy, should he become the next Ralph Nader
  • If elected Bernie will not be able to convince the conservative Republicans in Congress to pass any legislation his stump speech promises
  • If elected Bernie will be constantly attacked - as has Obama - by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, conspiracy theories and other all around bullshit; he will be painted as an Islamo-Fascist lover, Nazi-Collectivist or a Neo Liberal Fascist Atheist who supports open borders and the gay agenda (whatever the hell that is).
someone that hates the country and has done more to destroy the US than any of our enemies could do.

She hates the country but not in the same way as obama....she wants the power and the money....and also to destroy the United States....

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