CDZ Does anyone on here believe America has much of a future?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I really do not like being a pessimist...perhaps someone can put forth a persuasive argument regarding how America will get back on track and become once again a great nation?
I really do not like being a pessimist...perhaps someone can put forth a persuasive argument regarding how America will get back on track and become once again a great nation?
Nope. I think even with President Trump's best efforts the destruction is already done. He can prolong our future but its inevitable the country is headed towards a war of some kind...race war,civil war,coup..I don't really care what kind because I am looking forward to it.
I really do not like being a pessimist...perhaps someone can put forth a persuasive argument regarding how America will get back on track and become once again a great nation?
Of course it has a future. But the future is not for us. Why we demand it look or be a certain way is silly. People in the future deserve to have the say in it.
America is a great nation, whether it will be the world dominant country is the question. And whether the dollar stays the world reserve currency is also not certain. I think what is most likely is that over the next few decades America and China will emerge as some sort of odd partnership dominating the rest of the world. The debt worries me, we are rapidly getting to the point where we will have trouble paying interest on the debt. But we may be too big too fail in that regard so I think we'll be fine.
I think Trump was perhaps our last chance...and what do people do...turn Congress back over to the democrats.....unfriggin believable.

I think the only solution is for Trump to go ballistic....I mean like when we have so many that seem to think the only way to save America is to destroy it...aka obama....I will fundamentally change America.....then we must understand that is a declaration of War on America...anyone that does not see that is not being realistic.

The first that needs to be done right now....declare a National Emergency on our Southern Border...send the military....national guardsmen, reservists and even the regular army if needed.....we need lots of boots on the ground at the border to seal it up.

If the democrats are willing to keep the government shut down to avoid funding the wall....then we seal it up with military force.
America is a great nation, whether it will be the world dominant country is the question. And whether the dollar stays the world reserve currency is also not certain. I think what is most likely is that over the next few decades America and China will emerge as some sort of odd partnership dominating the rest of the world. The debt worries me, we are rapidly getting to the point where we will have trouble paying interest on the debt. But we may be too big too fail in that regard so I think we'll be fine.

Even if that all worked out the way you suggest....which I do not believe for one second....we still have a crap load of people that are little more than parasites...a very destructive group and not only for what they do but how they have become the running dogs for the radical democrats...letting the democrats use them to tear this nation apart.

America is ranked number 16 in the world regarding average intelligence. You cannot have a great nation with that many stupid people.

Anyone that does not get that.....check this out>>>>>

The correlation between national IQ and national income is very high.

A Few Thoughts on IQ and the Wealth of Nations | Articles
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The US will become weaker over time and slowly lose power, no surprise it's been going on with every super power since the dawn of the agricultural revolution...
I agree that America was on a dangerous trajectory before Trump won. I am optimistic that his unconventional approach to just about everything is exactly what America needed.

Our border needs help in all aspects, not just beefing up the physical wall. I also think we may have to send troops to Mexico's Southern border to let Central America know the bullshit is going to stop now.
The US will become weaker over time and slowly lose power, no surprise it's been going on with every super power since the dawn of the agricultural revolution...

I think that time is a lot shorter than most realize....look at what is going on in the S. China Sea.....China is at a crossroads....their military wants to use military force to dominate the S. China Sea....(most do not understand how the Chinese military works....I mean regarding their influence on their government....kinda like a branch of their government...unlike ours which is controlled by the government...theirs sometimes controls China...the Chinese Military leaders are almost like a state unto themselves...and their power is growing.....they are going to make a decision very soon regarding whether or not to exert their military power in that region or come to some sort of temporary accomodation and continue to build their power to the extent it will become so great and so dominant that no one will dare stand up to them.

The crucial political role of China’s military
I really do not like being a pessimist...perhaps someone can put forth a persuasive argument regarding how America will get back on track and become once again a great nation?
We weathered Reagan, we survived Bush one and two, we will get past tRump. America will be great again.
I think Trump was perhaps our last chance...and what do people do...turn Congress back over to the democrats.....unfriggin believable.
Most of the districts the Dims picked up for the House were either Clinton majority districts that had vulnerable moderates, or were redistricted by the courts, like in Pennsylvania.

Also, dont exagerate so much, as the Republicans gained 3 more seats for a stronger grip on the Senate, and some of those Democrat Senators are leary of alienating the Trump supporters in their own state, like Mancin.
The US will become weaker over time and slowly lose power, no surprise it's been going on with every super power since the dawn of the agricultural revolution...

I think that time is a lot shorter than most realize....look at what is going on in the S. China Sea.....China is at a crossroads....their military wants to use military force to dominate the S. China Sea....(most do not understand how the Chinese military works....I mean regarding their influence on their government....kinda like a branch of their government...unlike ours which is controlled by the government...theirs sometimes controls China...the Chinese Military leaders are almost like a state unto themselves...and their power is growing.....they are going to make a decision very soon regarding whether or not to exert their military power in that region or come to some sort of temporary accomodation and continue to build their power to the extent it will become so great and so dominant that no one will dare stand up to them.

The crucial political role of China’s military

If the Chicoms dont start a war somewhere, my biggest bet in that category is war with Russia, then they are doomed to a Civil War as a growing underclass of businessmen begin to demand more say in the government while having no womenly relationnships to moderate their actions.
I think the USA will quite plausibly amiably divide into blue and red versions of the nation. We cant even talk to each other any more and that is hacking at our 'ties that bind' egregiously.

So I think we will possibly split up much like this map.


The Red states will mostly stay together, but blue states will have difficulty doing the same with red rural areas, so I suspect most blue states will split except in New England.
Of course the US has a future, but her best days are behind her. That is the inevitable result of intentionally making the voting population both dumber and poorer in general.

We the people have allowed the very thing that frightened our founding fathers the most, a ruling class.

I'll say something controversial here. BOTH sides should applaud the appearance of both Trump and AOC, not because we agree with the ideas of one or the other but because both in their own way want to break the system we have allowed to form over the years.

Anyone who thinks that Chuck Shcumer, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConell, or any of the other myriad bastards currently in Congress give more of a shit about them than "the other side" is a fool.

I may not agree with AOC's policy desires, but I applaud her for recognizing that something is broken and being willing to fight for what she thinks is right. Same with Trump, I'm not always in agreement with him that's for sure, but I do believe he recognizes that DC is broken and killing our country, and wants to try something different.

And that my friends was the real difference between Republicans and Democrats in 2016, Republican voters woke up and said "no more of the same old, we have to do something now" Democrat voters simply voted for more of the same.
I really do not like being a pessimist...perhaps someone can put forth a persuasive argument regarding how America will get back on track and become once again a great nation?
Nope. I think even with President Trump's best efforts the destruction is already done. He can prolong our future but its inevitable the country is headed towards a war of some kind...race war,civil war,coup..I don't really care what kind because I am looking forward to it.
Yes because people like you have been pushed to the fringe and can be safely ignored. The political pendulum will swing back to the middle as it always does.

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