Does anyone honestly believe?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
That spending Trillions of dollars that we don't have is going to be good for our nation in the long run?

I just don't see how we can be doing anything but lying to ourselves by thinking this overwhelming debt is a good thing. This is not a thread to cast blame at people or parties. I want to know what you honestly think about this problem. I don't want deflections about "Oh Bush spent this..." or "Obama spent that..."

Let's please not get distracted with that bullcrap and do something deal with the real problem of our psychotic spending and increasing debt.
Yes the Liberals here actually believe that Obama can spend us to prosperity. Jillian and others have actually SAID so.

When questioned on why it was bad for Bush to double the deficit in 8 years but ok to triple it in 4 the response universally was that Obama was spending the money in the States so that was good not bad.
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I don't know that the Republicans have much better ideas here.
That spending Trillions of dollars that we don't have is going to be good for our nation in the long run?

I just don't see how we can be doing anything but lying to ourselves by thinking this overwhelming debt is a good thing. This is not a thread to cast blame at people or parties. I want to know what you honestly think about this problem. I don't want deflections about "Oh Bush spent this..." or "Obama spent that..."

Let's please not get distracted with that bullcrap and do something deal with the real problem of our psychotic spending and increasing debt.

No. WHY Dubya and Dick got us involved in the invasion of Iraq was a HORRIBLE mistake. They spent my grandchildren's money for NOTHING!
At some point, we either have to pay it back, or default.

Of the two, default seems the most realistic option, because we have proven that we do not have the stomach to stop spending money we do not have.

The answer is obvious, but the solution is clouded by the pain and suffering it will necessitate (by actually living within our means).
I think it is okay to use deficit spending only when there's a declared war.

"What was the tax structure that we paid for WW2 with? Time to put that back into place." As a fan of classic movies, seeing the push selling War Bonds during that era was quite interesting as was the sacrifices being made by the entire nation and not just by those in the military and their immediate family.
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Yes the Liberals here actually believe that Obama can spend us to prosperity. Jillian and others have actually SAID so.

When questioned on why it was bad for Bush to double the deficit in 8 years but ok to triple it in 4 the response universally was that Obama was spending the money in the States so that was good not bad.

you are messing up words rgs,,,president bush Doubled THE NATIONAL DEBT not the deficit....we had no deficit when clinton left office, we carried a surplus....

so pres bush took the $5.6 trillion of our country's accumulated national debt and doubled it to $11 trillion when he left office.

saying that obama will tripple what bush did in 8 years, in 4 years means that our national debt will be $33 trillion in 2012 and THAT my dear, is simply NOT TRUE.....not even close to be true.....and also absolutely IMPOSSIBLE....

the last year of bush's fiscal term, he ended with a $1.5 trillion deficit and obama is on track to reduce this deficit from $1.5 trillion to about 750 billion in deficit by 2012's budget....according to all the charts i have seen from Right wingers on this....that means he's reducing the deficit of the bush administration by 50% in 4 years, NOT tripling it!

That spending Trillions of dollars that we don't have is going to be good for our nation in the long run?

I just don't see how we can be doing anything but lying to ourselves by thinking this overwhelming debt is a good thing. This is not a thread to cast blame at people or parties. I want to know what you honestly think about this problem. I don't want deflections about "Oh Bush spent this..." or "Obama spent that..."

Let's please not get distracted with that bullcrap and do something deal with the real problem of our psychotic spending and increasing debt.

The spending is not a good thing, and it will come to a head, it has too. It's been coming for a couple generations but the last and current administrations have taken it all to a new, and critical level.

Anyone arguing that more debt is what we need are either:
  • A) Filling the pockets of their friends and themselves knowing it's unsustainable.
  • B) Going to be caught pissing into the wind.
you are messing up words rgs,,,president bush Doubled THE NATIONAL DEBT not the deficit....we had no deficit when clinton left office, we carried a surplus....

No we didn't, really. The Congress borrowed from intragovernmental holdings (Social Security, etc) in order to balance the budget. Had the economy remained at its constant rate of growth then we would have ended up in surplus eventually, but the dot com bubble burst and then 9-11 happened. The whole alleged surplus was just a shell game of moving money around and future projections.

so pres bush took the $5.6 trillion of our country's accumulated national debt and doubled it to $11 trillion when he left office.

saying that obama will tripple what bush did in 8 years, in 4 years means that our national debt will be $33 trillion in 2012 and THAT my dear, is simply NOT TRUE.....not even close to be true.....and also absolutely IMPOSSIBLE....

the last year of bush's fiscal term, he ended with a $1.5 trillion deficit and obama is on track to reduce this deficit from $1.5 trillion to about 750 billion in deficit by 2012's budget....according to all the charts i have seen from Right wingers on this....that means he's reducing the deficit of the bush administration by 50% in 4 years, NOT tripling it!

The Obama administration has already added a 1/3 of the debt that Bush did in his entire eight years in less than two. You speak as if having a $750 billion deficit in 2012 and trillion dollar deficits prior to that is a good thing. Bush's highest deficit ever doesn't even come close to these figures and the Democrats ran on castigating Bush over he and his party's spending. They lied. What a shock.

But, I'm not really here to argue over who is better or worse and give a pass to one president while hammering the other for doing exactly the same thing just because I may like one of them better than the other, as you appear to be doing. Both Bush and Obama and both the Republican and Democrat parties have behaved recklessly with our money and it is slowly strangling this nation to death. With $13 trillion in debt, any budget deficit period is unacceptable. Deficits at the level we are seeing are unconscionable. The American people should demand a balanced budget.
you are messing up words rgs,,,president bush Doubled THE NATIONAL DEBT not the deficit....we had no deficit when clinton left office, we carried a surplus....

No we didn't, really. The Congress borrowed from intragovernmental holdings (Social Security, etc) in order to balance the budget. Had the economy remained at its constant rate of growth then we would have ended up in surplus eventually, but the dot com bubble burst and then 9-11 happened. The whole alleged surplus was just a shell game of moving money around and future projections.

congress used SS surplus money to balance the Budget PER president bush used SS surplus money to pay for his budgets(he used about $2.5 trillion in SS surplus money for his budget spending) and all presidents before clinton/bush used ss surplus monies since Reagan doubled our SS taxes to take in these surpluses of SS in revenues. this money of SS surplus, IS the intragovernmental debt that you see...

btw, if it was all a sham....WHY DID THE REPUBLICANS use this ''sham'' of a $5.6 million dollar projected surplus using the SS surplus, as the EXCUSE to give big tax breaks to the wealthiest, who do not even pay any SS in the first place?

so pres bush took the $5.6 trillion of our country's accumulated national debt and doubled it to $11 trillion when he left office.

saying that obama will tripple what bush did in 8 years, in 4 years means that our national debt will be $33 trillion in 2012 and THAT my dear, is simply NOT TRUE.....not even close to be true.....and also absolutely IMPOSSIBLE....

the last year of bush's fiscal term, he ended with a $1.5 trillion deficit and obama is on track to reduce this deficit from $1.5 trillion to about 750 billion in deficit by 2012's budget....according to all the charts i have seen from Right wingers on this....that means he's reducing the deficit of the bush administration by 50% in 4 years, NOT tripling it!

The Obama administration has already added a 1/3 of the debt that Bush did in his entire eight years in less than two. You speak as if having a $750 billion deficit in 2012 and trillion dollar deficits prior to that is a good thing. Bush's highest deficit ever doesn't even come close to these figures and the Democrats ran on castigating Bush over he and his party's spending. They lied. What a shock.

fiscal 2009, ending sept 30, 2009 is president bush's deficit....the $1.5 trillion deficit is attributed to president bush's last year in office. Obama has not completed 1 year yet, of his first fiscal budget, which will end this year, sept 30th for 2010.

the bush administration used trillions in SS surplus to balance his budgets.

THERE ARE NO MORE SS surplusses for the Obama administration to use...we are no longer collecting hundreds of billions in SS surplus money, so our deficits, no matter who is in office, even if with mccain, would still be this large.

in addition, more boomers retiring, not paying taxes, and more people unemployed-not paying taxes, means our REVENUE COLLECTION IS DOWN, much lower than under bush, so collecting less in taxes will automatically raise the deficit, even if spending has not increased.

But, I'm not really here to argue over who is better or worse and give a pass to one president while hammering the other for doing exactly the same thing just because I may like one of them better than the other, as you appear to be doing. Both Bush and Obama and both the Republican and Democrat parties have behaved recklessly with our money and it is slowly strangling this nation to death. With $13 trillion in debt, any budget deficit period is unacceptable. Deficits at the level we are seeing are unconscionable. The American people should demand a balanced budget.
I DID NOT vote or support voting for Obama....i am on record of such, from before the election....i was and am a Hillary supporter....that just could NOT make the jump.

I agree with everything you have said about the budget....but realistically, 8 years of growing it, will take at least 8 years to get it back down, especially during a great recession, with much less in revenues coming in and with more boomers collecting money vs paying money in taxes.

we have an incredible task in front of us and no matter who is president, that task gets no smaller! :eek:

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you are messing up words rgs,,,president bush Doubled THE NATIONAL DEBT not the deficit....we had no deficit when clinton left office, we carried a surplus....

No we didn't, really. The Congress borrowed from intragovernmental holdings (Social Security, etc) in order to balance the budget. Had the economy remained at its constant rate of growth then we would have ended up in surplus eventually, but the dot com bubble burst and then 9-11 happened. The whole alleged surplus was just a shell game of moving money around and future projections.

congress used SS surplus money to balance the Budget PER president bush used SS surplus money to pay for his budgets(he used about $2.5 trillion in SS surplus money for his budget spending) and all presidents before clinton/bush used ss surplus monies since Reagan doubled our SS taxes to take in these surpluses of SS in revenues. this money of SS surplus, IS the intragovernmental debt that you see...

btw, if it was all a sham....WHY DID THE REPUBLICANS use this ''sham'' of a $5.6 million dollar projected surplus using the SS surplus, as the EXCUSE to give big tax breaks to the wealthiest, who do not even pay any SS in the first place?

so pres bush took the $5.6 trillion of our country's accumulated national debt and doubled it to $11 trillion when he left office.

saying that obama will tripple what bush did in 8 years, in 4 years means that our national debt will be $33 trillion in 2012 and THAT my dear, is simply NOT TRUE.....not even close to be true.....and also absolutely IMPOSSIBLE....

the last year of bush's fiscal term, he ended with a $1.5 trillion deficit and obama is on track to reduce this deficit from $1.5 trillion to about 750 billion in deficit by 2012's budget....according to all the charts i have seen from Right wingers on this....that means he's reducing the deficit of the bush administration by 50% in 4 years, NOT tripling it!

The Obama administration has already added a 1/3 of the debt that Bush did in his entire eight years in less than two. You speak as if having a $750 billion deficit in 2012 and trillion dollar deficits prior to that is a good thing. Bush's highest deficit ever doesn't even come close to these figures and the Democrats ran on castigating Bush over he and his party's spending. They lied. What a shock.

fiscal 2009, ending sept 30, 2009 is president bush's deficit....the $1.5 trillion deficit is attributed to president bush's last year in office. Obama has not completed 1 year yet, of his first fiscal budget, which will end this year, sept 30th for 2010.

the bush administration used trillions in SS surplus to balance his budgets.

THERE ARE NO MORE SS surplusses for the Obama administration to use...we are no longer collecting hundreds of billions in SS surplus money, so our deficits, no matter who is in office, even if with mccain, would still be this large.

in addition, more boomers retiring, not paying taxes, and more people unemployed-not paying taxes, means our REVENUE COLLECTION IS DOWN, much lower than under bush, so collecting less in taxes will automatically raise the deficit, even if spending has not increased.

But, I'm not really here to argue over who is better or worse and give a pass to one president while hammering the other for doing exactly the same thing just because I may like one of them better than the other, as you appear to be doing. Both Bush and Obama and both the Republican and Democrat parties have behaved recklessly with our money and it is slowly strangling this nation to death. With $13 trillion in debt, any budget deficit period is unacceptable. Deficits at the level we are seeing are unconscionable. The American people should demand a balanced budget.
I DID NOT vote or support voting for Obama....i am on record of such, from before the election....i was and am a Hillary supporter....that just could NOT make the jump.

I agree with everything you have said about the budget....but realistically, 8 years of growing it, will take at least 8 years to get it back down, especially during a great recession, with much less in revenues coming in and with more boomers collecting money vs paying money in taxes.

we have an incredible task in front of us and no matter who is president, that task gets no smaller! :eek:


I could get it back on track within 8 days if you gave me a group of several people who actually wanted to fix the problem.
No we didn't, really. The Congress borrowed from intragovernmental holdings (Social Security, etc) in order to balance the budget. Had the economy remained at its constant rate of growth then we would have ended up in surplus eventually, but the dot com bubble burst and then 9-11 happened. The whole alleged surplus was just a shell game of moving money around and future projections.

congress used SS surplus money to balance the Budget PER president bush used SS surplus money to pay for his budgets(he used about $2.5 trillion in SS surplus money for his budget spending) and all presidents before clinton/bush used ss surplus monies since Reagan doubled our SS taxes to take in these surpluses of SS in revenues. this money of SS surplus, IS the intragovernmental debt that you see...

btw, if it was all a sham....WHY DID THE REPUBLICANS use this ''sham'' of a $5.6 million dollar projected surplus using the SS surplus, as the EXCUSE to give big tax breaks to the wealthiest, who do not even pay any SS in the first place?

The Obama administration has already added a 1/3 of the debt that Bush did in his entire eight years in less than two. You speak as if having a $750 billion deficit in 2012 and trillion dollar deficits prior to that is a good thing. Bush's highest deficit ever doesn't even come close to these figures and the Democrats ran on castigating Bush over he and his party's spending. They lied. What a shock.

fiscal 2009, ending sept 30, 2009 is president bush's deficit....the $1.5 trillion deficit is attributed to president bush's last year in office. Obama has not completed 1 year yet, of his first fiscal budget, which will end this year, sept 30th for 2010.

the bush administration used trillions in SS surplus to balance his budgets.

THERE ARE NO MORE SS surplusses for the Obama administration to use...we are no longer collecting hundreds of billions in SS surplus money, so our deficits, no matter who is in office, even if with mccain, would still be this large.

in addition, more boomers retiring, not paying taxes, and more people unemployed-not paying taxes, means our REVENUE COLLECTION IS DOWN, much lower than under bush, so collecting less in taxes will automatically raise the deficit, even if spending has not increased.

But, I'm not really here to argue over who is better or worse and give a pass to one president while hammering the other for doing exactly the same thing just because I may like one of them better than the other, as you appear to be doing. Both Bush and Obama and both the Republican and Democrat parties have behaved recklessly with our money and it is slowly strangling this nation to death. With $13 trillion in debt, any budget deficit period is unacceptable. Deficits at the level we are seeing are unconscionable. The American people should demand a balanced budget.
I DID NOT vote or support voting for Obama....i am on record of such, from before the election....i was and am a Hillary supporter....that just could NOT make the jump.

I agree with everything you have said about the budget....but realistically, 8 years of growing it, will take at least 8 years to get it back down, especially during a great recession, with much less in revenues coming in and with more boomers collecting money vs paying money in taxes.

we have an incredible task in front of us and no matter who is president, that task gets no smaller! :eek:


I could get it back on track within 8 days if you gave me a group of several people who actually wanted to fix the problem.

I think I could too! problem is we got a hundred senators and 500 plus something representatives that ALL have their hands in it, and a vote that counts....:(
Things started falling apart on '06 when the Dems took control. Bush, an actual bilateralist unlike the faker in office now, bent over backwards to work with them, getting blamed for their failures as a result.
late 2006 was the housing bubble peak, it has been downhill since that.... but go ahead and take the partisan route!
late 2006 was the housing bubble peak, it has been downhill since that.... but go ahead and take the partisan route!

Dems took control in Jan 07, right? Nothing partisan here. Bush was complicit in signing on to their policies. He appointed Bernanke, who has been a disaster. Show where any of that is wrong.
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STOP FREAKING BLAMING THE OTHER PARTY. It's not going to solve the problem.

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