Does Biden have a Stuh, Stuh, Stuttering Problem?

This well-researched article concludes that he lied about his lifelong stuttering problem which he uses as a cover for his serious mental decline....

Hey, let's post a blog reading "Guest post by Poopy Fields" and pretend it's a legitimate "news source". Oughta be a hoot.

Summa y'all don't have the first fucking clue on planet earth what a stutter even is. But that's OK, doesn't matter when there's partisan hackitude to get done.
Well, he might have BEEN a Pro, but Lying takes an enormous amount of your Brain's Processing Power because you have to create lies that have no root in an actual memory, and you therefore have to recall lies by rehearsing them, rather than recalling them from an embedded memory, which is far easier and less taxing on your overall brain power.

So Joe's mental sharpness is then declining, as he struggles to retell lies he has told a thousand times. Tell the truth and you don't stutter.

Whether he is lying, stuttering, or slipping in his ability to tell lies, he is unfit for office. He is then in mental decline.
Stuttering is nothing like that, I know.
Hey, let's post a blog reading "Guest post by Poopy Fields" and pretend it's a legitimate "news source". Oughta be a hoot.

Summa y'all don't have the first fucking clue on planet earth what a stutter even is. But that's OK, doesn't matter when there's partisan hackitude to get done.
Don't be so ignorant as to discount something which is well-researched but does not come from a Left-Wing source which you submit yourself to without question. It's fully sourced with embedded videos of the 43 hours of Biden speeches.

Goodness grief.
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Hey, let's post a blog reading "Guest post by Poopy Fields" and pretend it's a legitimate "news source". Oughta be a hoot.

Summa y'all don't have the first fucking clue on planet earth what a stutter even is. But that's OK, doesn't matter when there's partisan hackitude to get done.
I've stuttered all my life and Joe Biden stutters. But people who stutter don't babble and drool and misspeak like that senile idiot does. Fail. I'm certain all you know about it is what someone told you.
Don't be so ignorant as to discount something which is well-researched but does not come from a Left-Wing source which you submit yourself to without question. It's fully sourced with embedded videos of the 43 hours of Biden speeches.

Goodness grief.
If "guest post by Poopy Fields" were legitimate "research" it would be a legitimate news source.
It's a fucking blog, and not only a blog but one that the bloggerhost himself doesn't even want to put his own name on. It has all the veracity of a roomful of monkeys given typewriters. And it's voraciously ignorant of what stuttering is; it has nothing in the world to do with "a phrase or name he’s uttered a million times before". That's fucking bullshit, a desperate leap by a partisan hack. Anyone anywhere who's been around stuttering KNOWS it's made-up crapola.

And it IS NOT "fully sourced" AT ALL; it's ipse dixit claims that "hey I watched X number of hours of video and here's what I came up with". I've got 476 Maseratis idling in my driveway right now, because I say so -- that what you call "fully sourced"? FUCK outta here.

And then Poopy Pants underscores his own ignorance of the entire dynamic when he tries to claim O'bama had a stutter (and utterly fails to prove it), demonstrating his blatant void of knowledge of what a stutter is. It isn't getting hung up on a WORD repeatedly; it's getting hung up on an initial consonant or vowel. ZERO of anything he posted from, of all the "legitimate sources" out there, a freaking YouTube video that the clueless uploader mendaciously called "The Obama Stutter" has any stutter in it at all. Then he tried to turn around and claim "we all stutter from time to time". BULLSHIT. What we all do do from time to time is witness some witless hack desperately trying to contrive a false point on a subject he clearly knows NOTHING about. That's why he's limited to using the pseudonym "Poopy Fields" on an obscure blog; no one involved in legitimate writing would actually hire this idiot. And why he won't put a real name on this drivel is readily obvious. What you posted here is nothing more than cheap CLICK BAIT and you came running with your wallet out. Couldn't swipe your debit card fast enough to buy hook, line AND sinker. It's complete fucking bullshit, and when this is the level to which you have to stoop to serve your talking point Masters you're completely exposed for what you are.

I know god damn well what stuttering is and what it isn't. I grew up with a couple; one was my childhood best friend from age 5 and the other my own brother, who admittedly I didn't meet until I was all of one year old. I saw what they went through and what fucking morons like the hacks in this thread put them through for something they can't help. And there is no scale to measure my complete contempt for that level of sociopathic assholicity.

THIS is what a stutter looks like -- this is obviously overdone for comedic effect -- the actor here is a stutterer himself, deliberately overdoing it -- but you'll notice he's tripped up on consonants, not on words. And he's also able to get past the same consonant at different times; so much for the ignorant "a phrase or name he’s uttered a million times before":

Initial fricative and dental consonants. Not whole words. THAT is what James Earl Jones and Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill and Rowan Atkinson and Carly Simon and Ty Cobb and Robert A. Heinlein and King George VI and B.B. King and John Stossel went through. And guess who else -- Herschel Walker. Hope I catch your next post about what a waste of skin he is too, because Equal Opportunity Partisan Hackitude demands no less.

Now compare that sample to your YouTube "Obama Stuttering" BULLSHIT and essplain to the class how you can put your name on that post, let alone try to pass it off as "fully sourced".

And just to include Captain Obvious in here, ***ZERO POINT ZERO*** of PoopyPants' "fully sourced" material covers Joe Biden as a child.

FUCK outta here.
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If "guest post by Poopy Fields" were legitimate "research" it would be a legitimate news source.
It's a fucking blog, and not only a blog but one that the bloggerhost himself doesn't even want to put his own name on. It has all the veracity of a roomful of monkeys given typewriters. And it's voraciously ignorant of what stuttering is; it has nothing in the world to do with "a phrase or name he’s uttered a million times before". That's fucking bullshit, a desperate leap by a partisan hack. Anyone anywhere who's been around stuttering KNOWS it's made-up crapola.

And it IS NOT "fully sourced" AT ALL; it's ipse dixit claims that "hey I watched X number of hours of video and here's what I came up with". I've got 476 Maseratis idling in my driveway right now, because I say so -- that what you call "fully sourced"? FUCK outta here.

And then Poopy Pants underscores his own ignorance of the entire dynamic when he tries to claim O'bama had a stutter (and utterly fails to prove it), demonstrating his blatant void of knowledge of what a stutter is. It isn't getting hung up on a WORD repeatedly; it's getting hung up on an initial consonant or vowel. ZERO of anything he posted from, of all the "legitimate sources" out there, a freaking YouTube video that the clueless uploader mendaciously called "The Obama Stutter" has any stutter in it at all. Then he tried to turn around and claim "we all stutter from time to time". BULLSHIT. What we all do do from time to time is witness some witless hack desperately trying to contrive a false point on a subject he clearly knows NOTHING about. That's why he's limited to using the pseudonym "Poopy Fields" on an obscure blog; no one involved in legitimate writing would actually hire this idiot. And why he won't put a real name on this drivel is readily obvious. What you posted here is nothing more than cheap CLICK BAIT and you came running with your wallet out. Couldn't swipe your debit card fast enough to buy hook, line AND sinker. It's complete fucking bullshit, and when this is the level to which you have to stoop to serve your talking point Masters you're completely exposed for what you are.

I know god damn well what stuttering is and what it isn't. I grew up with a couple; one was my childhood best friend from age 5 and the other my own brother, who admittedly I didn't meet until I was all of one year old. I saw what they went through and what fucking morons like the hacks in this thread put them through for something they can't help. And there is no scale to measure my complete contempt for that level of sociopathic assholicity.

THIS is what a stutter looks like -- this is obviously overdone for comedic effect -- the actor here is a stutterer himself, deliberately overdoing it -- but you'll notice he's tripped up on consonants, not on words. And he's also able to get past the same consonant at different times; so much for the ignorant "a phrase or name he’s uttered a million times before":

Initial fricative and dental consonants. Not whole words. THAT is what James Earl Jones and Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill and Rowan Atkinson and Carly Simon and Ty Cobb and Robert A. Heinlein and King George VI and B.B. King and John Stossel went through. And guess who else -- Herschel Walker. Hope I catch your next post about what a waste of skin he is too, because Equal Opportunity Partisan Hackitude demands no less.

Now compare that sample to your YouTube "Obama Stuttering" BULLSHIT and essplain to the class how you can put your name on that post, let alone try to pass it off as "fully sourced".

And just to include Captain Obvious in here, ***ZERO POINT ZERO*** of PoopyPants' "fully sourced" material covers Joe Biden as a child.

FUCK outta here.

That's much better. It almost comes across as a multifaceted thoughtful critique.

Too bad it is ruined by panties in a wad and vulgarities.
That's much better. It almost comes across as a multifaceted thoughtful critique.

Too bad it is ruined by panties in a wad and vulgarities.
That's pretty close to what it's like for stuttering people. However, it's unlikely one who stuttered that bad would make it as a lawyer.
“He’s too old!” they’ll yell, about the preternaturally fit and energetic President Biden who works at an unceasing pace that staffers a fraction of his age can’t keep up with.

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