Does anyone regret not getting the mRNA vaccine?

Very few died from the shot. The overwhelming majority died from not have the shot.

How ironic is that?

The new covid mutant now brewing in Europe is supposed to be a real bastard.

Good luck to you when it gets here.
is that why excess deaths went up worldwide after the jab was given? is that why over 1000 athletes died? is that why their was a 5000% plus spike in miscarriages? is that why pericarditis is common now in young men? is that why 100% off all jabbed has long man made synthetic rubbery clots pulled out of them? is that why heart attacks have never been higher? is that why there was no flu deaths last 3 years since the jab? you do know that every single person who died of anything including cancers and car accidents were all marked as covid? you know the entire msm was paid off? all governments/drs/hospitals/clinics?
Very few died from the shot. The overwhelming majority died from not have the shot.

How ironic is that?

The new covid mutant now brewing in Europe is supposed to be a real bastard.

Good luck to you when it gets here.

Why deflect Junior? And the European mutant? No real surprise dufus, it’s what happens when you put out a leaky vaccine. And why I never took the stupid thing.
I got both the recommended shots. No adverse effects but I watch all my friends who also got the vaccine still get Covid -- something Resident Biden said would never happen
Every single person I know who got the shot got Covid anyway.
They lied about the effectiveness and then when called on it changed their tune to "you won't be as sick". Never mind the fact there is absolutely no way of knowing that without a control group.
Every single person I know who got the shot got Covid anyway.
They lied about the effectiveness and then when called on it changed their tune to "you won't be as sick". Never mind the fact there is absolutely no way of knowing that without a control group.
Many more millions are alive because they got the vax. Please don't take it, Petro.
Many more millions are alive because they got the vax. Please don't take it, Petro.
You have absolutely no way of knowing that without a control group.
No I am not taking it and already survived Covid as a minor 24 hour virus. Sorry if your gene lineage is poor.
Also, you must have missed or purposely ignored that I stated I caught covid from a fully vaccinated individual. We were also told that the vaccine would prevent the spread, until it also turned out to be a falsehood.
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Ok, dufus.

Oh wait, many who got the shot died from covid anyway.

Man, how ironic is that!
My New York state relatives are all vaxxed and boosted. Several have just contracted Covid AGAIN. What a joke, a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent the disease and gives you side effects like myocarditis and blood clots. It's very likely all of the athletes dying on the field is from Covid vaccine blood clots that broke loose and blocked a major artery.

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